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Online:Maebroogha the Void Lich

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Maebroogha the Void Lich
Location Champion's Circle
Species Voidmother
Health Normal870,648Veteran1,829,238 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Sometimes a Hungering Void Style page
Maebroogha the Void Lich

Maebroogha the Void Lich is a voidmother encountered at the Champion's Circle in Vateshran Hollows. She consumes Aydolan's soul, unmaking him, and taking his place as the final boss of the arena.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

At the start of the fight, several Shade Colossi appear on the outer edge of the arena, bound in chains. As more and more damage is dealth to Maebroogha, they will break free and come assist her, though they can be freed prematurely by attacking them directly instead. They will also appear in the mini boss arenas.

Void Bolt
A basic ranged ability that deals moderate Oblivion damage.
Grasping Tendrils
Maebroogha extends her hands outward, as a wide red cone slowly builds up. When it reaches maximum length, void energy erupts from her hands, dealing high Oblivion damage and stunning you. She can adjust her positioning while channeling.
Void Rings
Maebroogha falls to the ground and her body contorts twice. Three rings, indicated by large red circles, appear around her one at a time in a sequence: once for when her body hits the floor, one for the first contortion, and one for the final contortion. She then rises to her feet and begins to levitate once more. Each ring detonates soon after appearing, dealing high Oblivion damage.
Summon Void
Occasionally, Void Archers, Void Mages, and Void Rot (only on Veteran) will spawn on the outer edge of the arena and come join the fight.
Void Trap
Occasionally, Maebroogha will summon a group of Shades which are linked together by a line of energy. This is the Void Tether. The shades are summoned at the edge of the arena, and will start to walk towards the center, closing in on you. You need to kill one of the shades to create an opening in the circle of enemies. Focus your damage on one of them. Once you kill your chosen shade, exit the ring of death and let them coalesce in the center. If the shades reach the center with you inside, they will stand idle for about three seconds before all detonating, and you will be killed instantly by the explosion that ensues. You cannot mitigate this damage. You can bypass this attack by using skills which teleport your character such as Bolt Escape and Apocryphal Gate to cross the tether between the shades.
Void Tether
If you touch the line of energy connecting Maebroogha's shades, you will die instantly.
Void Eruption
When the boss reaches 10% health, all of her summons, including the "Void Trap" shades that are up, dissipate, and she begins channeling a massive AoE that covers the arena. You must grapple points to escape to one of the three islands off the edges of the main platform and enter the Void Portal on the island you pick. If you fail to enter a portal, you will be killed instantly by the explosion.
Once you enter the portal, you need to defeat a mini boss as Maebroogha slowly regenerates health. A new mechanic will follow you into the surface realm after you exit each portal. The mini bosses should be destroyed as quickly as possible to keep Maebroogha from regaining too much health; you want to try to keep her from performing Void Trap often. When a mini boss dies, a Void Portal appears on the edge of the platform you landed on when you entered the side-realm. Take the portal to return to the main fight.
  • The Void Dremora is the boss of the Brimstone Den portal. Void Flameshapers will appear inside. These are adds (which you can target and kill). The Flameshapers will channel an ability that causes fire to erupt from the tips of their staves. It should be interrupted to prevent them from doing too much damage. Flameshapers will appear as summon for Maebroogha afterward.
  • You must defeat a Void Firehorn in the Hunter's Grotto portal. Untargetable minotaurs that throw fireballs at you will start to spawn after you enter portal. The untargetable minotaurs will appear with Maebroogha afterward.
  • You must defeat a Void Chillfiend in the Wounding portal. Void Lightning will start to rain from the sky when you enter this portal, and the lightning continues to fall once you've left the portal.
Void Lightning - Lightning Bolt
Green lightning descends from the sky, dealing moderate shock damage each time it hits. This form of environmental damage is continuous, and activates when you enter the portal on the island representing the Wounding.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you enter the Champion's Circle, you'll see Aydolan standing in the center of the cave.

Aydolan: "You made it all the way to the end! Only one final challenge left. Me!"
<Aydolan is lifted into the air, surrounded by dark energy.>
Aydolan: "Oh? Ah! What … foul magic? I feel it … tearing me apart!"
<Aydolan's spirit dissipates, and the cave around you dissolves, revealing a shattered realm>
Maebroogha the Void Lich: "Free once more! I can feel such power within these walls!"
Maebroogha the Void Lich: "A pity for your ghost friend. I consumed his spirit to enter this realm. And now I shall take yours!"

Combat begins:

"Are you the best champion this realm offers?"
"Your spirit will be mine!"
"All shall join the void!"

Summoning Shade Colossi:

"Send me more power!"
"I summon the infinite!"
"The void offers strength!"

Channeling Void Eruption:

"I draw strength from beyond!"
"These wounds mean nothing!"
"This realm shatters so easily!"

Void Trap:

"Minions come forth!"
"The void comes for you!"
"Surrounded by emptiness"

When she dies:

"Don't send me back!"
"All this power … wasted."
"I feel … so empty."
