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Online:Keel Cutter Sea Lord

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Keel Cutter Sea Lord
Location Thrall Cove
Race Maormer Gender Female
Health 86,312 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Sea Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Keel Cutters
A Keel Cutter Sea Lord

The Keel Cutter Sea Lord is a female Maormer sea mage who only appears in the time window between Captain Virindi Slave-Taker's defeat and when she respawns.

She can be considered somewhat of a generic version of the captain, having higher health and able to inflict greater damage than the rest of her comrades.

Related QuestsEdit

  •   Thrall Cove: Retrieve a captain's spyglass and rescue his captured crewmen.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic ranged attack that does minor shock damage.
A basic ranged attack that does minor flame damage.
Shock Vortex
The enemy raises their arm up as electricity flings out from it, and lands into the ground nearby. Clusters of electricity then travels outward from the pool, indicated by circular AoEs, dealing damage.
The enemy conjured raging water that surges up from the ground and flows forward, indicated by a circular AoE, dealing shock damage and knocking you away. This can be interrupted to set the enemy off-balance.