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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home Settlement Redfur Trading Post
Location Tomb of Anahbi
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Beggar

Kubiba-ma is a Khajiit beggar who can be found at the Tomb of Anahbi in the Redfur Trading Post. She is tending to her brother Hamus, who is suffering from Skooma withdrawal.

Related QuestsEdit


She sighs.

"He sleeps now, thank S'rendarr."

She used to be part of the related quest, though that is no longer the case. After stealing goods from the merchants, she was one of the people you could give to.

"My brother sleeps now, and he is quiet. A welcome reprieve, if fleeting. Soon, the shakes will return."
What's wrong with him?
"Skooma. For three years he was a slave to it. I convinced him to quit and now, look. His shakes worsen. I fear he won't make it through the night."
<Give her a package of Exotic Goods.>
"Thank you. S'rendarr willing, the alchemist will take this in trade.
You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you."
Is there any way to help?
"I've heard of a remedy for skooma sickness, but it requires skill to prepare. I'm no alchemist, and I can't afford the mixture.
So I sit by his side and stroke his fur and purr reassuringly into his ear, praying he makes it through the night."
If I help you, how do I know you won't buy skooma for him?
"I told you, I convinced him to quit. I stayed up with him when Sheggorath brought terrors in the night.
I would not allow it. You have my word."

She explains Hamus' condition after the related quest is complete.

"His shaking has slowed. Perhaps, when he wakes, he will be cured of his addiction."