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Online:Gwannor (Elden Root)

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home Settlement Elden Root
Location East of the Elden Root Temple Wayshrine
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Cultist
Gwannor (Elden Root)

Gwannor is a Wood Elf cultist found on a small isle east of the Elden Root Temple Wayshrine outside Elden Root.


He cannot be spoken to, but if you take from a nearby resource node, he may say one of the following:

"I can't believe you just did that."
"Don't harvest so close to the Elden Tree. You'll offend it!"
"No, I don't mind, keep chopping."
"Um … a bit rude, that?"
"Difficult to meditate with all that chopping."
"Don't touch that! That's Y'ffre's wood!"
"Excuse me. I'm right here."
"Why would you do that next to a shrine of Y'ffre?"
"You don't follow the Green Pact, do you?"
"Yes, scorn my beliefs in front of me. I don't mind."