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Home City Marbruk
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Noble

Hantaari is a High Elf noble seated on a bench in Marbruk.


She occasionally speaks aloud.

Hantaari: "This town would be lovely if it didn't rain so much."
Hantaari: "How did I end up in this godsforsaken false city?"
Hantaari: "The Dominion has offered a sizeable sum to any who will relocate from Summerset to Marbruk."

She says one of several things when spoken to.

"A Bosmer offered me some kind of ale. Dusk something. I nearly fainted from the smell of it."
"Marbruk is surrounded by a forest of filth and disease. This city is an insult to our ancestors."
"They say if the insects do not eat you, the forest will. I wonder if that is true.
Go find out."
""An exotic locale will inspire you." "The fresh air will help you finish your novel."
Ideas are only bad if acted upon."