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Online:Lady of the Depths

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Lady of the Depths
Location Imperial SewersWeaver's Nest
Species Spider Daedra
Health 858,444 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Hearts, Daedra Husk, Imperial Fragments, Poison Solvents, Tel Var Stones
Lead: Hecatomb Tassets
Lady of the Depths
Summoning Tainted Spiderlings

The Lady of the Depths is a spider daedra group boss found in the Weaver's Nest section of the Imperial Sewers. She will summon tainted spiderlings to aid her during combat.

In her nest, she has imprisoned a number of captives within cocoons, who will all be set free when she is defeated. Her captives can also be individually released by hand while you're not engaged in combat with the Lady.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Spider Slash
If you're within melee range, the Lady strikes you, dealing high physical damage and knocking you back.
Lightning Onslaught
The Lady uses her front legs to send lightning bolts forward from herself as indicated by red circles, dealing moderate-high shock damage.
Web Lasso
The Lady pulls a target towards her with her webs then stuns them.
Summon Spiderling
The Lady summons two Tainted Spiderlings. If you kill both, she will resummon them after.
Call Lightning
When the Lady reaches 50% health, she calls down a rain of lightning strikes that continues until her death. Getting hit by one of these strikes will cause high shock damage.


As she weaves her cocoons, she silently whispers to them.

"Ghartok ae ... Numantia altadoon.... val Nirn" It seems she can use one of multiple whispers, whispers that I have lot of trouble deciphering though

Upon engaging her in combat:

"Ah … A tasty morsel approaches!"

Dragging you towards her:

"The Lady is hungry!"
"To me, my lovely!"
"You're mine, precious!"
"Let me get a taste of you!"
"Come here, pretty one!"
"Come to me, my lovely. The lady hungers!"
"You look good enough to eat."
"You look weary. Come, and rest."
"Let me wrap you in the finest silks!"
"Oh, my pretty! Come to the Lady!"

If you have defeated her before:

"So, you return. Your punishment awaits!"
"Now you see the Lady cannot die."
"The Lady always returns. You must not disturb her again."
"Wicked, wicked. You shall atone!"


  • The Lady uses an alternate "tainted" Spider Daedra model which lacks a mouth, a crown, and any red coloring. Instead, it has six magenta eyes, two large horns at the head, and uses mostly black coloring. This model was first previewed in an ESO Live preview of the Spiral Skein. The model is also used by her summoned Tainted Spiderlings.
  • The boss was originally named Lady of the Deep during development. She was involved in a cut daily quest: Bottomless Deception.


  • Her "Spider Slash" attack hits noticiably later than what her animation shows. ?


There is one achievement associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
   Sewer Subjugator 15 Kill all the named champions lurking in the Imperial Sewers.