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< Elder Scrolls Online: People

This article is about the creature. For the item set, see Ilambris.

Location Final chamber of Crypt of Hearts I
Race Xivilai Gender Male
Health Normal1,515,587Veteran5,879,660 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Athor's Sundering Voice
Thirsting Girdle
Ilambris-Athor in Crypt of Hearts I

Ilambris-Athor is a Xivilai shock mage found in the Crypt of Hearts I. Together with his twin Ilambris-Zaven, he was summoned by Nerien'eth to torture Alanwe and keep the shards of her soul from reuniting.

He is one of the final bosses of this dungeon, and killing him and his brother dispels their magic, allowing Alanwe to reform, completing the dungeon. He has a chance to drop the Thirsting Girdle antiquity lead for the Bloodlord's Embrace.

Location Central chamber of Crypt of Hearts II
Race Xivilai Gender Male
Health Normal235,758Veteran803,822 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Ilambris-Athor in Crypt of Hearts II

Ilambris-Athor and Zaven reappear in Crypt of Hearts II at a suspected ritual site. Early into the fight, they merge together to become the Ilambris Amalgam.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As a boss type enemy, Ilambris-Athor is immune to all crowd control effects.

Cleaving Swing
A basic melee attack that does minor shock damage.
Axe Strike
A heavy melee attack that does high physical damage while knocking the target down. This should be blocked or dodged if possible.
Electric Prison
The boss summons a pool of lightning (called a Lightning Rod) on top of a player that lasts for a long time and deals moderate shock damage. Players should ensure they have enough damage to kill the boss before the entire arena fills up with AOEs.
Call Lightning
If Ilambris-Zaven is killed first, Ilambris-Athor will start summoning many lightning bolts that deal moderate shock damage as indicated by red circles. Simply keep moving to avoid being hit.


Lover's TormentEdit

When he and his brother are engaged in combat:

"An intruder? So you're the one who's been undoing our work. We will feed you to the Master's Mace."

Edge of DarknessEdit

The Ilambris Twins merge into the Amalgam

They will say a variety of things:

Ilambris-Athor: "You again! We serve the Whisperer now, but we'll crush you just the same."
Ilambris-Zaven: "Have they come looking for the Blade, brother? How mortal of them."
Ilambris-Athor: "Have you come to claim the Blade, mortal?"
Ilambris-Zaven: "The lich will not give it up willingly."

After attacking both of them, they will reveal they have a final trick up their sleeves:

Ilambris-Athor: "The mortals think they've won."
Ilambris-Zaven: "Let's show them how wrong they are, brother."

They will then become the Ilambris Amalgam.


There are several achievements associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
   Crypt of Hearts I Vanquisher 10 Defeat Archmaster Siniel, Death's Leviathan, and the Ilambris Twins in Crypt of Hearts I.
   Crypt of Hearts I Conqueror 10 Defeat the Mage Master, Archmaster Siniel, Death's Leviathan, Uulkar Bonehand, Dogas the Berserker, and the Ilambris Twins in Veteran Crypt of Hearts I.
   A Crypt for Two 50 Defeat the Ilambris Twins in Veteran Crypt of Hearts I, after invoking the Scroll of Glorious Battle.
   Crypt of Hearts I Survivor 50 Defeat the Mage Master, Archmaster Siniel, Death's Leviathan, Uulkar Bonehand, Dogas the Berserker, and the Ilambris Twins in Veteran Crypt of Hearts I, without suffering a group member death.
   Crypt of Hearts I Assassin 50 Defeat the Mage Master, Archmaster Siniel, Death's Leviathan, Uulkar Bonehand, Dogas the Berserker, and the Ilambris Twins in Veteran Crypt of Hearts I within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first group of undead.
   Crypt of Hearts II Vanquisher 10 Defeat Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, the Chamber Guardian, the Brothers Ilambris and the Ilambris Amalgam, Mezeluth, and Nerien'eth in Crypt of Hearts II.
   Crypt of Hearts II Conqueror 10 Defeat Ruzozuzalpamaz, the Brothers Ilambris and the Ilambris Amalgam, and Nerien'eth in Veteran Crypt of Hearts II.
   Deadly Crypt Survivor 50 Defeat Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, Chamber Guardian, Ilambris Amalgam, and Mezeluth, before defeating Nerien'eth in Veteran Crypt of Hearts II without suffering a group member death.
   Crypt of Hearts II Assassin 50 Defeat Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, Chamber Guardian, Ilambris Amalgam, and Mezeluth, before defeating Nerien'eth in Veteran Crypt of Hearts II within thirty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when the entrance gate opens.



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