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Online:General Nedras

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
General Nedras
Home City Imperial City
Home Settlement Aldmeri Dominion Base
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion
General Nedras

General Nedras is a Wood Elf officer of the Aldmeri Dominion found in their base located inside the Imperial Sewers.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

He will talk about the situation down below and if you were sent by a captain in Cyrodiil:

"I tell you, soldier, a city like this … it's just foul. The stench in these sewers—what have these people been eating?
Hate to say it, but it might be better to let it go to Oblivion. Mind you, those aren't my orders, though."
I was told to report to you. I've come to help take the city.
"Ha. Lured with promises of plunder, ay? Or are you one of those banner-rattling idealists? Sorry to say, you'll be disappointed on both counts. There's very little glory to be found here. Just muck, and rubble, and blood."
What's the situation here in the city?
"We're holed up in a stinking sewer. That should give you some idea.
Got enemies lurking in every dark corner. Sneaky Pact skirmishers and those Daggerfall brutes. Then there's the Daedra. Hundreds of them ... thousands."
What can I do to help?
"So you're not running for the hills, ay? Going to stay and fight? All right then, let's get to work.
I need you to help clear this place out. We've barely got enough room to breathe. Hunt down enemy bannermen and those Daedric beasts and slay them."
Simple as that?
"Simple as that. War is a game of numbers, friend. I'm sure I don't need to convince you that the numbers are not in our favor. If we want to claim the White-Gold Tower, we've got to even the odds."
Very well.
"One last thing.
There's a woman here in the city—a Dragonguard warrior calling herself the 'Drake of Blades.' She's brought us some valuable intelligence, but she's up to some mischief, I know it. If you meet her, stay watchful."
As you wish.

If you started the quest directly from him, the dialogue will be shortened:

"I tell you, soldier, a city like this … it's just foul. The stench in these sewers—what have these people been eating?
Hate to say it, but it might be better to let it go to Oblivion. Mind you, those aren't my orders, though."
How can I help?
"So you're not running for the hills, ay? Going to stay and fight? All right then, let's get to work.
I need you to help clear this place out. We've barely got enough room to breathe. Hunt down enemy bannermen and those Daedric beasts and slay them."
Very well.
"One last thing.
There's a woman here in the city—a Dragonguard warrior calling herself the 'Drake of Blades.' She's brought us some valuable intelligence, but she's up to some mischief, I know it. If you meet her, stay watchful."
As you wish.

After activating the quest, he will repeat his first line.

Cut ContentEdit

General Nedras was the quest giver for Dominion Priorities.

"Ironically, the exact opposite. We finally get into Imperial City, only to find Molag Bal got here first. Dark anchors up there, Daedra, the whole package.
If we don't destroy those anchors, the entire city will be pulled into Coldharbour."
How can I help?
"These anchors are different—no idea how to destroy them. The mage Narnolas took a squad and went to study them, but they haven't reported in.
So go to the Market District, find Narnolas, and get his findings to Captain Pudazi in the hideout there."
All right. I'll go find Narnolas.

You would also turn Imperial Intelligence in to him.

I've got some intelligence documents for you.
"Mara's bosom! The Empress-Regent in the White-Gold Tower? This is good information. Shame we can't do anything about it.
Damn though. I can already hear Queen Ayrenn now: "Figure it out, Nedras." I guess I'll have to. What a pain in the arse."