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Home City Fargrave
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Gleaners of Aurbis

Dahliah is a Redguard member of the Gleaners of Aurbis who can be found in Fargrave.

Related QuestsEdit


If you talk to her before the quest, she'll say:

"Hey, don't talk to me! I'm in hiding!"

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You have the option of speaking with her after picking up the task from Luna Beriel:

"You're the new adventurer the Gleaners are talking about, right? The one who's taken on a lot of difficult jobs?
I'm flattered, of course, but why are you talking to me? And nobody followed you here, did they?"
Are you the person who told Luna Beriel about the goods left in the Shambles?
"Is that what this is about? Look, I just saw shipments lying at the drop sites. No one touched them while I was there.
Not sure if that's still the case, so if you plan to acquire them for the Gleaners, you better hurry."
Why the rush?
"They hired you and you don't know about the Shambles? It's not the safest place to visit in Fargrave, that's for sure. And it's full of rival gangs. If the Errants don't find those shipments, then the Vanquished or the Invisible Web sure will."
If goods aren't safe in the Shambles, why use those drop sites?
"Because the Shambles is beyond the Grasp of the Grasp. The Stricture Guards rarely go there. Most business of the sort the Gleaners are involved in takes place in the Shambles.
Danger is the price of doing business, right?"
Luna said you were trying to keep a low profile.
"Look, I'm not a Gleaner. At best, I'm an occasional informant. So I don't have the protection of their organization to back me up.
I may have let slip something I wasn't supposed to and the interested party may have heard. So, yeah, I'm hiding."