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Online:Hemo Helot

< Elder Scrolls Online: Objects
Hemo Helot
Location Moongrave Fane (Fane of Waning Moons, Moongrave Fane Grounds, Moonlight's Mausoleum)
Type Orb
Health Normal117,879Veteran266,574
Reaction Neutral
Hemo Helot

Hemo Helots are orbs of blood that can be summoned within Moongrave Fane through the Sangiin Sacrifice synergy, by either killing an enemy atop the sigil or using the synergy to have part of your health drained. They can be pushed by attacking them with a fully charged heavy attack, and will fly in the direction you are facing when you strike them. Position the Helot between yourself and whatever you wish to hit with it, then fire at the helot until it hits your intended target.

They have varying uses per fight:

  • When battling the Risen Ruins, a helot (or two in veteran) will deactivate the boss' Boulder Shield
  • Dro'zakar will try to consume Hemo Helots and they should be destroyed before he can finish
  • Nisaazda's spawned blood creatures (such as Hemonculi) can only be damaged once their shields are removed by helots

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