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Online:Lieutenant Kazargi

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Lieutenant Kazargi
Location Fisherman's Isle
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion
Lieutenant Kazargi

Lieutenant Kazargi is a Khajiit member of Lord Gharesh-ri's private guard. When you first arrive on Fisherman's Isle in Grahtwood, she calls you over and briefs you on the situation in Haven. She has been left in charge of the refugees and a small company of soldiers while Lord Gharesh-ri attempts to retake the city.

Mobiba and Kharad are her aunt and uncle.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Unsafe HavenEdit

Her initial dialogue is a little different depending on if she gave you the quest or not. If you arrived on Fisherman's Isle without the quest active, she'll call to you.

"You there! From the ship!"

Speak to her.

"The Prowler, here in Haven? They sail with the Gold Fleet!
They picked a poor time to visit this fair city."
What do you mean?
"My unit came here with the Speaker for the Mane. A great honor to travel in his company, to visit the capital of the Dominion.
But it seems pirates captured Haven. They must have overwhelmed the defenders."
Tell me how it happened.
"I'm uncertain. Lord Gharesh-ri brought my unit to Haven as part of our final training. But when we arrived, the city was under pirate attack.
We worked with the fisher-folk to help the citizens escape."

If another quest giver directs you to her, she'll say:

"That ship ... the Prowler, isn't it? I've heard tales of its captain and crew.
If things weren't so dire, I'd hope to meet them."
What happened here?
"I'm uncertain. Lord Gharesh-ri brought my unit to Haven as part of our final training. But when we arrived, the city was under pirate attack.
We worked with the fisher-folk to help the citizens escape."

The dialogue goes on the same in both cases.

Who attacked Haven?
"The Jackdaws, a pirate band that raids throughout the Long Coast.
But how could one pirate ship do so much damage? They shouldn't have taken the city at all, let alone as quickly as they did."
Who is Lord Gharesh-ri?
"The Speaker for the Mane. He brought my people into the Dominion.
I'm lucky to serve in his private guard. He sought to introduce us to other lands and people of the Dominion. I do not think he meant our first journey to be this exciting.."
Where is he now?
"I do not presume to know. He ordered me to protect refugees on this island while he attempts to retake the city.
This one longs to fight by Lord Gharesh-ri's side, but I must follow orders."


"I do not presume to know. He ordered me to protect refugees on this island while he rallies resistance inside the town.
This one longs to fight by Lord Gharesh-ri's side, but I must follow orders."
What are these people doing here?
"The fisher-folk? They were away from the port during the attack. The rest are refugees from Haven, mostly guards and merchants who escaped the city."
Can I do anything to help?
"The Speaker hoped to locate General Endare, but we could find no sign of her garrison. He feels the city's defense is our responsibility.
But there are few of us. Please, find Lord Gharesh-ri. Help take Haven back from the pirates."
Where can I find Lord Gharesh-ri?
"This one ... I, I do not know, not exactly. I only know what I must protect.
But Lord Gharesh-ri spoke with some refugees before he left. The merchant Naaril, and Curinwe, who leads the fisher-folk. Perhaps they would know."
I'll find out what they know.

If you talk to her again before finding Lord Gharesh-ri:

"Lord Gharesh-ri crossed the marsh with the others. This one remains until the fisher-folk are safe. It is an important task, of course, but my claws itch for battle."

As you search for the entrance to the aquifer to prevent the pirates' necromantic plan, you will cross paths with the Lieutenant again.

"Some of Haven's guard arrived to defend the fisher-folk and refugees. I thought to sneak along the beaches, see what I could learn. Then I saw you.
So, what should we do?"
Lord Gharesh-ri asked me to discover the pirates' plans. Here's what I found.
"Really? What are the Jackdaws planning?"
They're bringing bodies to Haven's fort for some kind of necromantic ritual.
"What? Why would pirates do such a thing? We must get to the fort and stop them!
But if they hold the fort, they must have the gates locked. How could we get in?"
There's an entrance through this aquifer.
"Good! If you can enter the fort and open the gate, I can bring reinforcements to you.
Where is Lord Gharesh-ri? I must tell him of this plan!"
He's in an abandoned house near the outer walls.
"Then we both must hurry.
Keep your wits about you, friend. We'll meet inside the fort and stop these pirates from whatever dark magics they plan."

If you talk to her again before leaving, she will reassure you.

"I'll give Lord Gharesh-ri yor message. See you inside the fort!"

Opening the gates of the fort, outside you find her and the Speaker for the Mane.

"You did it, and just in time! The pirates outside the fort didn't notice our arrival."

After you talk about your further plans with Lord Gharesh-ri, she adds:

"We'll keep the pirates off your tail, I swear it!"

After you stop the pirates' ritual, you'll find the Lieutenant outside the Fighters Guild, severely wounded.

"Greetings, my friend. You did it. The undead fell in their tracks.
The pirates, they surrendered or fled. A good day."
How bad are you hurt?
"They won't tell me. That means it's bad, isn't it? I'm going to die."

You need to choose one of the following options:

That's usually what it means.
"I see. Strange, I thought I would fear this moment, but instead I'm filled with pride that I could fight beside the Speaker for the Mane. And beside you.
Lord Gharesh-ri isn't around, is he?
[Lie] I'm sure you'll be fine.
"Truly? Your words bring me hope.
Lord Gharesh-ri isn't here, is he?

Your answer is the same in both cases.

I can get him for you.
He rallies the people of Haven against the pirates. Please, do not distract him with my fate."
All right.
"If I die from wounds justly earned, I'll greet my ancestors with honor. Tell the Speaker it was an honor to serve him."
I'll tell him, Kazargi.

If you try to speak with her again, she won't respond.

"<The lieutenant is unconscious.>"

The Dark ManeEdit

The next time you meet the lieutenant, she'll be in the main tree of Silvenar, injured along with Lord Gharesh-ri:

If you have not met her before:

"One definitely tires of seeing one's own blood."

If you met her in Haven, she will recognize you:

"My friend! This one is glad to see you. And I am in nowhere near as dire straits as I was last time our eyes met."
Are you all right?
"Fha! This one spits in the face of death. Of course, that spit may contain a trickle of blood, but ….
No, I am all right. The healers have already patched me up. The moon shines upon your face, I see. Is there any way I can help you?"
What can you tell me about the Mane?
"Lord Gharesh-ri knows more, but his vision may be colored by hope. Mine is not. The Mane has always been greedy and self-serving, but lately he has been cruel. His orders do not benefit the Khajiit as they once did.
He changed before we came here."

The Fires of DuneEdit

During the quest, you'll find Kazargi in front of the Temple of Two Moons Path in Dune where she reunites with her family:

Lieutenant Kazargi: "Aunt? Uncle? You're alive! I'm overjoyed. I tried looking for you. Luckily the Moon-Hallowed and our friend were able to clear the city."