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< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Achievement Furnisher
Home City Vivec City
Store Vivec City Furnishing
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Achievement Furnisher

Drops-No-Glass is an Argonian Achievement furnisher who can be found at the Vivec City Furnishing in the Canton of St. Delyn the Wise in Vivec City.


If you don't own a house:

"A hero without a home is like a tree without roots. Lucky for you there are many houses to plant yourself in."
"No home? I'm not sure why you would need these things, but I will sell to you if you wish."
"I never understood how one could go so long without a home, but then, I never understood how the kwama could go without the sun. Different lives for different types, I suppose."

If you do own a house, his dialogue will vary depending on how many achievements you've completed in Vvardenfell:

Stage 1

"A reputation clings to a person like mud clings to a boot. Always make sure yours is a good one."
"I can only deal with clients possessing either fame or notoriety. Guild rules and all that. I suppose you qualify, though."
"A little fame can be dangerous, but at least we can do business."
"Ah, yes, I've think I've heard of you. My memory is hazy, but my deals are clear as spring water."

Stage 2

"Tales of your exploits fill the taverns. Allow me the honor to provide you with something to commemorate your accomplishments."
"Fame spreads like weeds in a garden. But fame is like the good weeds. Not the strangling, kill all the plants weeds. Um, can I show you my wares?"
"Ah, a true hero graces my shop. This one is unworthy, but let me show you what I have selected especially for your home."
"Your reputation in Vvardenfell multiplies like torchbugs in the moonlight. Soon you'll be as famous as the great Narsis Dren, if I may be so bold."

Stage 3

"I am not worthy to wallow in the mud of your greatness. Even so, I have something special for your home."
"The rich and the famous intimidate me, so you must realize how flustered someone of your status makes me feel. Please, have a look at my wares for your home."
"I've been saving a few items for that special someone, and you certainly qualify. Let me show you what I have today for your household."
"A champion stands before me! What an honor! Would you like to see something exclusive I selected just for your home?"


Name Type Price Achievement Description
  Ashlander Altar, Anticipations (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0005000050,000   Reward for: Clanfriend An altar of the Anticipations, crafted by devout Ashlanders.
  Ashlander Fence, Totems (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0001000010,000   Reward for: Ashlands Relic Preserver A portion of a fence acquired through preserving the relics of the Ashlanders.
  Ashlander Throne (page) Gallery
00100000100,000   Reward for: Voice of the Failed Incarnates A replica throne built in Ashlander style.
  Ashlander Yurt, Netch-Hide (page) Structures
0007500075,000   Reward for: Ashlands Stalker A handy portable tent for experienced Ashlander hunters, crafted from stretched netch-hide.
  Banner, Morag Tong (page) Parlor
0002500025,000   Reward for: Naryu's Confidant A tattered reminder of the Morag Tong.
  Blessing Stone (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0001000010,000   Reward for: Bearer of the Blessed Staff This stone fits inside an associated device from Morrowind.
  Blessing Stone Device (page) Workshop
(Pipes and Mechanisms)
0002000020,000   Reward for: Bearer of the Blessed Staff This device from Morrowind holds a blessing stone.
  Dwarven Brazier, Eternal (page) Lighting
0005000050,000   Reward for: Nchuleftingth Conqueror An ancient Dwarven worklight.
  Glass Crystal, Plume (page) Conservatory
0001500015,000   Reward for: Pilgrim Protector Glass crystals from the mines of Molag Mar.
  Glass Crystal, Radiance (page) Conservatory
0001000010,000   Reward for: Pilgrim Protector Glass crystals from the mines of Molag Mar.
  Glass Crystals, Bed (page) Conservatory
0002000020,000   Reward for: Pilgrim Protector Glass crystals from the mines of Molag Mar.
  Kwama Queen Egg (page) Undercroft
0001500015,000   Reward for: Pilgrim Protector A mummified kwama queen egg from the mine in Gnisis.
  Replica Stone of Ashalmawia (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0007500075,000   Reward for: Hand of the Mistress A replica from Tel Mora and Mistress Dratha.
  Sacred Guar Skull (page) Undercroft
0001500015,000   Reward for: Ald'ruhn Annalist An intact sacred guar skull acquired from Ald'ruhn.
  Silt Strider Shell, Hollow (page) Undercroft
0001000010,000   Reward for: Strider Caravaner A souvenir collected after visiting all of the silt strider stations in Vvardenfell.
  Sixth House Ritual Table (page) Dining
0001000010,000   Scholars of House Dagoth would find this ornate table both beautiful and thrilling—a marvel to admire, far away from Ordinators.
  St. Nerevar, Moon-and-Star (page) Courtyard
0002500025,000   Behold the Champion of Azura, the Hero of Red Mountain, the Herald of the Triune Way, Saint Nerevar Moon-and-Star in all his glory from the comfort of your own home.
  Statue of Vivec the Champion (page) Courtyard
00150000150,000   Reward for: Champion of Vivec A glorious statue of Vivec.
  Statue, Cowering Ebony (page) Courtyard
0005000050,000   Reward for: Ebony Enforcer An ebony statue of a cowering figure from Vassir Didanat.
  Statue, Terrified Ebony (page) Courtyard
0005000050,000   Reward for: Ebony Enforcer An ebony statue of a terrified figure from Vassir Didanat.
  Statuette of Clavicus Vile, Masked (page) Gallery
00100000100,000   Reward for: Hand of a Living God A miniature statue of the Daedric Prince, masked.
  Tapestry, Morag Tong (page) Parlor
0003500035,000   Reward for: Naryu's Confidant A tattered reminder of the Morag Tong.
  Tapestry, St. Veloth (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
0002000020,000   Reward for: Narsis's Apprentice A tattered Velothi tapestry from Narsis Dren.
  Telvanni Device, Rotating (page) Workshop
(Pipes and Mechanisms)
0005000050,000   Reward for: Rising Sun A rotating device from Sadrith Mora.
Temple Doctrine: The 36 Lessons Container 00130000130,000   Achievement: Tribunal Preacher
All 36 Sermons, individually bound for use in personal libraries and family shrines.
  The 36 Lessons: Sermon 37 (page) Library
0005000050,000   There is an Answer here, for those with the blessing of Vehk and knowledge of the question.doesn't show up for new characters
  Totem of the Sixth House (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
00100000100,000   Reward for: Forgotten Wastes Conqueror A weary, crooked totem from an ancient House.
  Tribunal Shrine in Fountain (page) Courtyard
0005000050,000   Reward for: Savior of Morrowind A shrine to the Tribunal from Morrowind.
  Triptych of the Triune (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0002000020,000   Reward for: The Pilgrim's Path A dedication to the Tribunal, acquired after reading the inscriptions at each of the Shrines of the Seven Graces.