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Online:Lord Ahram Sesnit

< Elder Scrolls Online: People(Redirected from Online:Master Ahram Sesnit)
Lord Ahram Sesnit
HomeĀ Settlement Leki's Blade
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 30430 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Thundermaul
Other Information
Condition Vampire
Lord Ahram Sesnit

Lord Ahram Sesnit was a famed Redguard warrior and the founder of the swordmanship school of Leki's Blade. His followers, who believed he had long been dead, were surprised to discover that he achieved immortality as a vampire.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Thunder Hammer
The enemy swings and shocks the ground in front of it as indicated by a red cone. This attack does moderate shock damage and can be avoided by moving out of the red cone. Blocking will also reduce damage done.
Shock Aura
The enemy shocks the ground around itself as indicated by a red circle. This attack does moderate shock damage and can be interrupted to knock the enemy off balance or simply avoided.
Lightning Form
Thundermaul casts Lightning Form on itself, reducing its damage taken while creating small areas under the target which after a small delay deal shock damage.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Gather the relics and return to the tower. You'll witness the following:

Master Ahram Sesnit: "Another fine batch of flesh! Fadalia, you've done well."
Master Fadalia: "I beg you, stop this madness!"
Master Ahram Sesnit: "Don't be weak. Now stand aside, for I wish to feed."
Master Fadalia: "No! I cannot allow this to go on!"
<Master Ahram will rush at Fadalia who will cower.>
Master Ahram Sesnit: "Fool! Then I will take your blood myself!"
<He will laugh evilly before disappearing.>

Later, when entering his crypt, he'll mock you:

Lord Ahram Sesnit: "The fools haven't the strength to face me, so they send an outsider? Pitiful."

The during the battle, he'll continue:

Lord Ahram Sesnit: "I'll enjoy adding your skull to my collection!"
Lord Ahram Sesnit: "I have achieved immortality!"

Then, upon defeat:

Lord Ahram Sesnit: "This ā€¦ can't be!"


  • Multiple NPCs at Leki's Blade erroneously refer to him as "Ahtar" instead of "Ahram".