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Online:Kynreeve Brosuroth

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Kynreeve Brosuroth
Location Reformatory Forge, Reformatory Keep
Race Dremora Gender Male
Health (?) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Kynreeve Brosuroth

Kynreeve Brosuroth is a Dremora Kynreeve in charge of the Reformatory Forge, dwelling in the keep. He acts as the delve boss.


He will be choking a Waking Flame Cultist to death for a failure:

Kynreeve Brosuroth: "Your service to Lord Dagon is no longer required."
Kynreeve Brosuroth: "You are not worthy of the position you hold."
Kynreeve Brosuroth: "Lord Dagon does not abide failures."
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