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Daedric Ruin:
Doomvault Vulpinaz
(view on map)
Quest Hub
Discoverable Yes
Completion Objective
Daedroth, Flame Atronach, Ruinach, Scamp, Waking Flame Battler, Waking Flame Bloodreaver, Waking Flame Elementalist, Waking Flame Pyromancer
Niben ForestBlackwood
Northeast of Fort Redmane
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"Those vaults are worrisome enough when they're closed. When they're open? By the Eight, that's even worse."—Brigadine Lieutenant Severa Maenius, Ivory Brigade
Inside Doomvault Vulpinaz

Doomvault Vulpinaz is a Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located northeast of Fort Redmane. It is one of the Four Ambitions vaults that were built by the Longhouse Emperors. According to Mirri Elendis, the ruin was only recently uncovered.

Mirri and her group were initially brought to the ruins by Xigira, who was disguised as a mortal at the time, to assist her excavation. However, once inside, she revealed her true identity, and intentions as the leader of the Order of the Waking Flame cell holed up inside, and captured them all.

The vault features several grapple points which can be used to navigate the ruins. A flyer is located on the road leading up to the vault. Fiendroth, Nixads, and torchbugs can be seen throughout the vault.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Doomvault Vulpinaz Objective: Help Mirri Elendis rescue her kidnapped comrades. / You stopped Xigira's sacrificial rituals.
  •  The Last Ambition : Locate the Fourth Ambition.


Entrance to Doomvault Vulpinaz
Doomvault Vulpinaz
Brigadine Andricius
Liam Elendis
Mirri Elendis  


Doomvault Vulpinaz Upper LevelEdit

The first layer of the vault.

Outer LayerEdit

The first room is a fairly large library containing a few cultists and Scamps. Fiendroths scamper across the floors. Beyond the two diverging paths that lead you north of this room lies another section of library. There's a small dining area in the middle of this room that contains a hearth with a lit fire. Mirri's expedition's base camp is located in a stretch of land north of this dining area. A lake of sulfur surrounds the land north of the camp. Nixads flutter about in the open air.

Eolaf is trapped here.

Hidden ChamberEdit

Also called the Living Chambers, this area can only be entered during the quest The Last Ambition by using the Rune-Etched Ring to open a portal from the Outer Layer. It contains Mairead's Diary, Entry 3, Mairead's Diary, Entry 346, Mairead's Diary, Entry 712, and the Discarded Diary.

Interstitial CorridorEdit

A door at the southern end of the open area of the Outer Layer leads to this corridor.

Doomvault Vulpinaz Mid LevelEdit

The second layer of the ruin.

Inner RuinsEdit

This area lies beyond the Interstitial Corridor, and marks the beginning of the Mid Level. A few bedrolls on the eastern end of the first room indicate that the Waking Flame cultists bunker down in here. More evidence of their residence include the cultists sitting on bedrolls and chairs beside campfires. A library lies beyond the first room, and an armored Daedroth patrols the western end of it.

Ardia's Journal lies at the end of the last hallway, near the door leading to the next area.

Inner LayerEdit

The "exterior" portion of the Mid Level. You'll need to use the grapple bow to navigate. You'll find Ardia here. Plenty of scamps and flame atronachs frolic among the ashen rocks, sulfurous yellow pools, and bubbling lava. This place is more Deadlands than Nirn, though some facets of the mortal plane still poke through.

Doomvault Vulpinaz Interstitial CorridorEdit

The hallway at the northern end of the mid level. You can talk to Ardia here.

Doomvault Vulpinaz Lower LevelEdit

The third section of the Doomvault.

Interstitial CorridorEdit

The first corridor of the lower level. Two scamps and fiendroths reside here.

Doomvault Vulpinaz Core LayerEdit

This level of the Doomvault is all Deadlands, with not a trace of Nirn. You'll find Ghalor shambling near a stone altar bedecked with skulls. Heading up the wooden platform east of Ghalor will lead you up a hill, towards a river of lava. A Ruinach patrols the path leading northeast of here, leading north from this hill. You can also take the path leading west of Ghalor's position and grapple across a chasm with a river of lava cutting through it.

No matter which path you take, you'll find Deejos here.

Deadlands FootholdEdit

This is the corridor beyond the Core Layer, southeast of Deejos's imprisonment.

Anchor ChamberEdit

Liam Elendis is trapped here.


Doomvault Vulpinaz Wayshrine

Doomvault Vulpinaz Wayshrine is located between Doomvault Vulpinaz and Arpenia in the north central area of Blackwood. It lies along the road south of the Doomvault, and is also the closest wayshrine to the Toad-Tongue War Camp.


  • The name Shattered Vault appears in the top right corner of the screen when entering the location radius, indead of Doomvault Vulpinaz.

