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Online:Covenant Guard (Cyrodiil)

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

This article is about the PvP guards. For the members of the Tamriel Guard located in PvE zones, see Covenant Guard.

Covenant Guard (Cyrodiil)
Location Covenant-controlled resources, keeps and districts in Cyrodiil
Race Breton, Orc, or Redguard Gender Varies
Health 79,918 (no-CP)
87,910 (no-CP Heartier Guards)
108,744 (CP)
119,618 (CP Heartier Guards)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction FriendlyDaggerfall Covenant .
HostileAldmeri Dominion .Ebonheart Pact .
Other Information
Faction(s) Daggerfall Covenant
Covenant Guard (Cyrodiil)

Covenant Guards are guards that can be found patrolling near the flags of Covenant-controlled resources and keeps in Cyrodiil. They also appear at the Scroll Temple of Alma Ruma and the Scroll Temple of Ni-Mohk, as well as their respective gates. They used to wear race-specific heavy armor, but began wearing Daggerfall Covenant-style armor after the Elsweyr Chapter was released. They carry a sword and shield.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As alliance guards, the Guards benefit from Keep and Resource upgrades. Despite being champion-rank enemies, they are vulnerable to crowd control.

Quick Strike
Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage
Bleeding Strike
Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage and applying "Bleeding", which deals extremely minor bleed damage over time.
The Guard casts a Puncture-like ability on a target, dealing minor physical damage.
Razor Armor
The Guard casts a Razor Armor-like ability which gives them damage reduction and deals back extremely minor physical damage to melee attackers.
The Guard blocks with their shield for a moment, greatly reducing their damage taken. If you make a melee heavy-attack against a blocking Guard, you will be staggered then set off-balance.
Cyrodiil Guard See Stealth
Passive which makes the Guard see through stealth near them.


  • The Upgrade Guard Abilities keep upgrade actually does not change any of the Guards abilities.
  • Guards will appear as base-rank NPCs if you are of the same alliance.