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Online:Grand Master Decorator

< Elder Scrolls Online: Achievements: Housing Achievements(Redirected from Online:Master Decorator)
ON-icon-achievement-Apprentice Decorator.png Apprentice Decorator
ON-icon-achievement-Journeyman Decorator.png Journeyman Decorator
ON-icon-achievement-Expert Decorator.png Expert Decorator
ON-icon-achievement-Master Decorator.png Master Decorator
ON-icon-achievement-Grand Master Decorator.png Grand Master Decorator
Type Housing Achievements
Points 5, 5, 10, 15, 50
Decorate a home you own with at least [50 / 100 / 200 / 300 / 350] objects.

Grand Master Decorator and its preceding achievements are awarded for placing large numbers of items in your home. All items must be placed in the same home in order to qualify - splitting them between multiple homes will not work. Thus, you will need to acquire a larger home in order to fit all of these things. ESO Plus subscribers can complete the largest of these achievements with any Medium-sized home or larger, but for those without subscriptions, nothing short of a Manor will do, and only barely. Note that many (especially larger) homes come with a certain amount of decorations already installed, even if you get them unfurnished, and these items will count towards this total. If you do buy them pre-furnished in the Crown Store, any items already placed in the home will also count. Since homes are shared between characters on the same account, your other characters need only enter the home after you've fully decorated it to also receive the achievements. The minimum house sizes you need for these achievements are shown below:

Achievement Size: Inn Apt. Small Med. Large Manor
Cap.: 15 50 100 200 300 350
Apprentice Decorator 50 No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Journeyman Decorator 100 No☒ No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Expert Decorator 200 No☒ No☒ No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Master Decorator 300 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑
Grand Master Decorator 350 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ Yes☑
With ESO+
Achievement Cap.: 30 100 200 400 600 700
Apprentice Decorator 50 No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Journeyman Decorator 100 No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Expert Decorator 200 No☒ No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Master Decorator 300 No☒ No☒ No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑
Grand Master Decorator 350 No☒ No☒ No☒ Yes☑ Yes☑ Yes☑

Since all homes come pre-furnished with at least some items, it is possible to earn some of these achievements merely by purchasing the home. The following chart shows which achievements will be earned when purchasing which houses. The background color indicates whether it's possible to earn the achievement at all in the house, while the symbol indicates whether it will be earned immediately upon purchasing it.

Not Possible
Possible with ESO+
Possible for all players
Yes☑ = Achieved furnished or unfurnished _Maybe? = Achieved if furnished No☒ = Not achieved
House Items Achievement
Unfurn. Furn. Apprentice Journeyman Expert Master Grand Master
Ald Velothi Harbor House 60 185 Yes☑ _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Amaya Lake Lodge 90 282 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
The Ample Domicile 23 92 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Autumn's-Gate 57 89 Yes☑ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Barbed Hook Private Room 1 32 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Black Vine Villa 37 71 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Bouldertree Refuge 47 132 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Captain Margaux's Place 3 48 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Cliffshade 4 112 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Coldharbour Surreal Estate 175 N/A Yes☑ Yes☑ No☒ No☒ No☒
Cyrodilic Jungle House 47 87 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Daggerfall Overlook 41 335 _Maybe? _Maybe? _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒
Dawnshadow 31 136 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Domus Phrasticus 46 158 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Earthtear Cavern 48 275 _Maybe? _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Ebonheart Chateau 130 345 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒
The Ebony Flask Inn Room 1 N/A No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
The Erstwhile Sanctuary 115 320 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒
Exorcised Coven Cottage 31 83 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret 3 37 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Forsaken Stronghold 55 252 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Gardner House 17 193 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
The Gorinir Estate 167 281 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Grand Topal Hideaway 134 358 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? _Maybe?
Grymharth's Woe 5 151 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Hakkvild's High Hall 85 244 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Hammerdeath Bungalow 2 62 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
House of the Silent Magnifico 6 167 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Humblemud 26 62 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Hunding's Palatial Hall 74 288 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Kragenhome 4 49 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Linchal Grand Manor 133 284 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Mara's Kiss Inn Room 1 N/A No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Mathiisen Manor 64 286 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Moonmirth House 1 41 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Mournoth Keep 21 181 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Old Mistveil Manor 28 166 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
The Orbservatory Prior 21 163 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
Pariah's Pinnacle 75 269 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Princely Dawnlight Palace 57 284 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Quondam Indorilia 55 219 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Ravenhurst 33 128 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒
The Rosy Lion 1 N/A No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Saint Delyn Penthouse 1 N/A No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Serenity Falls Estate 114 264 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Sisters of the Sands Apartment 2 32 No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Sleek Creek House 30 82 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Snugpod 2 53 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Stay-Moist Mansion 76 207 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Strident Springs Demesne 108 236 Yes☑ Yes☑ _Maybe? No☒ No☒
Tel Galen (?) 317 Yes☑ _Maybe? _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒
Twin Arches 35 80 _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒ No☒
Velothi Reverie 36 136 _Maybe? _Maybe? No☒ No☒ No☒