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Online:Long Shots

< Elder Scrolls Online: Skills: Bow
ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains deprecated information about Elder Scrolls Online content.
The content described here was removed from the game after one of the updates.

ON-icon-skill-Bow-Long Shots.png Long Shots
Line Bow
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 5
Rank II 2 34
Long Shots I: Gives you a damage bonus of up to 6% against enemies at longer range.
Long Shots II: Gives you a damage bonus of up to 12% against enemies at longer range.

Long Shots increases your damage the farther you are from your targets, up to a maximum of 6% or 12% with two points in this passive.


  • The damage bonus increases every 3m from 0 bonus at <3m to maximum bonus at 18m.
  • This skill was replaced with Vinedusk Training in 9.1.5/Update 39

Patch NotesEdit

  • This passive ability's bonus is now applied to enemies greater than 40 meters away.
  • Fixed an issue where Rank 2 of this passive ability was increasing all damage done instead of only Bow ability damage done, and was also granting a higher damage done bonus than described on the tooltip.
  • This passive now increases your damage done by 2/5% against enemies within 15 meters of you and increases your Critical Chance by 657/1314 against enemies that are further than 15 meters from you, rather than increasing your damage done with Bow attacks by 6/12% based on how far away you are
  • Renamed this passive to "Vinedusk Training" to accurately adjust its implications to its new functionality, with a flavorful lore twist.
    • Developer Comment: In order to help Bows feel more like additional tools for your character rather than their own isolated play style, we're expanding out this bonus two-fold to help it become a more viable option for different builds. Since this passive previously only enhanced other Bow attacks, it created situations where the weapon heavily dissuaded you to use other skills, making it feel restrictive rather than additive. By opening the bonus to work with any attack, we hope to help it feel more like other weapons as a way to synergize and play off your other actions. In addition, this passive's mini game was creating situations that heavily punished many different encounters both in PvP and PvE, where you had to maximize your range at all times from the target. By granting two individual bonuses for close range and further range, we can help enable more consistent power to the weapon, each with their own advantages, without creating frustrating game play experiences that further harmed synergy with other actions like class skills or group coordination.