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Online:Disciple of Aspiration

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Disciple of Aspiration
Location Leyawiin Castle Courtyard
Species Ruinach
Health 133,844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Disciple of Aspiration

The Disciple of Aspiration is a Ruinach that gets summoned by Councilor Vandacia in the courtyard of Leyawiin Castle when he reveals his true colors during the related quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
Blade Toss
A double-hitting basic ranged attack dealing low physical damage each.
The Ruinarch delivers two initial swings, dealing low physical damage each, and ends with a stronger cross swipe with all of its blades, dealing moderate physical damage. The last strike can be blocked to set the Ruinach off-balance.
The Ruinach moves forward while spinning both itself and its weapons around, indicated by a red circle around them, dealing moderate physical damage, snaring and knocking down affected targets.
The Ruinach infuses two of its blades, making them levitate in the air briefly, before slamming them down, conjuring two flaming tornadoes that then spin around the Ruinach for a duration, indicated by red circles, dealing continuous low flame damage each.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When it appears, the Disciple shouts:

Disciple of Aspiration: "This one hears and obeys! Death to the mortals!"