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Online:Companions Achievements

< Elder Scrolls Online: Achievements: DLC Achievements


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Companion Compatibility 50 Complete a variety of tasks with a Companion.
   Seasoned Friendship 15 Adventure with any Companion.
   Fashionable Friend 5 Customize the outfit of any Companion.
   Share the Wealth 10 Equip a Companion with a piece of Epic Quality gear.
   Room for Two 15 Place a Companion houseguest in a house.
   Comrade's Steed 5 Change the mount of a Companion and then mount up beside them.
   A Friend to All 50 Gain the favor of Bastian Hallix and Mirri Elendis.
   Brother-in-Arms 15 Gain Bastian's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Bastian's Julianos Medallion
   Bastian's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Bastian Hallix.
   Bastian's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Bastian Hallix by completing specific tasks at his side.
   Treasured Comrade 15 Gain Mirri's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Ancient Anticipations Idol
   Mirri's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Mirri Elendis.
   Mirri's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Mirri Elendis by completing specific tasks at her side.

High IsleEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Candies and Cutpurses 50 Gain favor with both Ember and Isobel Veloise.
   Ember's Gang 15 Gain Ember's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Luxury Thieves Tools
   Ember's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Ember.
   Ember's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Ember by completing specific tasks at their side.
   A Knight's Best Friend 15 Gain Isobel's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Stendarr's Sweets Vault
   Isobel's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Isobel Veloise.
   Isobel's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Isobel Veloise by completing specific tasks at their side.


Achievement Points Description Reward
   Mercenaries and Metamagic 50 Gain favor with both Sharp-as-Night and Azandar al-Cybiades.
   Darkest Before the Dawn 15 Gain Sharp-as-Night's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Sharp's Handmade Fishing Lure
   Sharp's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Sharp-as-Night.
   Sharp's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Sharp by completing specific tasks at their side.
   The Consummate Cohort 15 Gain Azandar's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Abyssal Tea Set
   Azandar's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Azandar al-Cybiades.
   Azandar's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Azandar by completing specific tasks at their side.

Crown StoreEdit

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Spies and Spirits 50 Gain favor with both Tanlorin and Zerith-var.
   A Bloom on the Horizon 15 Gain Tanlorin's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Garland Ring Humming Pick
   Tanlorin's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Tanlorin.
   Tanlorin's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Tanlorin by completing specific tasks at their side.
   The Twilight Path 15 Gain Zerith-var's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Ja'kh's Bell of Bounty
   Zerith-var's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Zerith-var.
   Zerith-var's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Zerith-var by completing specific tasks at their side.