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Location Dark Moon Grotto
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Werewolf

Jofra is a Wood Elf werewolf who can be found in Dark Moon Grotto.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Hounds of Hircine: Help cure a devastating disease afflicting the werewolves of Dark Moon Grotto.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you first enter the werewolf camp, you'll hear the following exchange:

Tranya: "Please, stay calm, everyone. We will find Alchemist Rasir."
Irga: "What if he's already dead?"
Jofra: "The affliction will catch up to us too. It's only a matter of time."

Jofra cannot be spoken to beyond this.


  • Uniquely, her name is the only Wood Elf name in the entirety of the Elder Scrolls franchise to start with the letter 'J'.