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Online:Gray Host Sentinel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Gray Host Sentinel
Location West of Bthardamz, Grayhaven
Race Nord Gender Varies
Health 22,747
34,501 (Near Bthardamz)
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Gray Host
Condition Vampire
Gray Host Sentinel

Gray Host Sentinels are Nord vampire warriors of the Gray Host summoned by Rada al-Saran at Grayhaven. One is also found at the ruins west of Bthardamz.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

They use some of the eviscerator class abilities, as well as vampiric abilities.

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
A minor physical damage attack that snares the target. (On most Eviscerators)
Power Bash
A spinning shield attack that deals moderate physical damage to the target, while stunning and setting them off-balance. This can be blocked to prevent the crowd control and to set the enemy off-balance.
Drain Essence
The enemy drains your life force, dealing high magic damage and restoring its health every 1 second for 3 seconds. You must break free from this ability.
Bat Ambush
The enemy teleports into a swarm of bats to the player. This attack does moderate magic damage and knocks down the player briefly.
Red Breath
The enemy sprays a red mist in a cone in front of itself dealing moderate magic damage and knocking down any targets hit by it.