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Zone: West Weald
Quest Giver: Hooke
Location(s): Caelum Cellars Inner Vaults, Caelum Cellars, Fyrelight Cave, Ontus, Skingrad Outlaws Refuge, Skingrad, Varen's Watch, Vashabar
Reward: Average Leveled
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 7206
Hooke, an ex-thief, believes someone is murdering members of his old gang, the Scarlets. He asked me to help him find the remaining Scarlets and protect them from the killer.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Hooke

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

Faded Scarlets
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Hooke asked me to find three old members of his gang and convince them to meet him at the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge.
Objective: Recruit Big Urm
Objective: Recruit Fallen-Knives
Objective: Recruit Valenia
(Recruiting Big Urm)
Hidden Objective: Find Big Urm
Objective Hint: Talk to Big Urm
Objective Hint: Persuade Big Urm or Retrieve Her Ring
(Recruiting Fallen-Knives)
Hidden Objective: Find Fallen-Knives
Objective Hint: Talk to Fallen-Knives
Objective Hint: Pay Fallen-Knives or Destroy Records of His Debt
(Recruiting Valenia)
Hidden Objective: Find Valenia
Objective Hint: Talk to Valenia
Objective Hint: Go to the Meeting Spot
Objective Hint: Search the Campsite
I met with Hooke's former comrades. I should report back to him. I can find him at the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge.
Objective: Find Hooke in the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge
I met with Hooke's former comrades. I should report back to him. I can find him at the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
Hooke found the location of another former Scarlets member, Naku. I can make contact with him at his mining claim south of Skingrad.
Objective: Go to Naku's Claim
Hooke found the location of another former Scarlets member, Naku. I can make contact with him at his mining claim south of Skingrad.
Objective: Read the Note
I found a letter at Naku's camp. It instructed Naku to go to a meeting in Fyrelight Cave. I should see what I can learn there.
Objective: Find the Meeting Site
I found Naku arguing with someone cloaked up on a mining scaffolding deeper inside Fyrelight Cave, but there's no way up. I should learn what I can from their argument.
Objective: Observe Naku
Naku was killed right before my eyes. I should see if I can find anything near his corpse to help me learn more about the killer.
Objective: Examine Naku's Corpse
I found the killer's knife beside Naku's corpse. It bears a strange symbol on it. I should bring it to Hooke in the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge and see what he makes of it.
Objective: Find Hooke in the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge
I found the killer's knife beside Naku's corpse. It bears a strange symbol on it. I should bring it to Hooke in the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge and see what he makes of it.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
Hooke believes the killer is Marcan Caelum, master of a manor the Scarlets accidentally burned down years ago. He asked me to meet him there along with the rest of the Scarlets.
Objective: Go to Caelum Vineyard
Hooke wants my help searching the ruins of Caelum Vineyard for signs of Marcan. I should search the vineyard.
Objective: Search for Signs: 0/3
Hidden Objective: Examine Sewer Pipe
Hidden Objective: Examine Headstones
Hidden Objective: Examine Tarnished Slag
After discovering signs of Marcan's presence at Caelum Vineyard, Hooke wants to discuss our plans. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
Hooke believes Marcan is hiding in the abandoned cellars below the ruins of Caelum Vineyard. We need to find the cellar entrance.
Objective: Find the Entrance to the Caelum Cellars
With Hooke's help, I found the entrance to the cellars below Caelum Vineyard. I should go in and find Marcan Caelum.
Objective: Enter the Caelum Cellars
I learned that Marcan Caelum captured Valenia while we were searching the ruins of the vineyard. Hooke thinks he took her to the cellars. We have to find them!
Objective: Find Marcan Caelum
The door to the cellars is locked. I should search for anything that might help while Big Urm batters down the door.
Objective: Search the Room: 0/3
Hidden Objective: Search the Room
I found Marcan Caelum holding Valenia with a knife to her throat. I need to confront him and save Valenia before it's too late.
Objective: Confront Marcan Caelum
Hooke said he has a plan to to save Valenia from Marcan's grasp. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
Hooke asked me to keep Marcan distracted so he can free Valenia and get her to safety. I need to keep the killer talking until Hooke has freed her.
Objective: Talk to Marcan Caelum
I distracted the killer, but Marcan decided to set the cellar on fire and meet the same fate as his wife and child. I need to find a way out of the cellar.
Objective: Leave the Caelum Cellars
(The ending of quest will depend on Valenia's status)
Finishes quest  With Hooke's help, we were able to save Valenia and escape the cellar underneath Caelum Vineyard unharmed. I should speak with Hooke.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
Finishes quest  Hooke was able to save Valenia while I distracted Marcan Caelum, but Valenia was seriously injured. I should speak with Hooke.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
Finishes quest  Valenia died at Marcan Caelum's hands before we could save her, but the rest of the Scarlets survived. I should speak with Hooke.
Objective: Talk to Hooke
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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