Disciple Tafa at-Makela | |||
Home Settlement | Leki's Blade | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Disciple Tafa at-Makela is a Redguard who can be found in Leki's Blade. You can initially find her just inside the southern gate. Her full official title, as seen from her shield, is "Master Tafa of the Stalwart Shield".
Related QuestsEdit
- Master of Leki's Blade: Investigate the shadow hanging over Leki's Blade.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
If you've begun the quest with any of the Leki's Disciples, she'll greet you:
- "Your potential is obvious. I can see you've handled challenges before. Welcome to our school, recruit.
Are you here to prove yourself, as have so many others before you?" - How would I prove myself?
- "Students prove themselves through the art of battle. Any fool can win a duel, but a master knows who will challenge her, and where it will occur.
You must think as the masters did. Learn not just how they fought, but when, and why." - Why would your students need experience?
- "It is a delicate matter. I am unsure how to say this, but something is amiss. I need someone who can recognize signs of danger to help me.
The training is important, but so are the lives of our students, and they are somehow threatened." - Threatened? By what?
- "A shadow. My own senses are overwhelmed by the signs, such that I can no longer see the direction from which the danger arises.
You can serve as my eyes and ears, with a clear head."
- "A shadow. My own senses are overwhelmed by the signs, such that I can no longer see the direction from which the danger arises.
- I will help you. / I can do that.
- "Many have said it before you. But you cannot hold a sword at this school until you learn the most important lesson: the one of history.
Speak to Smith Nabeenam and answer his riddles. He works at the forge. When he is satisfied, we shall talk again."
- "Many have said it before you. But you cannot hold a sword at this school until you learn the most important lesson: the one of history.
If you haven't started the quest, she'll greet you with:
- "New students arrive each day it seems."
If you speak to Tafa first and start the quest with her, instead she'll say:
- "You're no raw recruit. I can see you've handled challenges before.
We could use a student with experience, if you have time to study with us." - What do you teach?
- "We teach the way of fighting. Any fool can win a duel. Only a master knows who will challenge her and where it will occur.
You must learn to think as the masters did. Learn not just how they fought, but when and why." - I think I can do that.
- "So many have said before you. But before you hold a sword at this school, you must learn the most important lesson. The one of history.
Speak to Smith Nabeenam and answer his riddles. You'll find him working the forge. After he is satisfied, we shall talk." - Then I'll go talk to him.
Speaking to her again before going to Smith Nabeenam:
- "Even with your experience, until you have spoken to Smith Nabeenam, no master of blades will teach you.
It is our tradition. You will find we hold many such traditions here." - Why do you need someone with experience?
- "It is a delicate matter. I am unsure how to say this, but something is amiss. I need someone who can recognize signs of danger to help me.
The training is important, but so are the lives of our students, and they are somehow threatened." - Threatened? By what?
- "A shadow. My own senses are overwhelmed by the signs, such that I can no longer see the direction from which the danger arises.
You can serve as my eyes and ears, with a clear head." - I'll do that.
- "Thank you. Now, as any other student must, please speak with Smith Nabeenam at the forge.
We will speak again."
After leaving Master Fadalia at the tower, she and Disciple Raifa af-Haba will be waiting at the bottom of the stairs:
- "Did you speak to Master Fadalia?"
- Yes, but not about what you think. She asked me to tell you she's a vampire.
- "What? You mustn't jest of such things! What did she say, truly?
But your manner shows no deceit. How … how did this happen?" - It was Master Ahram Sesnit. She's asked me to kill him.
- "Now I know you lie, for he's been dead for almost a century! Yet, the legends never did speak of his death ….
Sep take you! I won't hear another word! Begone, and I will wait for Master Fadalia to tell me the truth of it!"
Speaking to her again:
- "I've had enough of your accusations, outsider! I'll hear nothing more until I speak with Master Fadalia."
Defeat Ahram, and come back up to the graveyard and you'll find Tafa and the others:
- "And so it comes to an end, with all of us gathered together at the last.
The student. The disciples. The master. And an arbiter!" - What should Master Fadalia's fate be?
- "Since your revelation, I've been in torment.
Master Fadalia always put the school first. When provisions run low, she goes without. When new weapons arrive, she tests them herself, lest the students be hurt by imperfect blades." - You believe she should live?
- "No! No, one such as she must die. For her lies, for her traitorous actions. She behaved without honor through these past months, hiding this shame from everyone.
Clemency is not for one such as her. And yet … I will miss her guidance."
If you decided to spare Fadalia, the following scene will play out:
- Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "Fadalia, your life is spared. Leave, and never return.
- Master Fadalia : "No … I must pay for my crimes. I cannot live with this shame.
- Disciple Tafa at-Makela : "An outsider pardons this traitor? I will have no part of it!
- Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "Remember the master's riddle! Bow, and accept your exile with honor.
- Master Fadalia : "I … forgive me. This is my duty. I accept it gladly.
- Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "Ever shall you scour the sands, and protect our people. So it is written.
- Disciple Raifa af-Haba : "Master … be at ease. I will protect the school in your place."
If you decided Fadalia should die, the following scene will play out:
- Master Fadalia : "My fate is sealed. I accept your judgement."
- Disciple Raifa af-Haba : "This is madness! She only did this to help!"
- <Raifa will walk out, unable to watch his master kill herself.>
- Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "The curse is lifted. Go in peace."
- <Master Fadalia kills herself>
- Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "I am sorry, Tafa."
- <Tafa will walk over to her master's body and pray for her soul.>
- Disciple Tafa at-Makela : "Be at peace, friend. I will watch over the school."
If you decided to let Fadalia go free, she'll only remark:
- "And now, we must be vigilant against the old master, who knows our secrets and our ways.
If I see her again, I will gladly fight her to her death, for the honor of Leki's Blade."
If you let Fadalia kill herself, she will help watch over the school:
- "It pains me to see my master brought low by that fiend, but I know in my heart that this is what must be.
Thank you for making the hard decision. It was right and just." - Will you be taking over the school, then?
- "If that is what I must do, then I shoulder that burden gladly."
- What will happen to Leki's Blade?
- "It will go on, as it always has. Except now we can say without hesitation that we follow the just path, no matter the hardships.
The old masters would have been proud."
If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will say:
- "It pains me to see my master brought low by that fiend, but I know in my heart that this is what must be.
Thank you for making the hard decision. It was right and just." - What will happen to Leki's Blade? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
After the quest if you let Fadalia commit ritual suicide:
- "It had to be done. It had to!
And yet, my heart is heavy. The old master taught me so much. I grieve for what's happened. I would have rather defeated her to win any post than take over the school this way."