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Online:Cut Content/Shadowfen

< Elder Scrolls Online: Cut Content / Ebonheart Pact
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Quests and content in Shadowfen went through some major changes during development.

  • Ildroth: A cut settlement where the Children of Sithis live. The Shadowscales' enclave was located there.
  • Egg Nurse
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
<<1>> has asked me to get Argonian Egg from his house in the Percolating Mire and take it to the Hatching Pools.
Objective: Assemble Xak Banner
Objective: Assemble Ulo Banner
Objective: Assemble Koj Banner
Objective: Unseal the Heart of the Shrine
Your man Saervild has been murdered. His place was taken by an Aldmeri spy.
"No, I mean the … thing that lured me in here. It looked like my husband, but my poor Saervild is lying dead right there!
I've been tied up beside his corpse all this time. It was horrible."

"Champion? I do not remember any Champion, or the sanctum being closed off. Is this the work of the necromancers?"
"The inner sanctum cannot be opened by mortal means. Only with the power of the blessed varla stone will the door yield.
It lies in the hands of our Champion, but he is beyond our reach."
"Will these words help us in entering the inner sanctum, I wonder? They must have something to do with getting the key from the Champion.
But we cannot do anything with them as long as his tomb is closed to us."
"A moment, stranger. I am Napetui. The wisdom of the Hist has guided you to me. Let us speak before it is too late."
"There's an old temple on the hill overlooking the town. We're hoping that others have found sanctuary there."
"<<1>> was no scholar. She did nothing idly.
The river has brought us here for a reason."


"I can hardly believe it. <<1>> dead as well and for some time?
Without your help, we'd never have rid ourselves of the corruption <<2>> had brought us. No wonder peace was always so far from our grasp. I can now begin rebuilding Stormhold."
"What did you say? No, I heard you the first time. I just wasn't expecting you. The others may already know you're here and will approach you for aid discreetly. In the mean time, become familiar with the city and stay sharp."
"Yes... we are aware. We are not behind this unsanctioned activity and share Stormhold's concerns.
I will not discuss it with you any further until the Nest-Mother has deemed you trustworthy."
"How could Ayvas mistake a crocodile for a Daedra? He's a seer!
I'm not sorry to hear the creature's dead. It's eaten three people over the last ten years. Careless and stupid people, but they're still missed."
"I'm not sorry to see it go. It's eaten three people over the last ten years. Careless and stupid people, but they're still missed.
I wish I'd had someone there to skin and butcher it. That would have been useful. At any rate, I appreciate it."


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I found a pile of stones in the ruins east of Murkvale that appear very similar to the stone bandit amulets.
I informed Dronoril about the events at Murkvale.

Mireglow Dust Witchreed

"Murkvale is in danger too? These events are truly grim, <<1>>. Something wicked is going on in the woods, but for right now I have to focus on the liberation of Gallowroot."
"They ferry slaves across the waterways of Shadowfen. During inspection, I made a few choice cuts to their rigging.\n\nThey should be stranded just outside of the harbor for a time, until they can repair their ships. You must get to them before then."
"The lore book is divided into two sections: "Native Plants" and "Native Creatures.""
"Flipping through the section on plants, one of them looks exactly like the bundled dead plants seen on the altar: a long, slender reed with black horizontal stripes."
"Most of the creatures are quite common, yielding basic ingredients: claws, blood, teeth, etc. One of them stands out as being more unusual, producing only a single ingredient that resembles the granular substance seen on the tablet."
"The description reads:\n\n"Witchreed: Accessible year round in the surrounding swamp and delta, preferring the brackish water. Easily identified by its black striping. Used in curative, protective, and pain-relieving rituals.""
"The description reads:\n\n"Wisps: Dangerous, gaseous balls of light that prefer swampy areas. Yields glow dust used in restorative and reflective rituals.""

Forsaken HamletEdit

Kitten QuestEdit

<The little kitten looks so lost and lonely without anyone around to care for it.>

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
The kitten needs a home, but I can't provide for it right now. I saw some houses southwest of the Forsaken Hamlet. Perhaps someone there can give it a good home.

Alten CorimontEdit

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I've destroyed the bodies the Worm Cult necromancers were using in Alten Corimont. I should return to the safehouse and tell Shade-Tail of my success.
I've discovered that Hjarl was the one who betrayed Lei-Kai and his men. I should tell Shade-Tail the news.

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Kee-Scale's master has agreed to let him go free, despite asking me to do his task for him. I should let Kee-Scale know he is a free Argonian.
What do you know of the assassins sent to Alten Corimont?

Hatching PoolsEdit

  • Sharxal Salve: A bottle of Sharxal Salve.
  • Marshtail Spine: A spiny reed used in making sharxal salve.
  • Simmering Muck: A shimmering goo that is used to make sharxal salve.
  • Scalecap Mushroom: A fungus that is part of the sharxal salve mixture.

Deathweed Stalk

"Fine. What would you ask of me?"
"Are you making an advance at me for your companion? Do I hear this right?
This is absurd. How dare you... ugh, what I am saying? I have been cooped up far too long. Perhaps a drink will do me good.
When my shift is up, I shall meet your... friend."
"Could it be? My future husband?
Oh, I must prepare before I meet him. I'll need to look my best. I hope he doesn't mind joining together at dawn. And I wonder what we'll name our first seven children. So many questions!
Tell him I'll be there soon!"
"Perhaps it would do Zihija well to think less about the problems and enjoy the moment in which she lives.
Zihija has a small request of you though. This one would show your friend what she enjoys most in life."
"There are rocks that have washed up on the beaches of the slum. They smell of salt and the sea. Zihija sometimes likes to just smell them for hours. They remind her of home.
Bring this to the inn so I may show your friend who Zihija truly is."
"Are you making an advance at me for your friend? Do I hear this right?
This is absurd! How dare you... ugh, what am I saying? I have been cooped up far too long. Perhaps a drink will do me good.
A favor of you though, before I can leave my post."
"I am almost off duty, but there are reports of some missing supplies that have washed up on the beaches of the slums.
You are a member of the Dominion. Look into this for me and I shall repay the favor and have a drink with your friend."
"You better not be lying to me!
Oh, I must prepare before I meet him. I'll need to look my best. I hope he doesn't mind talking about what we'll name our first seven children. So many questions!
Drat... where is the cat? Not now! Stupid cat!"
"Listen, be a sweetheart?
I must be off to meet my future mate at the inn, but my damn cat has gotten out again. Would you find him for me? He usually wanders about on the beach north of here.
Thanks! Now... I have to get ready!"
Assistant Keeper
"This is my first hatching season as an assistant keeper. Every day I learn how little I know. It is … humbling."
"Congratulations, <<1>>. An Argonian always gets this honor, but they usually choose from other Keepers of the Shell. It is rare that someone outside gets to spread the sharxal."
"I hear that you are being honored by the elder.
You are one of them, and you are strong. Perhaps I should be learning from you."
"You brought on the blessing of the Elder Hist?
I think I'll stay inside. It looks like it's raining piss!"
"I can never get enough of the smell of the Elder Hist's blessing. It reminds me of berries mixed with a little bit of ash."
"I am leader of the Hunters. The Hunters seek out eggs in the swamps and bring them here for proper hatching.
We also find and destroy the Lost, mad ones that lurk in the swamps."
"We seek out eggs in the wilderness swamps by scent and instinct."
"The Lost are eggs hatched without the care of the Keepers of the Shell. They... turn out wrong.
Since it was our duty to bring them to the pools, it is our responsibility to destroy the Lost ones that hatched without the blessing of the Elder Hist."
"I'm not sure how they manage. If I didn't fear they'd break, I'd nail them down! Such deceitful things. One moment they are sitting pretty, and the next? Off chasing after birds!"
"You haven't seen the pretty birds? They're all over the Mire. Rather large, I'd say and somewhat mean. In fact, now that I think about it, they are quite mean. Perhaps it's because they've lost all of their colorful plumage! Poor naked birds...."
"Hmm, a name? I don't believe so, and if they did, they'd probably all have different names. Although I do recall <<1>> calling them halfwings? Or hackwings, perhaps? Maybe heartwings. That sounds more pleasant."

"I earned my name for learning to brew the sharxal salve, as my namesake did before me.
Without our kind, all Saxhleel would all end up addled like the wild ones outside of our walls."
"You may know us as Argonian, but that is an Imperial term. We no longer gnaw on the roots of the Emperor's tree."
"Child, you have been out of water too long. We are Saxhleel.
Argonian is an Imperial term. We no longer gnaw on the roots of the Emperor's tree."
"The salve is carefully brewed with secret ingredients and applied daily to the eggs. \n\nIt must be applied generously during the later phases to receive the blessing of the Elder Hist."
"<<1>> can tell you where to find the very best.\n\n<<2>>s grow mostly to the northwest and northeast. They're often found on the banks and in shallow water.\n\n<<3>>, a special muck paste that simmers with heat of decay, is due north from the Elder Hist."
"There is a special muck paste that simmers with heat of rot and decay. The best place I've found to gather this muck is due north from the Elder Hist."
"The spines grow mostly to the northwest and northeast. They're often found on the banks and in shallow water."
"The fungus grows near the base of the trees at about eye level. It grows mainly on the Hist, but we've already picked the Elder Hist clean of the scalecap. \n\nWe've spread spores far and wide. Any tree in the area may hold the caps."
"I lead the Guardians who watch over the eggs day and night. \n\nWe serve the Elder Hist. The Elder Hist keeps us in return. As we were guarded during our hatching, so we shall guard the eggs."
"You do not know much, do you?\n\nThese go by many names. Eggs. Seeds. Fruit of the Hist. They are a blessing that provides new life into the Argonian people. \n\nWe treat them as carefully as warmbloods treat your small children."
"You have not been in Shadowfen long. \n\nIt is the largest Hist tree in the region. We bring all Argonian eggs here to receive the blessings of the Elder Hist before hatching."
"I lead the Guardians who watch over the eggs day and night. \n\nWe serve the Elder Hist. The Elder Hist keeps us in return. As you were guarded during your hatching, <<1>>, so we shall guard these eggs."
"Do you not remember your own hatching?\n\nOf course they are Argonian eggs. They are new life for our people."
"How do you not know this? Were you left to hatch alone, pickled in the swamp?\n\nIt is the largest Hist tree in the region. We bring all Argonian eggs here to receive the blessings of the Elder Hist before hatching."
"All have been warned of the hatching, <<1>>? You have made yourself part of the sharxal?"

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should collect the sharxal salve components to assist in the next hatching. <<1>> can tell me where to find them.
I should kill the pirates that have settled near one of the sacred Hist trees to the northwest of the Great Hist at the Hatching Pools. \n\nI should also search for evidence of what the Pirates are doing there.
I should speak to <<1>> to complete the ritual.
I have killed many of the swamp-addled Argonians, and should return to <<1>> to tell her of my success.
I have the supplies for <<1>>. I should return to her at the hatching pools in the shadow of the Elder Hist.
You killed the Gideon River Pirates who had been collecting sap from the Hist Tree. Take the tools back to <<1>> near the Elder Hist and tell him what you found.
You killed the Gideon River Pirates who had been collecting sap from the Hist Tree.
I gave <<1>> the supplies she needed for the sharxal salve.
I have killed many of the swamp-addled Argonians who were hatched without the blessings of the Elder Hist.
I licked the Elder Hist roots, rubbed the salve on the newly hatching eggs, and completed this season's hatching ritual.

The AnthropologistEdit

"I'm writing a book on Argonian biology. The problem is that they're unwilling to talk about specifics.
When they allowed me into their hatching pools for the first time, I felt like it was a breakthrough, but it only brought up more questions."
"At first, I thought it was just cultural. Now I'm starting to think one of two things. Either they are compelled by some outside force not to reveal much about their reproduction or... I hate to suggest this."
"I didn't want to say this because it could come off as bigoted, but perhaps they don't even know.
I mean, it makes sense. They disappear into the swamps for a few weeks and come back with no memory. Maybe that's when they mate? I don't know."
Argonians do have their own ways.
"They alternatively refer to the eggs as "eggs" and "seeds." They worship a tree.
None of the females appear to be gravid. Ever. Where do the eggs come from?
They won't tell me."
"My scales flake with age and my eyes can no longer see. So, I rely on Hunters and Guardians to collect the components for my sharxal salve, but they are too few to always search for me."
"Gideon River Pirates prowl the banks and have settled near one of the sacred Hist. With so few hatches in the last seasons, we are shorthanded.\n\nFind out what they seek from the tree. I would see them killed for their desecration."
"We could use help dealing with the Lost ones who hatch without the blessing of the Elder Hist. They are violent and follow their swamp-addled instinct to their ancestral home.\n\nLook in the fen to the northwest. Find them before they can do us harm."

Keeper Uxith-EiEdit

"I am the Uxith-ei. The egg-watcher. I am charged with organizing all those who seek, protect, and hatch the Saxhleel eggs under this Elder Hist."
"With the sap on your tongue, you are better able to apply the sharxal salve to the eggs. The sap will come through your skin into the salve as you rub, transfering part of you to them through the Hist."
"Most of the time, the sharxal salve warms the egg and keeps it moist. The smell keeps away predators.\n\nThis final application calls the hatchlings out and transfers some essence from the Hist to the egg"
"Yes. There are eggs in the swamps and near lesser Hist that grow nearby. \n\nWe must send seekers to bring back the eggs for proper hatching."
"Child, have you forgotten your heritage? You and I are Saxhleel. It was the empire that called us Argonian."
"I am Saxhleel. A vast empire once called our homeland Argonia and the dwellers of the swamp Argonians.\n\nWarmbloods and the lost scale lukiul still call us that, but I will never accept the label."
"Of course, child of the shell. We want you to call the blessing of the Elder Hist. A high honor.\n\nLick the root of the Elder Hist. Then take this sharxal salve and rub it on the shells of the hatching eggs.\n\nWhen done, find me under the Elder Hist."
"Yes, child of the fiery mountain. We want you to give of yourself to the sharxal salve. Take this histwood ladel.\n\nAfterwards, notify others that the hatching begins by raising the banners.\n\nWhen that is done. find me under the Elder Hist."
"You do not know? The Elder Hist is the great tree that thrives at the center of these hatching pools. The Saxhleel bathe in its warm blessings.\n\nMay it always grow taller."
"Yes, child of the frigid northland. We want you to give of yourself to the sharxal salve. Take this histwood ladel.\n\nAfterwards, notify others that the hatching begins by raising the banners.\n\nWhen that is done. find me under the Elder Hist."
"Yes. Spit in the sharxal salve pot. Then stir it."
"It alerts the poolsguard to be more vigilant of predators while we complete the ritual."
"Of course. What would you like to know?"

Moss Orcs and JosajaEdit

Moss Orc Crocs will eat you and swamp spirits will curse you, but the Moss Orcs are to be feared the most.
They let a few survivors crawl away burnt, broken, and half eaten after weeks of torture. Josaja is a bandit no longer. The Swamp Spirit roaming the swamp cast a spell on this one.
You should slay the spirit - see it hurts no one else. Retrieve Dagger from <<1>> Kill the Swamp Spirit Swamp Spirit Swamp Spirit Shapeshifted Crocodile Slay the Swamp Spirit roaming this swamp. I agreed to slay the Swamp Spirit before it attacked again. Talk to the Swamp Spirit Find information about the Root-Charm Kill the Swamp Spirit Talk to Josaja Josaja I should inform Josaja of the Spirit's death. Josaja died from the Spirit's curse. Josaja feels weak. The swamp is blurry - both hot and cold. Josaja does not respond... Josaja's body rests motionless in the grass. The rise and fall of breath has ceased. The beautiful Spirit made Josaja sleepy. Josaja is no fool, but felt comfortable with lying down in this dangerous swamp. When Josaja awoke she felt weak and disoriented. The Spirit was gone.
The Spirit took some of Josaja's energy. I will rest here for a moment, but I need Josaja's dagger. Give me Josaja's dagger! No! Give me Josaja's dagger. I will rest here for a moment, but need Josaja's dagger. I have come for Josaja's dagger. A Khajiit cutthroat named Josaja was attacked by a Spirit in the Man-Grove swamp.


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
The leaders of the Archein force outside the town of Hissmir are arguing among themselves. Mannimarco's Worm Cult have asked them to attack an Argonian village to obtain the skull of a giant, needed for a ritual.
Walan would like the Archeins and Wardens to continue fighting each other. He's given me a package of false Warden military reports.
I should hand off the false reports to a member of the Archeins in Ten-Maur-Wolk. It's located far east of the Cult of the Fang camp.
No. The Archein leaders are running late.
Why are there three Archein leaders instead of one?
"I've created a package of fake Warden military reports.\n\nIf we get these into the hands of the Archeins, it could cause confusion and extend their conflict.\n\nDeliver this package to one of their members in Ten-Maur-Wolk far to the east of here."
"You assumed all Archeins think exactly alike? What a dull world this would be if it were so.\n\nWe want our caste returned to its former glory. We want the Pact to leave Black Marsh. Beyond that, there are many layers of silt."
"Especially that. It is a black knowledge. The leadership, the city-dwellers, they see it as a means to an end. Many of us see it as an end to our ideals.\n\nI'd say I'd sooner die than traffic in necromancy, but that would play into their claws."
"Keethius claims that you are not a true believer in the Cult's ideals. Your methods, while effective, will lead us down the same path that the Wardens and the Archeins have taken."
Objective: Talk to Pilgrim Neekta
Objective: Confront Scar-Eye and the Necromancer Leader
"There was a time when this village was much larger. We prospered here in the Mire, but always had issues with the hackwings. \n\nOur leader made a deal with some Archein researchers that would provide us with protection for a few plots of land."
"At first, we took it as a gesture of thanks, but days later the soldiers went mad. They killed many before disappearing into the Mire. None of us are safe, which is why I need your help.\n\nYou'll find them within the surrounding Mire. Be careful."
"I can't be sure, but we were happy for the protection alone. Everything seemed fine... until one day, we woke to find the researchers had left.\n\nThey took everything with them, but had left all of their soldiers behind."
Then my course is clear. I will see the Archeins suffer for what they've done.""
"Remember on where you need to take these.\n\nThere are three guards in the town that you should deliver this to.\n\nOne of the <<1>>s at the docks where you came in at.\n\nThen there's <<2>> in the slums and of course, the big guy in charge, <<3>>."

Do you know anything about the Worm Cult?
How was Teeus captured?
What do you know about Lei-Kai?
How did you obtain the Skull?
What can you tell me about this Gilded Skull?
Always? That doesn't seem strange to you?

There's no other fundamental difference between souls?'
"You're not Argonian. You can't understand.
We're not formed like you in body. Neither are we in mind. We are unique, but the same. Individuals, but shared.
Imperial speech has no words for this. I'm sorry."
"And their progenitors, the Shadowscales. I would hear your thoughts on what they have and have not done.
You are the one to release the shrine from the necromancer's hold, where they could not."
"That's how the Imperials would arrange it. Or the Dunmer Houses, or the Nords. Their ways aren't ours.
We're all of the Hist, and through the Hist we can be again. But our problems here are below the Hist's attention."
"He's the leader of the Worm Cult in our camp. I have no idea how important he is within the Cult. He says he's met Mannimarco. So that's good, I suppose.
He's as arrogant as any Imperial. Give a man control of death, he'll think he's immortal."
"Hah, you will need much luck.\n\nNo one out drinks Jarred. No one!"
"Your timing is perfect. We soon meet with <<1>>, the leader of the Worm Cult in the camp. <<2>> and <<3>> will be there. If we all agree to break the alliance and spare Hissmir, it's an opportunity to confront Relazar."
"Call it an old soldier's hunch if you would.\n\nI am older than I may look. The mer blood in me and all, of course. I have sensed these things before and often times, I am right."
"There's no way to climb up into the ship. Fortunately, the sands to the south are home to bore worms.\n\nThey are unpleasant creatures. They eat through wood like buttered guar. The ship is made of wood. You understand me?\n\nGo dig up a worm."
"If I came across a Cultist on fire, I would not relieve myself on him.\n\nThe Hist are not to be touched by other races. And never buy the blood-stained hands of necromancers. Mannimarco and Relazar are unforgiveable."
"There are three different armies in this camp.
My forces came from the Reticulated Spine region. Stormhold, mostly. <<1>> and <<2>> came from other regions of Black Marsh."
"From this area, the Venomous Fens.There are no cities out here - Hissmir is the largest settlement.
This is the area that most needs development. There are tribes out here that have never met a Dunmer or Nord, that have no steel or medicine."
"They're from Leafwater, to the east. Many are from Alten Corimont.
I've heard that <<1>> herself is from the Shadowscale retreat at Ildroth. She never talks about her past, though."
"The Argonian soldiers in Cyrodiil fought like they had the blood of dragons. To learn from them, I came to Stormhold and asked where they train soldiers.
Those bastards sent me to a damn nursery."
"You were fairly quiet, but yes, I heard you. My ears are quite sharp.
I was planning to deal with you after completing my meditations."
"I smell the blood of many victims on your hands. Someone bearing such a scent can't be so naive.
I assume you're trying to put me off guard."
"I could hunt you if I needed to.
I was curious to see what you'd do. You brought my secrets back to me. An unusual choice.
I'll leave my knife in its sheath. Let you prove your intentions. But I won't take my hand off the hilt."
"Theoretically, the best way to investigate the Cult's sanctum would be to knock out an unwary Cultist, using a club like this. Steal their robe, and wear it into the cave.
You'd need to take one unawares, where other Cultists couldn't hear."
"I wear the symbol of our alliance proudly.
If this cave is full of criminals and vagabonds, they surely will not speak to one such as myself.
You however, you might fit in and be less suspicious."
"I'd expect other Cultists to question someone wearing a robe covered with the blood of its former owner.
Worm Cultists do messy work, but they don't walk around spattered with gore.
Necromancers tend to be fastidious. A curious fact, no?"
"Certainly. But I'd predict little chance of success. There are many Cultists in the cave.
It's conceivable that someone with allies could take the cave by storm."
"Soul gems are used by necromancers to trap the power of a man or mer's soul.
It's filled with power - evidently from the soul of the dead Argonian lying beneath it. <<1>> will want to see this proof that the Worm Cult is breaking their agreement."
"The Cult of the Fang offers an alternative to the ways of the Archeins and the Wardens. They have only brought us war and pain. We believe in returning to the old traditions.
You look very experienced. <<1>>. We could use your help."
"Bogmother is not without her ways. Our ancestors erected this shrine to give shelter to all Argonians. We have passed down the legends from tongue to hatchling.
These outsiders will not see another sunrise."
"Yet the Archein lives. No matter. Bogmother will make short work of him.
I will leave their bodies to feed the swamp. It is a small price they pay for defiling our shrine. The shrine to our true pact, so to speak."

"You.... He....
Your pardon. I think my tail has fallen off in astonishment.
You have shamed me, friend. I should not have doubted you. I am grateful for the boon you've given us."
"I imagine I should respond with, "except the smell of burning Naga." But I'm no Bosmer cannibal. Honestly, it turns my stomach.
You've broken up the attack along the river - a great deed. I doubt the Nagas will trust Archein gifts again."
"Friend of Lorkus, you are now a friend of mine. You will be pleased with what I have provided your men here.
The Archeins are grateful for your support, Dark One. Together, the Worm Cult will grow in power, and crush our enemies alike."
"I cannot believe my eyes - you have recovered the idol! From now on, I will demand payment beforehand.
I thought the Argonians were our allies. So why do these Archeins behave as common outlaws? By the Three, I have been in the swamp for too long."
"Trading? No, no trading here. No trading for many years. Time has flowed past. Like the river itself, eh?
Ten-Maur-Wolk still exists. It's just up the road a bit. But, eh, maybe you shouldn't go there now."

Juutenma and the ShadowscalesEdit

  • Listener Xo-Xu
  • Speaker Arui-Haj
  • Journeyman Minuette
  • Heechata
  • Shadowscale
  • The Night Mother
  • The Night Mother Statue
  • Dan-Shei
  • Infiltrator Dan-Shei
  • Dying Argonian

The Night Mother would have spoken to you during this quest.

Why would she help me?
I'll go the Night Mother's shrine.
You weren't to blame.
The Night Mother revealed the killer to me.
"<1>>, you live. I relish the fact that I will not have to carry your corpse away from these fiends.
The Night Mother spoke to me moments before you arrived. There may yet be hope for our brothers."
"Have no pity for oathbreakers.
The Worm Cult was told they could do what they wished with the souls and corpses of other races. Saxhleel souls have a different obligation."
"We've cut off the head. Now our forces gather to dismember the body. They don't even know they're dead yet.
And then - then we'll deal with the pirates who violate our Hist. We won't be kind to them."
"The Night Mother showed her favor! Your purity is without question. You shall be her vessel, her dowsing rod, to divine the blasphemer among us!"
"Though the Shadowscales are the leader's hands, the Speaker and the Listener are the mouth and the ears.
Approach them with respect. Their wisdom is not for the weak-willed."
"There's an aura of corruption about you. Not of your doing, a separate danger. What do you want?"
"Well, I have to say, I'm rather shocked you actually completed the contract with all your bumbling. I don't know what the Night Mother sees in you, but mine is but to obey."
"Did you pray to the Night Mother? As I feared, Juutenma rouses the Shadowscales against you. There's not much time."
"Now you know the gift Shadowscales bestow upon the worthy—that life itself contains no guarantee beyond suffering."
"I knew you would understand our gift! When one of our own blasphemed against the Night Mother's teachings, it made us impure.
But you are both outsider and pure. And soon you will be Shadowscale, but not Shadowscale."
"Sithis will decide your fate, outsider."
"I can hear the Night Mother's voice! If she only speaks to the leader, then …."

"I submit to the will of the Night Mother."
"You're welcome here, walker in shadow and in light. The Shadowscales will always count you as an ally.
Unless the Night Mother commands otherwise. But you know this, yes?"
"We hear your decision, blessed of the Night Mother."
"Head toward the enclave's pinnacle. Stone stairs lead to a grotto beneath.
May the Night Mother answer you swiftly."
"The Night Mother has granted us a second chance. Our fate lies in your hands, it seems."
"You spoke with great acumen, blessed of the Night Mother."
"I'll serve <<1>> as I served you, walker in shadow and in light. For truly, I only serve the Night Mother."
"The Children of Sithis have motives beyond our sight. They must be unveiled.
There is no other solution. I must speak to the Night Mother herself."
"There's little time before the rest of the Shadowscales learn what has happened. The blasphemer will know you're the Night Mother's instrument."
?: "Hmm. Perhaps it's time I sent word to Sharp-Eye."
?: "Enter the enclave, and follow the path up. You'll see him."
Juutenma: "This tail-suckler has no worth to the Night Mother."
?: "Juutenma, let our visitor speak. We can't continue without help."
"By the Egg. If not for you, they'd remain separated. This way, they'll have the union they always wanted.
May the Night Mother watch over them."
"Understand the Night Mother loves you, and finds you worthy of whispering her secrets. You're her Speaker and her Listener together, and through her wisdom you'll cleanse us of our sins."
"Truly, your purity shall long serve as inspiration!
But I fear Juutenma's jealousy of your connection to the Night Mother. She claims you defeated her challenge through trickery! If we're clever, I can ensure you leave this place alive."
"Praise Sithis! I hear her whisper. How could you not weep at such glory within?
The faith of the Shadowscales shall never be questioned. Every gift we give shall sanctify the Night Mother!"
"The Night Mother sees the absolute truth of one's soul. She speaks with our leader, but a walker in shadow and in light is … like, a borrowed coat in a thunderstorm, yes?"
"Truly? How did you … no, the Night Mother's blessings are not for me to know."
"Beneath the Night Mother are five elite members of the Brotherhood, known as the Black Hand. The Black Hand is made up of one Listener and four Speakers."
"A Shadowscale is an Argonian born under the sign of the Shadow. We are taken at birth to Shadowscale Enclave near Stormhold and trained as assassins.
We follow the will of the Night Mother, who communicates through our leader."
"She who guides us. Our leader hears her commands and relays them to us. And we are trained to listen to our leader.
I can say no more on this."
The Night Mother told me Juutenma's blades "kissed the shadows."
"They accuse us of giving unsanctioned gifts. Lies and accusations!
Our leader is … indisposed. Without his guidance, how can we know who should receive our gifts? We cannot, yes?"

Speaker Arui-HajEdit

"You step firmly on the path I feel beneath my own feet. Could it be she finally answers our cries?
I am the Speaker, outsider. Of what shall we speak?"

Dying ArgonianEdit

"I have... a few breaths left. Let me give you what knowledge I have, if it will aid you in destroying the Worm Cult and their Children of Sithis."


"I have seen the necromancers anoint old and new recruits alike with the blood. Those who would dare call themselves the Children of Sithis.
Take the offering from one of the Children. It shall show your alliance with the Shadowscale is misguided."

The Night MotherEdit

The Night Mother: "Stand, supplicant. I know what you seek."
I wish to know what the Shadowscale [sic] have done to bring your ire.
"I cannot strike at those who blaspheme, and my agents are deaf to my words. The Children of Sithis will pay for their crimes.
I am not without patience. I will wait until the ages take every last one of them, if I must."
"Your words ring true, mortal. Yet I can do nothing - the necromancers have sealed the inner sanctum.
You are marked by their touch, but you retain your will. If you can destroy whatever maintains their hold on the sanctum, I will be free to act."
"You hold much hope in that beating heart, mortal. I will entertain it for a moment.
If you find reason for this madness, I will listen. The answers will surely be found in the vile blood of the Children of Sithis."
But the Children of Sithis still fight, even though I've slain the necromancer responsible.
"The Shadowscale Dan-Shei shall be rewarded, as shall you be, <<1>>.
But before we get to that, do you wish me to bring you from this place? The Children of Sithis will be within the thrall of the blood for a while longer."
"Your work here is done, mortal friend. Both you and Dan-Shei have earned my gratitude.
Did you wish my aid escaping this cavern?"
"Lesser supplicants who petition the bride of Sithis for aid. When I deign to answer, my Shadowscales prune the garden of Mer and Men."
"I will augment this special gift of yours, for a time, to see to the soul of the matter.
Question the three prisoners in the caverns below. Discover what they know about this murder. Then, dispose of them as you will."
"A small blessing, my supplicant. You could smell their lies.
Now, take my blade. See the world as it truly is."

If you speak to her again before interrogating the prisoners:

"Go, harrow the prisoners until they divulge their secrets."

Her dialogue upon your return differed depending on how many of the prisoners you killed.

Condition Audio Transcription
Some prisoners killed
"How does it feel to weigh life and death? What brings pity for one, but not for another?
No matter, your offering pleases Sithis. What did you learn?"
All prisoners killed
"All of them slain! You aren't one to famish my darling Sithis. I will remember this, supplicant.
Before you culled their last breaths, what did you learn from the prisoners?"
All prisoners freed
"All of the prisoners, set free. Do you think to defy me? If you showed mercy, it's only because I allowed you to do so.
Now. What did you learn?"
"Outside the sanctuary of the shrine, you will find the true forms of the Shadowscales revealed to you.
Use your newfound sight, and remove this cancer from our midst."
"Gaze upon the true enclave around you—the domain of Sithis! There, you shall find the traitor's soul and destroy it!"
Thank you, Night Mother.
How are the necromancers controlling them?
"Behold her devotion, supplicant. She yearns only to hear my voice, but you alone are blessed with my presence … for now.
I admit, the treachery she plans for you is quite touching."

The Night Mother calls to you after the duel.

The Night Mother: "Supplicant! You are summoned for one final act."

Talk to the Night Mother.

"In one thing, Juutenma was correct. You are no true Shadowscale. With the traitor revealed, your time here must end.
But I require one final service, one last judgment. You shall set my children into motion."
"Without a leader, the Shadowscales shall wither. Juutenma and Heechata each suit my needs, but each will fracture in their own way.
Use your judgment, supplicant. Tell the Night Mother what she fails to see in their hearts."
"The urge to plunge your hand in fire, to spill your own blood? My whisper in your ear, supplicant. Know that I made you the instrument of my will."

Infiltrator Dan-SheiEdit

"To turn away from the Shadowscale is an affront to the Night Mother herself. I thought these heretics would destroy her petitioning altar, but they have left it... pristine.
What is their motive? Why spout blasphemies against our common providence?"
"It is as you say. But the source of power is gone, wrested from their hands by your might. We can hope their hold on our brothers will lessen with time.
The Night Mother bade me give this to you, as a token of her thanks."
"I will light the incense and voice the petition. But first, I will coat my blade in the juice of the nightshade.
With it, you must stab the assembled corpse, as I speak the petition."
"Perhaps we will be greeted with silence. If luck would have us, the Night Mother will hear our petition and deign to speak with us.
I do not know what will happen after that."
"I would not dare touch this blood the Night Mother speaks of. If its corruption has gone as far as the depths of our own Enclave, I fear what even a drop would do to my mind and resolve."
How will you accomplish this?
"I know of an old rite to petition the Night Mother. We must assemble an offering that resembles our question.
Flesh and bone from the necromancers will serve. I also need a single leaf from the nightshade plant. Bring these to the shrine."
"They consort with those who defy Sithis - necromancers. The Children of Sithis pollute the shrine and mock their namesake.
For me to enter the shrine unseen, their blood must be spilled. I would not have my entrance known to their masters so soon."
"Seek out the Night Mother's shrine at the Head of Sithis. Pray for a clear path to the blasphemer among the Shadowscales."
The Children of Sithis are being controlled by the necromancers.
What has caused them to turn against the Shadowscale [sic]?

The Children of Sithis and the Heart of IldrothEdit

  • Band of Sithis
  • Night Mother's Kiss
  • Shadow Whisper Staff
  • Dan-Shei's Blade
?: "My fellow brothers and sisters."
?: "We've grown lax at maintaining and enforcing the five tenets."
?: "It's creating a weakness within our ranks, but no more."
?: "I've prayed to the Night Mother and the answer is the Wrath of Sithis."
?: "The Wrath has been chosen and now walks among us!"
?: "There will be repercussions for your actions."
?: "Uphold the five tenets. Or face the Wrath of Sithis!"
?: "Now go!"
The Prophet is dead, but the Children of Sithis have risen up against you.
Your brothers? Do you mean the Children of Sithis?
Tell me about the Children of Sithis.
Do you mean the Children of Sithis?
"The vial's contents leak out, spilling over your hands. As the crimsom liquid spreads, you think you can hear something whispering in the air around you."

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should slay the Children of Sithis around Ildroth, the shrine to Sithis once revered by the Shadowscale.
Dan-Shei, an infiltrator from the Shadowscale, wishes to use my disturbance to sneak in unseen.
Objective: Slay the Children of Sithis around Ildroth
The Children of Sithis have fractured from the Shadowscale, and are consorting with necromancers. The Shadowscale wish to find the cause of the schism, and decide whether this betrayal can be forgiven.
I've slain many Children of Sithis. This should have given Dan-Shei the time needed to get into the shrine. I should seek her out there.
Objective: Talk to Dan-Shei at the Entrance to the Shrine
Infiltrator Dan-Shei does not know what has motivated the Children of Sithis to depart from the Shadowscale ways. She was surprised to find that they had not defiled the Night Mother's shrine, though they purportedly speak to Sithis directly.
I should collect the materials Dan-Shei needs for the petition ritual to the Night Mother. She's asked me to collect body parts from the necromancers here as well as a nightshade leaf.
Objective: Collect Flesh and Bone from the Worm Cultists
Objective: Collect a Nightshade Leaf
I've collected the materials Dan-Shei needs for the ritual. I should bring them to her in the center of the shrine.
Objective: Bring Materials to Dan-Shei
Dan-Shei has asked me to help her petition the Night Mother to speak to her. She has given me her blade to use in the ceremony.
Objective: Stab Dan-Shei's Blade into the Reassembled Corpse
With my help, Dan-Shei has summoned the Night Mother. But the spirit or entity that is the Night Mother seems upset. I should speak to it.
Objective: Talk to the Night Mother
The Night Mother, patron of Sithis, has appeared at Ildroth after being summoned by Dan-Shei. She says she is powerless unless the shrine's power is wrested from the necromancers, who have warded the inner sanctum from her presence.
The Children of Sithis are anointed with some concoction of blood, created by the Worm Cult necromancers. I must find out what its purpose is.
I should find one of these vials of blood the Night Mother spoke of. She said some of the Children of Sithis around Ildroth carry them. Once I have one, I can discern its true purpose.
I must find out how the Children of Sithis are being controlled.
The visions mentioned the "unworthy" going to the shrine. I should see if I can find out what is happening to the Children of Sithis that question their dogma.
I've found a dying Argonian who once was one of the Chidlren [sic] of Sithis. I should speak to him.
Objective: Talk to the Dying Argonian
Objective: Talk to Dan-Shei
I should enter the inner sanctum of Ildroth, below the outer shrine, and destroy whoever or whatever is warding the Night Mother from accessing the Heart of Ildroth.
I've killed the necromancer responsible for warding the Heart of Ildroth. The Night Mother can now come and go as she pleases.
I should speak to her in the cavern.
I should speak to Dan-Shei outside of Ildroth's cavern and let her know the Night Mother is pleased.
Objective: Talk to Dan-Shei

Juutenma's DuelEdit

Quest reward: Night Mother's Chosen Ring

The Night Mother chooses you to lead the Shadowscales.

The Night Mother chooses you to lead the Shadowscales.

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
<<1>> says I'm blessed by the Night Mother to find the Shadowscale traitor who murdered their leader. I should speak with him further about what this means.
The Shadowscales were cryptic about their leader's problem, but said I could find him in the center of their enclave.
When I arrived to speak with the Shadowscale leader, I learned he was being prepared for burial! A Shadowscale named Juutenma challenged my presence. Perhaps she could tell me what happened.
The Shadowscales leader was murdered, and <<1>> says it was done by one of the Shadowscales. Before the the [sic] Shadowscales will trust me with the details of his murder, I must talk to the Speaker and the Listener.
The Listener and the Speaker gave me their blessing after undergoing painful trials, but I'm no closer to learning who killed the Shadowscale leader. Perhaps <<1>> can help me make sense of this.
<<1>> said the cryptic blessings from the Speaker and the Listener mean the secretive Shadowscales accept my presence. However, Juutenma does not. I must duel her if I'm to make sense of who killed their leader, and why.
Objective: Duel and Defeat Juutenma
Hidden Objective: Juutenma's Duel
Juutenma plans to petition the Night Mother to duel me before the entire <<2>>. I should learn the extent of her plans.
The Night Mother appeared to me at her shrine. I should learn what she thinks of Juutenma's challenge.
The Night Mother said the blades Juutenma plans to duel me with are "kissed by shadow." Perhaps <<3>> knows what this means.
While Juutenma formally challenges me before the Speaker and the Listener, <<2>> will prepare the antidote for her poisoned blades. I should be present to hear Juutenma's challenge.
<<1>> should have the antidote I'll need to survive my duel with Juutenma. I should speak with him.
<<1>> gave me an antidote for Juutenma's poisoned blades. I should go to the Ceremonial Chamber for the duel.
I defeated Juutenma in a duel, meaning the Shadowscales accept my presence. I should speak to <<2>> about the death of the Shadowscale leader.
With <<1>>'s antidote, I defeated Juutenma before <<Ac:3>>. Now <<c:4>> commands my presence outside of the Ceremonial Chamber.
Having proven her influence to the Shadowscales, <<c:1>> commands my counsel for who should be their new leader.
Objective: Decide the New Shadowscale Leader
I decided <<1>> will lead the Shadowscales. <<2>> commanded me to inform him.
I decided <<1>> will lead the Shadowscales. <<2>> commanded me to inform her.