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Online:Jarl Morryn

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Jarl Morryn
Location Jarl Morryn's Cabin
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Jarl Morryn in her cabin

Jarl Morryn is a Nord noble and the Jarl of Whiterun who can be found near her hunting cabin. She is considered one of Skyrim's greatest diplomats and negotiators.

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After you agree to act as Rigurt the Brash's aide, you can head to Jarl Morryn's cabin to meet with her. When you arrive she will be talking to her bodyguard Rinda Ice-Eyes.

Jarl Morryn: "I'm not to be disturbed … unless those two decide to play nice with each other and join me."
<Rigurt arrives.>
Rigurt the Brash: "Jarl Morryn! Rigurt has a new aide! We can talk with the thanes now!"
Jarl Morryn: "The talks aren't happening, Rigurt. Those fools refuse to set aside their inane feud. Gods, I need a drink."
<She heads inside her cabin and locks the door.>
Rigurt the Brash: "Let's talk, friend."

You will help Rigurt convince the Thanes Hraldi and Svyne to put aside their dislike of each other and attend the meeting. Once you have convinced both, you will need to return to the Jarl Morryn and tell her the news.

When you enter the cabin you'll find it full of empty bottles and a very drunk Jarl.

Jarl Morryn: "Rigurt, you bearded ox, get over here! And bring your friend! There's more mead where this came from!"
Rigurt the Brash: "Jarl Morryn is in good spirits! See if she's ready to meet with the Thanes, while Rigurt cleans up!"
<Rigurt finds a broom and begins to sweep.>

Jarl Morryn has been getting drunk in light of the impossibility of getting the talks to start. You can tell her otherwise.

"Well, well. Rigurt the Brash's surprisingly comely friend! I don't have any unopened bottles left, but you could probably fill a flagon if you're willing to mix a few of the vintages.
So? Get drinking! There isn't anything else to do, is there?"
The thanes put aside their differences. They agreed to meet with you and Rigurt.
"Wait, you mean … they're coming here to talk about a treaty with Eastmarch?
Kyne's breath, when?"
They should be arriving shortly.
"Then I need my scribes. I need my advisors. I need my chefs to prepare the victuals, I need the legal scholars here, I need … I need ….
I need to sit down."
I wish you luck, Jarl Morryn.

The Thanes both enter the cabin. Speaking with her before Rigurt, she will be trying to convince herself.

"Everything will be fine. As long as Rigurt lets me do all the talking. And … Gods. I could use a cup of ginger tea."

After you have spoken with Rigurt, the Thanes will immediately begin to snipe at each other:

Thane Hraldi: "Thane Svyne, don't think my being here means I've forgotten the New Life festival."
Thane Svyne: "Will someone thank Thane Hraldi for facing away from me, so I don't have to look at his pissing beard?"
<Svyne notices the bottles.>
Thane Svyne: "Look at all these bottles. Did you start without us, Jarl Morryn?"
Jarl Morryn: "Well, I actually, hm."
Thane Svyne: "Ha! My kind of diplomacy! Speaking of, we've got some talking to do, don't we?"
Thane Hraldi: "Yes. I must second my corpulent peer's point. Let's discuss this treaty of yours."
Rigurt the Brash: "Of course! Right away, your thane-inesses!"

You can then talk to Jarl Morryn once the quest is complete.

"Rigurt really knows how to surprise you. Even now, just when I thought there was one of him … there's two!"
Are you sure you're able to conduct this meeting?
"I'll let you in on a little secret from Whiterun. If Nords ever conducted negotiations while completely sober, nothing would get done."
Will you and Rigurt get the thanes to agree to a treaty?
"I'll say this … I organized these talks because the Skald-King asked me to, not because I thought we'd succeed. I assumed the meeting was doomed to fail.
But given what Rigurt's accomplished already, perhaps I was wrong. Or perhaps I'm just drunk."


  • Unlike the other Jarls met in Western Skyrim, who wear the emblem of their Holds on their clothes, Jarl Morryn uses the same outfit as High King Svargrim, with different colors. As a result, she displays the wolf emblem of Haafingar Hold rather than the horse emblem of Whiterun Hold.