- "Which lowland does this ornery creature call home? Why, all of them! Think I'm exaggerating? Believe what you want, but know that unless trained while young, they'll charge you in a heartbeat. Best have them on your side."—Miet, Breeder
Lowland Bristleback Pet |
Type | Exotic |
Default Name | Snortle |
Acquired From | Grim Harlequin Crate |
Reward Level | Epic |
Price | ![]() 2,000 ![]() |
Furnishing | |
Category | Non-Combat Pets (Exotic) |
Quality | Legendary |
Limit Type | Special Collectible |
The Lowland Bristleback is available as an Epic-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crates. Its default name is "Snortle".