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Online:Cut Content/Imperial City

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The Imperial City went through major changes during development. In an article on the official website, the developers stated that they determined there were too many quests during internal employee playtests: the overall story was difficult to follow, thus the amount of quests available was cut down to seven.


  • The Memorial District was initially called the Market District, as it was called in Oblivion.
  • There were Dark Anchors located in the Market, Nobles, and Arboretum districts.
  • These would apparently be closed by entering a portal to Coldharbour and finding a way to close them.
  • A Dark Anchor would have to be closed before the district would be capturable by the player's alliance. Only the aforementioned districts could be captured.
  • The sewer boss Lady of the Depths was initially named Lady of the Deep.
  • Dredaza the Ringmaster was called The Games Master.
  • The Gray Vipers would have had some sort of presence in the City.



Repeatable QuestsEdit

Hunting Board Prerequisite QuestsEdit

Hunting Board QuestsEdit

Arboretum ExplorationEdit

Quest Givers:


Imperial City
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to speak to a Fighters Guild contact named <<1>> who can tell me how to destroy the Dark Anchor.
To destroy the Dark Anchor, I need to enter three portals to Coldharbour, destroy the pinions, and then return and capture the respective pedestals. Once the district is under Pact control, I should blow the horn to signal victory.
The district is captured, and I've signaled victory, so I should return to <<1>>.


Imperial City
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to speak to a Fighters Guild contact named <<1>> who can tell me how to destroy the Dark Anchor.
To destroy the Dark Anchor, I need to enter three portals to Coldharbour, destroy the pinions, and then return and capture the respective pedestals. Once the district is under Dominion control, I should blow the horn to signal victory.
The district is captured, and I've signaled victory, so I should return to General Nedras.


Imperial City
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should go to the Arboretum District in the Imperial City.
I should go to the Nobles District in the Imperial City.
I should go to the Market District in the Upper City.
I helped destroy the dark anchor and capture the Market District for the Covenant. I should now report back to General Aklash in the Covenant base in the Imperial Sewers.
The Market District is already under Covenant control. I just need to write a status report and bring it back to General Aklash.
I've written a report based on my assessment of the Covenant's position in the Nobles District, the Market District, and the Arboretum. I should bring the report back to General Aklash in the Imperial Sewers.
The Market District was already under Covenant Control, so I wrote a status report that I should now bring back to General Aklash in the Covenant base in the Imperial Sewers.

Pierce the VeilEdit

A Redguard mage would have asked you to assist in foiling Xivkyn Veilweavers.

"Help us, please. The Xivkyn must be stopped!"
"We need to stop the Xivkyn from weakening the veil between Tamriel and Oblivion. Will you help us?"
"If we don't stop them, the Xivkyn will overrun the City once and for all. Will you help us?"
"Hm. Interesting. You are peculiar, aren't you? Something faintly Daedric about you, yet you appear to be a creature of the Mundus, like myself.
Perhaps even somewhat intelligent? Tell me, are you familiar with the Xivkyn?"
"Then you know they are formidable spellcasters. In particular, there is a class of Xivkyn known as Veilweavers.
The Veilweavers' magic is so strong they can project themselves here and weaken the moorings of Mundus without even leaving Coldharbour."
"Indeed, but I've devised a defense, if you would be willing to assist me.
I can cast a spell much like theirs. As long as you avoid detection by the Daedra on this plane, you can pierce the veil and banish the Veilweavers back to Coldharbour."

You can ask him a few questions after accepting the quest.

"Thank you. I desperately need help.
Xivkyn swarm the city, weaking 
[sic] the veil that protects against Oblivion. They must be stopped!"
"Remember. You have to remain stealthy for the spell's effects to be active.
Banish a few of the Veilweavers and then return to let me know if it worked."
How did you learn of the Xivkyn on the other side of the veil? / How did you learn all of this?
"I wish I had a grand story of research and discovery, but actually I was captured by scamps and Dremora. While they waited for Xivkyn to appear, I overheard a conversation between two Daedra."
You understand the language of the Daedra?
"While training as a mage, I was ejected for questioning the Grandmaster of the Mages Guild in public.
When I later washed out of the Imperial Battlemages, I settled for being a soldier who studied his books privately."
How did you escape?
"Again, I wish the story were more impressive. A group of soldiers engaged the Daedra and I was forgotten about. I loosened my knots and fled here."
How did you develop this spell?
"I was a scholar at the Arcane Universirty [sic], specialized in studying the planes of Oblivion and the secrets of the Daedra.
Of course, my work was almost entirely theoretical until now. I won't say I'm glad for all of this, but it is an opportunity."
"If we could strengthen the veil, that would be best. But I know of no way to do that.
All we can do right now is try to prevent further damage to the veil."

Returning after banishing the veilweavers:

"Ah, there you are, my risk-seeking friend. Even when it's been tested before, a spell like this can be unpredictable. I'm glad you didn't get pulled into the Veil yourself.
Tell me though, did the spell work? Were you able to banish the Veilweavers?"
Yes, I banished several of them.
"Stupendous! I love it when an experiment turns out as expected!
It reaffirms my life's work. And it helps to protect us from Coldharbour too."

Speaking to him after the quest:

"Don't be a stranger now. If the Veilweavers return, we will have to be ready to do it again. Yes. I'll prepare the spell."
"Your help is appreciated. The Xivkyn will come back, though; we may need you again soon."
"The danger has passed for now. But tomorrow will doubtless bring a renewed attack. I hope you will return to help me again."

Speaking to him when he has another quest available for you:

"Aha! My experiment-tolerant friend! It is so good to see you. I have great news!
Well, I suppose that depends on your point of view. The fact is that the Veilweavers have returned."
"Hm. How very serendipitous that you've returned. I wonder … is it perhaps some form of Daedric magnetism?
It seems you are drawn here just as the Veilweavers have again begun projecting themselves."
"I know not if it is fate, destiny, magic, or the hand of the gods, but you have arrived at the perfect moment.
The Veilweavers have renewed their efforts and I have just finished preparing the spell."

Quest StagesEdit

Quest Stages

I should find a way to enter Coldharbour.

I should hunt down and kill the monster who has been torturing people and return the stolen items to <<1>>.

Scout the Imperial Camp and find a way to assassinate the Captain. The Shadowscales say they're watching and will grade me.

Imperial City
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I killed <<1>> and found the <<2>> while searching her body. I should return it to <<3>>.

103224356, 0, 35248, 12794525, "I should hunt down <<1>> and return the family insignia to <<2>>."

"103224356","0","34624","13955664","I need to find Captain Ocella's brother in the Nobles District." "103224356","0","34625","13955728","I should find Sergeant Ocella in the Nobles District." "103224356","0","34646","13956084","I should go find Sergeant Ocella."



Captain Thorasa
Flore Callaecus
Arboretum Refuge
Apprentice Veriasa
Shadakul the Necrologist  
Arena District
Councilor Lovidicus
Jagar Lovidicus  
Malpenix Rulician
Paratus Dorsuo
Sanctius Dorsuo  
Arena District Hideout
The Rat  
Elven Gardens District
Terentia Cinna  
Sergeant Nasica
Elven Gardens Hideout
Brotch Lepidus
Proserpina Sylla  
Raen Vatia
Vorias Ahlaz
Zurin Dolabella
Nobles District Hideout
General Pollius  
Sergeant Ocella  
Temple District Refuge
Priestess Faltonia
Priestess Simplicia
Valerianus Lentinus
Temple District
Justinius Callaecus
Market District
Vilea Inventius
Market District Hideout
Hall Steward Kerennia  
Regulinus Bucco
Aldmeri Dominion Base
Captain Pudazi
Corporal Semusa-la  
Sergeant Shaghila  
Sergeant Tapak
Daggerfall Covenant Base
Captain Raelynn Syx
Ebonheart Pact Base
General Furila
General Hal-Rei  
Sergeant Buca  
Some Base
Imperial City
Captain Brocchus  
Imperial Sewers
Arlowe Vettiena  
Claudia Caudex
Corporal Ahmat
Corporal Frenith
Councilor Itinia  
Thania Caudex  
Weaver's Nest
Captain Brocchus
Captain Ocella
Gryna Tervani
Holia Atratinus  
Imus Plalocius
Lieutenant Asellio
Marcia Calidia
Marnola Cedus
Mikalus Julus
Orbiana Asellio
Zoragag gro-Goldfolly  
Corporal Chauvry
Corporal Helvius
Corporal Veturius
Father Crenshaw
Lieutenant Dulo
Malpenix Rulician
Raelyn Oges
Sethes Quintellad
Sgt. Ocella
Vilea Inventius
Xandrine Menillet
Others 2
Terentius Caudex

Generic NPCsEdit

Arena District
Arena Conscript
Covenant Scout
Dominion Scout
Pact Scout
Imperial Grunt
Imperial Manipulator

Hostile NPCsEdit

Market District
The Bargain Man
Skathei the Dreadscale

Hostile Generic NPCsEdit

Legion Zero Bureaucrat
Market District
Daedric Enginer
Dremora Raider
Gray Viper Nightblade
Xivkyn Lyophilizer
Xivkyn Mage Knight
Xivkyn Markynaz
Xivkyn Veilweaver


The Drake of Blades would have sent you to speak to a Nord alchemist during a quest.

"Hmph. That skulking Dragonguard witch sent you, didn't she? To the wolves with her!
I told her to get a writ of consent from the Lieutenant, and you know what she said? She told me I looked like a cow."
""Bovine," she says! And then she says all kinds of things about how I should have stuck to hunting, because my fingers are too fat for delicate work. "Look at the wear on your heels" she says, "and your sloppy braids!" Honestly!"
response 1
response 2
"Well there's no reason to get huffy! By Orkey …. Here. Tell her to make it last, because she'll get no more from me. Now, off with you."
"Fine, fine. Just make sure she doesn't come around her [sic] bothering me again, all right?
There. Now, off with you."


Ainenya and Canuldil were an Altmer couple that lived in the Elven Gardens District. Canuldil died trying to find help, leaving his wife to shelter in their old home. You would find his notes and inform Ainenya of his fate during Bottled Despair.


Aishah was a Khajiit daily quest giver who presumably resided within the Elven Gardens refuge. Before the Planemeld, she was a bailiff with the Imperial City guard. While her resignation letter was cut, a love letter addressed to her from a roguish Khajiit remains in the final release, however.


Ambodhel was an Altmer curator from the Arcane University who would have asked you to help put out fires in the Elven Gardens District.


A combatant in the Arena. The Rat has you bring poultices to her to help her keep fighting.

Chief Councilor LovidicusEdit

Chief Councilor Lovidicus was an Imperial present in the Arena District, having been captured by Daedra and presently being tortured in the Imperial Arena. His brother, Jagar, would have been trying to help him. He is still mentioned in Minutes of the Elder Council. He now appears as an NPC in Blackwood.

Chief Enginer GelagothEdit

Chief Enginer Gelagoth was a member of the Worm Cult who engaged in correspondence with Overseer Sadrys. He is the author of Anchor Maintenance Notes and a Service Reminder.

General DavariusEdit

General Davarius was a commander of Legion Zero. He has written a set of orders to his subordinates.

Idryne SadrysEdit

She is referred to as Overseer Sadrys by the Worm Cult. Priestess Faltonia mentions her in dialogue. She's authored a book.

Jagar LovidicusEdit

Jagar Lovidicus was a male Imperial who would be found in the Arena District, trying to help his brother, Chief Councilor Lovidicus of the Elder Council, who had been captured by the Daedra and tortured in the arena.

||Apparently the Daedra have captured the head of the Elder Council and are making a spectacle of torturing him in the arena. To help rescue him, I should find Jagar Lovidicus in the Arena District.

"The Head of the Elder Council has been captured, and it seems the Daedra are torturing him, making a spectacle of it, in fact. If you wish to help him, go to the Arena District and seek out Jagar Lovidicus. If anything can be done, Jagar will know."
"The head of the Empress's Elder Council. He's apparently been captured by the Daedra, and they're making a spectacle of his torture in the Arena. Someone like you might be able to rescue the poor fool. If you wish to do so, talk to Jagar Lovidicus."
"The Arena. People say the Daedra captured the head of the Elder Council, and they're torturing him in front of the crowd. There's someone there trying to help him. Jagar Lovidicus, I think. Maybe talk to him."
I'll go speak with Jagar as soon as I can.
All right. I'll look for Jagar.

Arena QuestEdit

How did you end up in the arena?
"I was creeping around the Market District next door, looking for food, when I heard cheering. I followed the sound, took a quick peek into that awful arena, and then ran and hid here. I've been shaking in my boots ever since."


Jhaziran was a Khajiit merchant who would have asked you to retrieve his goods from the Market District. He apparently supplied the Worm Cult with goods, doing business with a ranking member known as Fleshmender Moradilion. The contract he signed was binding, and infringing upon it put him at risk of running afoul of a specter known as the Bargain Man. The Drake of Blades was involved in this quest. His friends were Nizib and Vilea Inventius.


Rayzeeh was a female member of the Fighters Guild who the player would be asked to seek out in order to destroy the Dark Anchor in the Nobles District. In the final release, the Fighters Guild doesn't have a presence in the Imperial City.


Rindaelion was involved in Return to Sender. You would find a scroll while wandering the city with instructions to return it to Rindaelion. Unfortunately, Rindaelion was dead.

"Rindaelion seems to have been dead for some time. You place the scroll in his pocket.
The pocket contains some gold coins, for which Rindaelion no longer has any use."

Simplicia NivianusEdit

Simplicia Nivianus was an Imperial high priestess located in the Temple District refuge. She would give a daily quest to disrupt a Daedric ritual inside the Temple of the Divines.

There is also a letter written by her entitled On Valerianus Lentinus that was removed in the One Tamriel update.

An NPC would have directed you to speak with her.

"I'll say. So many damn Daedra already here, I can't imagine who or what remains in Coldharbour to be summoned, but I don't want to find out.
Talk to the High Priestess, Simplicia, at the temple refuge. She knows more than I do."

Stages for the first quest: ||It seems that Molag Bal's minions have taken over the temple and are preparing a summoning ritual. I should go to the Temple District and speak to Priestess Simplicia to learn more.

Objective: Talk to Priestess Simplicia

||Priestess Simplicia asked me to enter the temple and do whatever I must to disrupt the summoning ritual being conducted by Molag Bal's minions.


||I disrupted the ritual at the temple. I should return to Priestess Simplicia and let her know.

Objective: Talk to Priestess Simplicia

Shadakul the NecrologistEdit

Shadakul the Necrologist scholar and ranking member of the Mages Guild who specialized in the study of decay. She was a daily quest giver who resided within the Arboretum refuge. Her apprentice, Apprentice Veriasa, was also the subject of a quest.

Hall Steward KerenniaEdit

Hall Steward Kerennia was a female hall steward of the Fighters Guild located in their hideout that would give out repeatable quests. One of the quests would have tasked the player with collecting "dreadshards" from Worm Cultists in the Market District who were using them to enhance their spellpower. According to her, the dreadshards hummed like "bees and rusty chains". Another quest involved collecting clannfear heads.


Vonele was an Imperial priestess who would tell the player about rituals taking place in the Temple District. The player would then seek out Priestess Faltonia to corroborate her story.

Wounded Legion Zero soldierEdit

"Molag Bal, Clivia, Mannimarco, the Council, Legion commanders … it's all the same. We all … we all end up slaves."
"There's nothing you can do. It's too late. The Imperial Legion has fallen at our hands. The city is next."
"Finish me, scum. End this … this farce. If you don't, those skulking Imperial scouts will."
Why betray the Legion? / But why betray the Imperial army?
"You dare speak to me of betrayal?
Marched out like cattle to be slaughtered by Elves, and savages, and stinking beast men? Spat on by the very people we're sent to protect? Gnawing on boot leather and freezing in the Dragontails while nobles feast?"
But your fellow legionaries?
"Fools! Their so-called "honor" is just a … a meaningless fiction. One they paid for in blood.
They would have tried to stop us. The conflict was inevitable. We had to strike first. I feel no pity. No remorse. I'm beyond such things now."
What happened to you?
"I was struck by an arrow. Don't be fatuous."
No, I mean what sorcery has made you look like this?
"Ah. The kiss of Molag Bal. In exchange for our allegiance he gave us … gave us his strength and speed. Made us an army worthy of Coldharbour. Not that it matters now. I will return to my master soon. As will you.
Legion Zero leaves no survivors."
Have you been mind controlled?
"You would like to think that, wouldn't you? How easy it would be to dismiss our cause as base slavery. You're all the same. Pathetic.
We entered this pact with … our eyes open. Can you say the same? Your flags and honor … meaningless."
What do you mean?
"Molag Bal offers power. Molag Bal is power. This inane puppet play that you provincials are so fond of … trading keeps like some stupid Baandari shell game—it's pointless.
Everything. All of this—it's a sham. Can't you see?"

Some QuestEdit

"And you ran straight here? Why, you deserve a medal!
All I can offer are some worthless gold coins."

Unsorted Dialogue with Audio FilesEdit

Either a Dominion soldier or a former Legion soldier.

"Betrayal. How could we have been so blind? The shame …. It is unbearable."
"Yes. Yes, of course. We were assembling for drill. Standard in-ranks inspection. Everything was proceeding as normal. Then the anchors fell.
I began shouting orders to my lieutenant. She looked at me … I'll never forget that look. That smile."
She was a traitor then?
"Yes, she was.
She defied my order and shouted something in a dark tongue. Fighting broke out within the ranks. Legionnaires that I'd commanded for years … soldiers I'd viewed as sons and daughters—they turned on us. No hesitation. None at all."
How did they take the district?
"We outnumbered them, but something gave them unnatural strength and speed. I've never seen the like. Their eyes filled with blue fire and they fell upon us like savages.
Hundreds were slain in minutes …. Minutes."
But you survived.
"To my great shame, yes.
These few soldiers were the only troops I could find. We do what we can, but this district—this city—is completely overrun. I fear we may never take it back."
How did you escape?
"We fell back by cohorts. At least we tried. It was orderly at first, but it was impossible to account for where the traitors would emerge. We broke and scattered. Most were butchered right there on the street."
"Be cautious. They look like normal men and women, but there's something dark and powerful lurking in their hearts. They're very strong, and faster than racing hounds. Don't underestimate them."
What else can you tell me about the dark legionaries?
"They call themselves the nil Legion … Legion Zero. These traitors were seeded in every one of the Empire's armies. They've forsaken their old allegiences and formed a new shadow legion."
Who leads it?
"We can't be sure. I've not seen any of my fellow generals since the first attack. I prefer to think that they were slain in battle. I can't bear the idea that one of my old friends serves Molag Bal."

A former inmate from the Imperial City:

"You have to listen to me! It's not a prison anymore. It's a nightmare!"
"The Daedra came. Killed all the guards. Burned them with blue flames and left them to rot.
They started dragging people out of their cells. The screams—I can still hear the screams! The Daedra own the prison, don't you see? You can't linger! Go!"
"I have to get out … I have to get out of the city. The Warden's eyes are everywhere! He'll find me!"
"The Lord Warden! Those Twilights—all claws and curses!
All I did was steal a loaf of bread, you see? No harm done. I was almost out of the prison … the guards had signed my release. By the Eight, they'd signed it!"
?: "Mortal arrogance draws us hence from the churning chaos of Oblivion!"
?: "Woe be upon those who dare summon us from our Father's cruel embrace!"
?: "Death is no release for you! Your souls shall return to Molag Bal!"
?: "We're all going to die down here, aren't we?"
?: "You keep fighting, even though you are already defeated. What sad little creatures you are!"
?: "You deny the Tel Var stones' potential to stop the Planemeld?"
?: "That's avaricious twaddle! Tel Var stones are a danger to be contained."
?: "Cantankerous fool."
?: "What was that?"
?: "I said, "you can't be fooled.""
?: "One day you'll learn how to mutter."
  • "A Journal containing notes on the skull branding process."

Imperial merchant of some kind.

"I lost my sword on the first day of the invasion. One minute, I was being chased by a Daedroth and the next I was sobbing in a corner, empty-handed.
Lost one of my brothers that day too."
"Some days you're up. Some days you're down. Today is an up day.
What can I do for you?"
"I'm getting sick of hiding out down here, but every time I leave I get chased right back.
Some days I think it might be better to just give up."
"I'm actually a caravan guard from Nibenay. I was just here to deliver goods when the invasion began. The rest of the caravan went and got killed.
So for now, I'm just staying here."

A different NPC, probably a civilian with a hideout in the city.

"Make yourself comfortable. It's not much, but at least your face isn't being scratched out by a daedrat."
"Every once in a while, a friendly face comes by. Glad to see you, friend."
"The city's seen better days. Let's hope it survives to see them again."
"You startled me, stranger. That's a way to get the heart racing in the morning, I tell you."

A dying Argonian with children.

"They have a strong appetite, my lovely ones. I hope that … I hope that I will be enough."
"Perhaps they will see the Hist tree someday—lick its sap and learn their worth. They deserve more than a sewer … my beautiful children."
"They resemble me, yes? It is in the eyes I think …. So lovely."


Many achievements were cut from the DLC. Notably, the Patrolling Horrors had hard mode achievements.

Achievement Description Criteria / Hints / Other Notes
Clear Nazenaechar's Portal Kill General Nazenaechar and loot her Cache.
  • Killed General Nazenaechar
  • Looted General Nazenaechar's Cache
Clear Zamachar's Aerie Kill General Zamachar and loot his Cache.
  • Killed General Zamachar
  • Looted General Zamachar's Cache
Clear Kryozote's Larder Kill General Kryozote and loot his Cache.
  • Killed General Kryozote
  • Looted General Kryozote's Cache
Clear the Lady's Hatchery Kill the Lady of the Depths and loot her Cache.
  • Killed the Lady of the Depths
  • Looted the Lady's Cache
Clear the Unfinished Portal Kill Taebod the Gatekeeper and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Taebod the Gatekeeper
  • Looted the Gatekeeper's Cache
Clear the Mass Grave Kill Secundinus the Despoiler and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Secundinus the Despoiler
  • Looted the Despoiler's Cache
Clear the Throne of Bones Kill Emperor Leovic and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Emperor Leovic
  • Looted the Deposed Emperor's Cache
Clear the Bloodmist Nest Kill Otholug gro-Goldfolly and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Otholug gro-Goldfolly
  • Looted the Bloodmist Master's Cache
Clear the Ritual Chamber Kill Ebral the Betrayer and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Ebral the Betrayer
  • Looted the Deceiver's Cache
Clear the Hidden Alcove Kill Wadracki and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Wadracki
  • Looted the Hunter's Cache
Clear the Long-Drain Gallery Kill Hzu-Hakan and loot his Cache.
  • Killed Wadracki
  • Looted the Sniper's Cache
Clear the Storm Chamber Kill Gati the Storm Sister and loot her Cache.
  • Killed Gati the Storm Sister
  • Looted the Torturer's Cache
Deadric [sic] Cache Ransacker Discover and loot all the Daedric Caches in the Imperial City and Imperial City Sewers.
  • Bloodmist Master's Cache
  • Corrupted Temple's Cache
  • Deceiver's Cache
  • Deposed Emperor's Cache
  • Despoiler's Cache
  • Dremora Looter's Cache
  • Gatekeeper's Cache
  • General Kryozote's Cache
  • General Nazenaechar's Cache
  • General Zamachar's Cache
  • Hoarvor Tender's Cache
  • Hunter's Cache
  • Lady's Cache
  • Scamp Trainer's Cache
  • Sniper's Cache
  • The Gamemaster's Cache
  • Torturer's Cache
  • Xivkyn Spoils Cache
Imperial Cache Ransacker Discover and loot all the Imperial Caches in the Imperial City and Imperial City Sewers.
  • Almsman's Cache
  • Caretaker's Cache
  • Elder Councilman's Cache
  • Emperor's Tithe Cache
  • Gambler's Cache
  • Gladiator's Cache
  • Landlord's Cache
  • High Priest's Cache
  • Lonely Widow's Cache
  • Market Banker's Cache
  • Market Delivery Cache
  • Market Treasury Cache
  • Private Mercenary's Cache
  • Scholar's Cache
  • Speculator's Cache
  • Temple Coffer Cache
  • Tradesman's Cache
  • Wealthy Landowner's Cache
IC Main Quest Complete Complete the Main Quest in Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Drive to Victory" in Imperial City
  • Complete quest "City in Peril" in Imperial City
  • Complete quest "Imperial Intelligence" in Imperial City
Clear the Arboretum District Complete all the quests in the Arboretum District within the Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Arms of Rescue" in the Arboretum District
  • Complete quest "Of the Flesh" in the Arboretum District
  • Complete quest "Marking Targets" in the Arboretum District
  • Complete quest "The Mage's Projection" in the Arboretum District
Clear the Elven Gardens District Complete all the quests in the Elven Gardens District within the Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Care Package" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Fight [sic] to Freedom" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Reclaiming of Gardens" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "Scarhea's Return" in Elven Gardens District
  • Complete quest "The Cold Wind Blows" in Elven Gardens District
Clear the Nobles District Complete all the quests in the Nobles District within the Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Symbol of Nobility" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "Snakes" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "Blood Drive" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "Rune Vision" in the Nobles District
  • Complete quest "The Help" in the Nobles District
Clear the Market District Complete all the quests in the Market District within the Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Seize the Initiative" in the Market District
  • Complete quest "Guildhall Decorations" in theMarket [sic] District
  • Complete quest "Dark Magic" in the Market District
  • Complete quest "One Man's Treasure" in the Market District
Clear the Temple District Complete all the quests in the Temple District within the Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Ritual Resumed" in the Temple District
  • Complete quest "Pierce the Veil" in the Temple District
  • Complete quest "Saving Souls from Molag Bal" in Temple District
  • Complete quest "Shattered Faith" in the Temple District
  • Complete quest "Divine Retribution" in the Temple District"
Clear the Arena District Complete all the quests in the Arena District within the Imperial City.
  • Complete quest "Brother's Legacy" in the Arena District
  • Complete quest "Lambs to the Slaughter" in the Arena District
  • Complete quest "The Rat's Bane" in the Arena District
  • Complete quest "To the Sword" in the Arena District
Clear the Imperial City Sewers Complete all the quests in the within the Imperial City Sewers.
  • Complete quest "Bottled Despair" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Bullied" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Dremora on Patrol" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Forgotten Deeds" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Stitching Flesh" in the Imperial City Sewers
  • Complete quest "Stolen Relics" in the Imperial City Sewers
Imperial City Quester Complete all the quests within the Imperial City.
Capture the Market District Help gain control of the Market District.
Capture the Noble District Help gain control of the Noble District.
Capture the Arboretum District Help gain control of the Arboretum District.
Capture all the Districts Help gain control of all the Districts in Imperial City.
Imperial Liberator Rescue 20 Imperial Captives in the Imperial City.
Defuse the Daedra Kill one of Baron Thirsk's summoned Banekin before it explodes.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.
Deft Dancer Kill Immolator Charr without being struck by his stomp attack or any subsequent explosions.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.
Evade the Eruption Kill the dread lich, Mazaluhad, without taking damage from his exploding zombie minions.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.
Quiet as the Grave Kill the Bone Collossus [sic], Amoncrul, while it is standing inside its own Antimagic Field.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Kill the Amoncru [sic] while he is standing in his own silence.

Withstand the Watcher Survive Zoal the Ever-Wakeful's Tentacle Whip while standing within his Shocking Gaze.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Survive the Tentacle Whip while standing in the Shocking Gaze.

Silence the Screecher Kill the Screeching Matron without killing any of her children.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Kill the Screeching Matron in under 30 seconds.

Poor Harvest Kill Ysenda Resplendent without allowing her to heal herself.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Kill Ysenda Resplendent without allowing her to heal herself.

Bone-In Barbeque Kill 50 of Volghass' skeletal minions by shepherding them through the Flesh Atronach's flame attack.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Make Volghass kill 50 of his minion skeletons.

Stop, Drop and Roll Dodge roll out of King Khrogo's Firebomb attack after being targeted.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Dodge roll out of King Khrogo's Firebomb attack 25 times.

Spare the Children Kill Lady Malygda without killing any of her summoned minions.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above ×95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Kill Lady Malygda without killing any of her summoned minions.

Puddle-Maker Deal 100,000 fire damage to the Frost Atronach, Nunatak.
Only players that enter the fight when the monster is at or above 95% health will be eligible for this achievement.

Deal 500,000 fire damage to the Frost Atronach, Nunatak.

District Dominator Complete Hard Mode achievements for all Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City.
Legionary Locksmith Collect 5 keys for the Mark of the Legion Trophy Chest.
Hurried Hunter Kill 2 different Patrolling Horrors in under 15 minutes.
City Stalker Kill a player in all six city districts without dying.
Horror of Horrors Kill 3 different Patrolling Horrors without dying.
Dental Locksmith Collect 5 keys for the Monstrous Tooth Trophy Chest.
Clawed Locksmith Collect 5 keys for the Bloody Claw Trophy Chest.
Daedric Locksmith Collect 5 keys for the Xivkyn Scrap Trophy Chest.
Shackled Locksmith Collect 5 keys for the Daedric Shackles Trophy Chest.
Imperial Potency Translate all of the Imperial City runestones.
None But the Brave Kill 10 players inside Imperial City while carrying a minimum of 250 Tel Var Stones.
Who Dares, Wins Kill 50 players inside Imperial City while carrying a minimum of 250 Tel Var Stones.
Fortune Favors the Bold Kill 100 players inside Imperial City while carrying a minimum of 250 Tel Var Stones.