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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location East of Southpoint Wayshrine, Temple of the Eight
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Brackenleaf's Briars

Gerweruin is a Wood Elf member of the Brackenleaf's Briars. You'll find her, along with another Brackenleaf's Briar, at a shrine just east of the Southpoint Wayshrine outside of Southpoint or at the Temple of the Eight.

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"Brackenleaf's Briars built this shrine, as tribute to the animals of Grahtwood."
Who are Brackenleaf's Briars?
"We're hunters who seek balance in all things. Most of us are Wood Elves native to Grahtwood, but any who wish to learn the ways of the forest can undertake our trials and join our ranks.
Assuming they survive."
Where could I take your trials?
"Within Brackenleaf's Forest. Just outside of Haven, bordered by the Long Coast.
Our leader's name is Glaras. If you choose to seek her out, do yourself a favor. Be respectful, and she'll do the same for you."
I'll do that.

Speaking to her again:

"The Briars can always use more skilled hunters. If you think you can prove your mettle, speak with Glaras in Brackenleaf."