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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home Settlement Shrouded Vale
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Laborer

Fangilmir is a Wood Elf laborer found in the Shrouded Vale.

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He's glad to be back in the mortal plane.

"Good thing we came back! I'm almost out of Rotmeth. Nothing like a good dose of local fauna to bring out the best in it, I always say!"

During the Wood Orcs' attack, he will be hiding in a hut praying for safety.

After the Wood Orcs are driven off, he will be mourning the death of Hagaelion:

"These are dark times! Dark times, indeed!"
"We don't know death like this in the Wilderking's realm."
"Wood Orcs? In shrouded Hollow?"
"So many dead. I don't understand."


  • While he is hiding from the Orcs, he still retains his talk prompt but nothing occurs when using it. ?