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Online:Crown Store/Dyes

< Online:Crown Store

These dyes are single-use consumables that can be used on Costumes. Dyes rotate through the store weekly, according to the following rotation:

First FrostForestNecroticShadowsAutumnHarvestWitchesHoarfrostAlchemicalObliviousMercifulFrostedMistyDarkeningElegiacMagnanimousGoldenMoltenRadiantMetallicSanguinaryBlushingPassionateFlourishingSeedlingSproutingBurgeoningSpringLordlyInsectileBlossomingRainingFledglingEuphoricPastelIntenseOpaqueCeruleanCoastalOceanicCloudyUnfetteredTorridSaucySunnyRustyNuptialDuskyDarklingDawningRipeVivid

For a schedule of past and upcoming dates for dye stamp themes, see: Schedule.

In addition, a number of Holiday dyes may become available during certain events and Monochrome, Darkheart dyes in Crown Crates.

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Birch and Blue.png Unfettered: Birch and Blue 0005050 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Indoril Blue", and "Wolf's Fur Brown".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Blue and Proud.png Unfettered: Blue and Proud 00100100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Strangler Maw Red", and "Birch White".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Blue Harpoon.png Unfettered: Blue Harpoon 0005050 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Birch WhiteBirch White
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Birch White", and "Wolf's Fur Brown".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Blue Steel.png Unfettered: Blue Steel 0007575 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Windhelm SteelWindhelm Steel
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Windhelm Steel", and "Birch White".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Blue Till Midnight.png Unfettered: Blue Till Midnight 0007575 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Strangler Maw Red", and "Obsidian Black".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Bright Bunting.png Unfettered: Bright Bunting 00100100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Strangler Maw Red", "Indoril Blue", and "Birch White".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Cobalt and Wood.png Unfettered: Cobalt and Wood 0005050 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown
Raw Hide TanRaw Hide Tan

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Wolf's Fur Brown", and "Raw Hide Tan".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Crimson Liberation.png Unfettered: Crimson Liberation 0005050 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Raw Hide TanRaw Hide Tan
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue

Contains the colors "Strangler Maw Red", "Raw Hide Tan", and "Indoril Blue".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Ivory, Blue, and Crimson.png Unfettered: Ivory, Blue, and Crimson 00100100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Indoril Blue", and "Strangler Maw Red".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Light and Get Away.png Unfettered: Light and Get Away 0007575 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Windhelm SteelWindhelm Steel

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Strangler Maw Red", and "Windhelm Steel".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Lilies Red and Blue.png Unfettered: Lilies Red and Blue 0005050 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Raw Hide TanRaw Hide Tan

Contains the colors "Strangler Maw Red", "Indoril Blue", and "Raw Hide Tan".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Nighttime Jubilee.png Unfettered: Nighttime Jubilee 0007575 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Obsidian Black", and "Strangler Maw Red".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Patriot's Blood.png Unfettered: Patriot's Blood 0007575 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black
Birch WhiteBirch White

Contains the colors "Strangler Maw Red", "Obsidian Black", and "Birch White".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Scarlet and Birchbark.png Unfettered: Scarlet and Birchbark 0007575 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Birch WhiteBirch White
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black

Contains the colors "Strangler Maw Red", "Birch White", and "Obsidian Black".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Starlight and Fire.png Unfettered: Starlight and Fire 00100100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Strangler Maw Red", and "Indoril Blue".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Tri-Color Banner.png Unfettered: Tri-Color Banner 00100100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red
Birch WhiteBirch White
Indoril BlueIndoril Blue

Contains the colors "Strangler Maw Red", "Birch White", and "Indoril Blue".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered Uniform Blue.png Unfettered: Uniform Blue 00100100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Indoril BlueIndoril Blue
Birch WhiteBirch White
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red

Contains the colors "Indoril Blue", "Birch White", and "Strangler Maw Red".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Unfettered White and Chocolate.png Unfettered: White and Chocolate 0005050 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Birch WhiteBirch White
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown
Strangler Maw RedStrangler Maw Red

Contains the colors "Birch White", "Wolf's Fur Brown", and "Strangler Maw Red".
Unfettered Week
5 July 2018
28 June 2018
6 July 2017
29 June 2017