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Location Deadlands: The Ashen Forest, Doomvault Vulpinaz, Oblivion Portals
Ardent Hope, The Blood Pit, The Deadlands, Deadlight Citadel, Destruction's Solace, Fort SundercliffThe Deadlands
Species Ruinach
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile

Ruinachs are a brutish race of four-armed Daedra that serve as Mehrunes Dagon's elite marauders. Historians and mages believe they were grown from Mehrunes Dagon's flesh after his battle against Almalexia in Mournhold. The Ruinachs believe this story wholeheartedly, and refer to themselves as "Dagon's Fifth Hand".

They are fanatic followers of their lord and believe themselves an extension of his will. Ruinachs have been sighted around Blackwood and the accessible areas of the Deadlands.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
Blade Toss
A double-hitting basic ranged attack dealing low physical damage each. Red Ruinachs have an added effect on this ability that causes flaming orbs to be dropped once the blades reach its target, indicated by red circles, dealing low flame damage each.
The Ruinarch delivers two initial swings, dealing low physical damage each, and ends with a stronger cross swipe with all of its blades, dealing moderate physical damage. The last strike can be blocked to set the Ruinach off-balance.
The Ruinach moves forward while spinning both itself and its weapons around, indicated by a red circle around them, dealing moderate physical damage, snaring and knocking down affected targets.
The Ruinach infuses two of its blades, making them levitate in the air briefly, before slamming them down, conjuring two flaming tornadoes that then spin around the Ruinach for a duration, indicated by red circles, dealing continuous low flame damage each.

Unique RuinachsEdit

Generic RuinachsEdit

Generic, unnamed Ruinachs can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These Ruinachs have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of Ruinachs, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Waking Flame Base On the escape path 24,005
Fort Redmane Location occupants 60,370
Summoned by Councilor Vandacia 39,200
Atoll of Immolation Public dungeon occupants 69,400
Alongside Salosuum 20,800


  • In the book The Truth in Sequence: Volume 8, beings matching their believed origin are refered to as "Sarmissonays'um ghoul-things".
  • They were named "Harbingers" internally and had their models added to the game in Patch 6.2.0. In ESO Live's timeline of future events to expect regarding information of the chapter, their name is spelled "Ruinoch".
  • A preview of their High quality models can be found at Chris Sulzbach's ArtStation.
  • Massive Ruinachs can be seen in the background of the Atoll of Immolation, Doomchar Plateau, and The Deadlands zone, walking along the lava. Some can also be seen fighting against similarly massive harvesters.

See AlsoEdit
