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Online:Master Malkhest

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Master Malkhest
(lore page)
Location Infinite Archive, Index Chamber
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 52831
Reaction Friendly
Master Malkhest

Master Malkhest is a Breton mage who can be found at the Index Chamber in the Infinite Archive.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Margins of IreEdit

This quest can be started either from the Quest Starter available from the Crown Store or speaking directly with Master Malkhest in the Infinite Archive Index Chamber. As you approach you may hear him say:

"I can't believe I'm dealing with this problem. You, your fate walks these halls. Come here."

Speak with him to see what is going on:

Accepted the quest from the Crown Store
Accepted the quest directly from him:
"Was Tho'at Replicanum always here? No, there've been rumors of creature and monster in the archive for a while, but I never encountered them before the maligraphies."
I heard you're having some trouble here?
"The source of our troubles is Tho'at Replicanum. She's summoning maligraphies—creatures of ink—and they're making the archive unsafe.
I have a plan, but I'm a researcher and not well equipped to deal with the dangers."
What's your plan?
"Daedra can be commanded by nymics, their true names. If you can find Tho'at Replicanum's nymic, we can summon her and defeat her.
This will be treacherous, so I'm prepared to offer you a reward to compensate for the dangers you'll encounter."
I'll help you find Tho'at Replicanum's nymic and defeat her.
"There's no time for pleasantries or interrogations. Tho'at Replicanum is summoning maligraphies, creatures of ink.
The Infinite Archive is filled with books and therefore, ink. You can see how this is suboptimal, right?"
Who's Tho'at Replicanum?
"A Daedra. I saw her name scrawled in many margins, but it took the ink attacking for me to put the pieces together. Research can be uncomfortable, even painful. This is unprecedented. I have a plan to combat her, though I lack the skills to enact it."
What's your plan?
"Nymics are the true names of Daedra. If we collect the pieces of Tho'at Replicanum's nymic, we can use it to summon her and rid the Infinite Archive of her malaise. At least, that's what I hope happens.
I'm not destitute if that sways you."
I'll help you get rid of Tho'at Replicanum.
"That door will take you into the archive. The maligraphies are the best lead we have, so head toward orbs of unstable ink and you'll find them.
I'll watch and offer advice when I can, but I'll leave the fighting to you. It's not my forte."

You can ask him the following questions:

What else can you tell me about the maligraphies?
"They resemble the contents of the text itself. Most of the books here in the archive are historical accounts.
They seem differently tempered as well. Some are peaceful, many hostile, and almost all have different skills and strengths."
Why do you think the maligraphies are so different?
"Think about it this way. A book can discuss a king as a vicious conqueror or a benevolent philanthropist. Both of these descriptions could be true, but a text must choose one.
As for the differences in strengths, not all authors are equally skilled."
How do you know which maligraphies are hostile?
"I can usually tell after they attack.
Most of the maligraphies will fight you. But that doesn't mean that all of them will. Just keep an eye out for any that behave violently."
Fighting book characters doesn't seem that hard.
"Then you underestimate the power of the written word. Remember that these characters, as you called them, aren't in their books anymore. A sword made out of ink is still a sword. I have the scars to prove it."
What is this place?
"The Infinite Archive holds written records of events that were or that could be.
There were others who called this place home, but they're dead to the archive. I didn't think that was possible. The infinite challenges many of my assumptions."
What do you mean, dead to the archive?
"Threads of fate bind everything in the archive to the Index. If the threads break, the item is returned to safety.
This protects the tomes, but it is helpful should an accident-prone researcher bury his nose in a book and walk off a cliff."
"And now it appears some of the inhabitants of the archive no longer have the protection of the threads.
I have no idea why that is so and it disconcerts me. I would be lost if I was no longer bound to the Index."
What's the Index?
"That giant orb. Since it's tied to everything in the archive, we use it to locate books throughout the infinite expanses.
This place would be a headache to navigate without it."
There were others here?
"You'll see evidence of them as you travel. I know of a few who aren't dead to the archive, but I'm not sure if they encountered the maligraphies yet. I'll do my best to steer you toward them when I can. They could help you."
How will following the maligraphies reveal Tho'at Replicanum's nymic?
"It all comes back to ink. The maligraphies are made out of the book. And I've seen Tho'at Replicanum scribbled across the margins of many pages here.
I'm practiced enough at research to know when I'm on the cusp of discovery."
How will finding the nymic help you summon Tho'at Replicanum?
"The nymic is a Daedra's true name. If we hold the nymic, we'll be able to control her to some capacity.
I'm not powerful enough to banish her from the archive outright, but I think I have enough magic to summon her."
Master Malkhest's projection

Once you have completed the first stage, Master Malkhest's projection will appear alongside an offering of Verses:

Master Malkhest: "Oh! The Great Eye offers you Verses. They're advantages that will last as long as your next fight."
Master Malkhest: "Verses will make a huge difference as you fight waves of maligraphies. Select a Verse while I create a portal."

You can then speak with Master Malkhest to learn about Verses:

"So, now you've encountered the maligraphies. You handled them better than I did. I can see why you were rewarded with a Verse for your efforts.
The filers helped me locate another orb of maligraphies. You need to take this portal to get there."
Tell me more about Verses.
"Verses are augments. Advantages. Gifts from Hermaeus Mora himself to aid and alter your trip in the Infinite Archive."
But what do they do?
"Well, that depends on the one you select. They could strengthen an area in which you feel lacking. Add a new ability to your formidable repertoire. Or simply keep you in good health in this dangerous place. The choice is yours. No pressure."
Why do I need to use portals to travel inside the Infinite Archive?
"The archive is unique in that the locations which form the sprawling archival wings are not actually connected. Portals are the only way to travel.
Don't worry about getting lost. I'll make sure to create a portal to where we first met in each wing."
So, nothing in the archive is connected to each other? Not even this room?
"I remember when the concept felt foreign to me as well.
There might have been land at one point, but it's gone and left very disparate locations a great distance from one another. The books we must have lost when that occurred …."
How do you know where anything is?
"Oh, that's simple. We use the Index."
The Index?
"The giant orb in the room where we met. It's connected to everything in the archive—you, the filers, the books, the maligraphies, everything. It's a safeguard against all manner of danger, too. Get hurt enough times and you'll appreciate the Index."

The first time an Unknown Portal appears during the quest, Master Malkhest will appear and commment on it:

Master Malkhest: "You could fight more maligraphies, but the filers say this other portal leads to a Verse."
Master Malkhest: "I opened a portal to another Verse hidden in the archive. Be careful. I don't know what you'll face in there."
Master Malkhest: "I felt the tides of fate pull in a second direction. Your choice, more maligraphies or see where the other path leads?"

When you reach the first boss of your run, Master Malkhest will appear and comment:

Master Malkhest: "This maligraphy … I recognize it. In this case, that may not be a good thing. Be careful."

Once you defeat the first boss, a chest will appear along with an offering of Visions. Malkhest will say:

Master Malkhest: "Hermaeus Mora must be impressed. He's offering you Visions. Those last longer than Verses. Hang on, what's this?"
<Master Malkhest walks over and picks something off the ground.>
Master Malkhest: "A fragment of a nymic? It couldn't drop the whole thing? Well, if this maligraphy had a piece, the others might, too. Keep going."

You can then speak with Master Malkhest to learn about Visions and the Nymic fragment he found:

"I've never seen a maligraphy leave anything behind when they die. But then, I also never recognized a maligraphy before. Today holds many revelations.
This course of action is working. Keep it up."
How could a maligraphy drop a fragment of Tho'at's nymic? / How could this maligraphy drop a fragment of Tho'at's nymic?
"Since Tho'at summons the maligraphies, perhaps they retain a piece of her? Her magic could require a portion of her nymic. There's also a possibility that Tho'at is less in control of the maligraphies than we think.
Oh bother. I'm hypothesizing."
Why so many theories?
"There's still so much we don't know. But I doubt any Daedra would willingly divulge a piece of their nymic. I can only conclude that this fragment wasn't freely given.
Which means the nymics are an inherent part of these maligraphies."
Why did we only get a fragment of the nymic from this maligraphy?
"This maligraphy seemed more powerful. However Tho'at creates maligraphies, this one probably took more energy to manifest. That sort of magical effort takes its toll."'
You've never recognized a maligraphy? But you said they were all historical.
"Knowing what army a soldier belongs to is not the same as knowing their name. To continue the military metaphor, you just fought a general.
As the foremost expert on maligraphies, I know next to nothing."
Do you think we'll run into more of these powerful maligraphies?
"One thing I can guarantee you about this place—anything is possible.
I read about incredible figures such as the Imperfect, Prior Thierric, and Cynhamoth. Any number of deadly enemies are contained within the archive's tomes."
What are Visions?
"While Verses are more powerful, they don't last very long. Conversely, the same is the true about Visions. Their augments are less impactful, but they'll last for as long as you're in the archive.
Receiving an offering of Visions is … impressive."

After you defeat the boss of the second Cycle, Master Malkhest will appear to collect the second Nymic fragment:

Master Malkhest: "Another nymic fragment! This two-pronged approach is working. You're collecting the fragments and I'm learning more about Tho'at."
Master Malkhest: "One of the books called Tho'at "she who became vivified ink." As you continue to fight, I'll try to figure out what that means."

You can speak with him to learn what he found out about Tho'at:

"More questions and fewer answers. I feel like I'm back in school.
Tho'at somehow became living ink. But how? And why? What a delightful mystery. Well, back to the books. Maybe they hold the answers."
What did you mean when you called her vivified ink?
"We knew that Tho'at could manifest creatures of ink. That's what the maligraphies are. To think that Tho'at became vivified ink herself, animated ink, it's a leap … unless I misconjugated.
No, she became living ink. She wasn't always like this."
How is that possible?
"Whatever happened, I doubt this is what Tho'at intended. Who would want to become ink? It's more likely that some powerful, esoteric spell went awry.
Still, it doesn't seem like she's letting this altered state stop her."
Why is Tho'at creating all these maligraphies? What does she want?
"Knowledge? Power? To cause mayhem? Who knows. Why would anyone want to destroy a well-organized archive?
This runs counter to all of my instincts, but let's focus on getting rid of Tho'at Replicanum before we delve into her motives."

After you defeat the boss of the third Cycle, Master Malkhest will appear to collect the third Nymic fragment:

Master Malkhest: "Tho'at's written her name in multiple books. I think it's so she can create maligraphies of herself. How delightful."
Master Malkhest: "Uncomfortable revelations aside, I won't complain about another nymic fragment. We're getting closer to our goal. Keep going."

Speak with him to hear more of his theories:

"There could be copies of Tho'at Replicanum in the archive. Which feels predictably unfair right now. You can fight multiple maligraphies, but I can barely research the one.
No matter, we're so close to retrieving all the nymic fragments."
What makes you so sure Tho'at Replicanum has made maligraphies of herself?
"She's a Daedra who can manifest creatures out of ink. She's also a being of living ink. If I were in her position, I'd figure out how to create copies of myself. It explains why I keep finding her name in my books.
Oh. Fantastic."
What's wrong?
"Tho'at Replicanum is a creature of ink. She created everything you fought so far out of that ink. Which makes her all the maligraphies, to some extent. That's why they have fragments of her nymic. You've been fighting her the whole time!"
What happens when we summon Tho'at Replicanum?
"Well, it's unlikely that Tho'at will talk to us, reveal her master plan, and agree to leave our Infinite Archive peacefully.
She's probably going to run in and try to kill you. Same as just about everything else here."
You sound so sure that we'll fight.
"Tho'at made all the maligraphies. How many of them have wanted to chat so far?
I hope we'll get some answers out of her, but I don't think we can stop her peacefully."

Once you have defeated the boss of the fourth cycle, Master Malkhest will appear and collect the final Nymic fragment:

Master Malkhest: "This is it! This is the fragment we needed. This completes the nymic."
Master Malkhest: "All we need now is a place to summon her. Keep Tho'at and the maligraphies busy while I look for the perfect location."

Talk to him to see what he is going to do:

"As soon as I locate a place of suitable power, we'll be able to use this nymic to summon Tho'at Replicanum.
I know this has been a journey, but we're so close to being able to get rid of this version of her."
How do we find a place of power?
"There will be a place somewhere within the archive where Tho'at Replicanum's presence is strongest. If I use the full nymic there, the natural pull of Tho'at's presence will help draw her to the exact location we want."
Do you know where this location is?
"I don't even know if it exists. Isn't research delightful?
Still, the logic makes sense. Tho'at is an infection and those always are nebulous. Some places will be more concentrated than others. The trick is finding the right spot."

If you do not approach Malkhest in Tho'at's boss arena, he can say:

Master Malkhest: "Step up here when you're ready. I won't use the nymic until you're set."
Master Malkhest: "Well isn't this place nice. Tho'at couldn't furnish it?"
Master Malkhest: "Please don't stand back there. Daedra get upset when you use their nymics."
Master Malkhest: "Stand by me when you want me to call on Tho'at."
Master Malkhest: "I'm not going to use Tho'at's nymic with you behind me."
Master Malkhest: "Don't rush on my account. I'm still figuring out how to use this nymic."
Master Malkhest: "If I'm going to use this nymic, I'd like to not be alone when I do it."
Master Malkhest: "Please come closer. Tho'at's sure to be upset when I use the nymic."
Master Malkhest: "Would you mind moving forward? I'm not very practiced when it comes to nymics."
Master Malkhest: "Don't hang back now. I'd like you with me when I use Tho'at's nymic."
Master Malkhest: "Right. Let's put this nymic at work."

After finding the spot to fight Tho'at Replicanum, Malkhest will join you, he may say the following:

Master Malkhest: "I know you. I control you. I summon you here!"
Master Malkhest: "I call your essence from wherever you are. Join us here!"
Master Malkhest: "Tho'at Replicanum hear your name and obey!"
Master Malkhest: "I speak the sound of your essence. Follow it here!"
Master Malkhest: "Heed me, Tho'at Replicanum. Heed and return!"
Master Malkhest: "You cannot resist my call. I command you, Tho'at Replicanum!"
Master Malkhest: "This is the right place. Hold on."
Master Malkhest: "I hold your name and bind it here!"
Master Malkhest: "For some reason, I expected Tho'at's presence to feel more viscous."

While in fighting Tho'at:

Master Malkhest: "A place of Tho'at Replicanum's power."
Master Malkhest: "Over here, you useless thesaurus!"
Master Malkhest: "Phew. It takes a lot to kill these."
Master Malkhest: "All those books and you're still a fool."
Master Malkhest: "Don't forget who holds your nymic."
Master Malkhest: "Hey, you! Clattering collection of consonants!"
Master Malkhest: "Tho'at, I'm your enemy."
Master Malkhest: "Ooh! killed one!"
Master Malkhest: "You're a bookish monster without a spine."
Master Malkhest: "I'm the one who summoned you, Tho'at."
Master Malkhest: "I think we're winning!"
Master Malkhest: "You are every book, but I am your librarian!"
Master Malkhest: "Look at me, Tho'at. I'm a distraction!"
Master Malkhest: "Did all those books teach you nothing?"

If you choose to continue fighting Tho'at in her next phase and the arena changes:

Master Malkhest: "Tho'at, what are you doing?"
Master Malkhest: "This is not how the archive is supposed to behave."
Master Malkhest: "What is she doing?"
Master Malkhest: "Unexpected terrain changes. My favorite."
Master Malkhest: "This wasn't in any of the books."

When you defeat her shard:

Master Malkhest: "These things don't die easily."

Once you have defeated Tho'at Replicanum:

Master Malkhest: "You killed her! Well, this version. She's spreading across the books in this archive. There could be hundreds of Tho'at Replicanum."
Master Malkhest: "When you're finished here, meet me back where we met. We should talk about what happened."
Master Malkhest: "There are more maligraphies and other Tho'at Replicanum in the archive."

After you return to the Index Chamber, you can speak with Master Malkhest to complete the quest:

"I thought I had this all figured out at the start, but spend enough time contemplating the endless and you realize that nothing is ever simple.
Ah well. That's one Tho'at Replicanum taken care of. I should focus on all the good work you did."
There are fewer maligraphies in there to attack you.
"That's true. The filers feel safer and I can let my guard down a little when I research things. It's a definite improvement.
I know Hermaeus Mora has been rewarding you for your efforts along this journey, but I'd like to give you something, too."

Replication EliminationEdit

You can talk to him. He will say one of the following:

"Ready to take on Tho'at Replicanum and all her copies?
I can get a reward together while you battle her maligraphies."
"Copies of Tho'at Replicanum keep infecting this archive with maligraphies.
I can offer you the same deal as last time. Destroy the maligraphies, find Tho'at Replicanum, and I'll reward you. How does that sound?"
"Oh good. A filer just came back with a message from the translator here in the archive. My summoning spell for the copies of Tho'at Replicanum was correctly deciphered.
Do you want to hunt down another? Same arrangement as last time."
"Blast these maligraphies! They keep getting unleashed on the filers and me. Will you please go deal with them and the copies of Tho'at Replicanum? I'd give anything for some peace and safety."
"Back and ready to clear more Maligraphies out of the Infinite Archive? Are you in it for the rewards? Or, do you just like hunting copies of Tho'at Replicanum?
Either way, your work allows me to do mine and that's what matters."
"I have enough to pay you now. And the copies of Tho'at Replicanum are plentiful enough to keep you occupied for as long as you want.
Are you ready to go back into the Infinite Archive and fight their inky ilk?"
How many more copies are there?
"There's no way to know. Tho'at Replicanum's been running around for far too long. There could be hundreds of her.
But I know how we can ensure there's one less Tho'at in the archive."
We find her and erase her.
"Exactly. Don't forget to take some side portals. There's more to explore in this archive than either of us know.
Oh, and use the gifts from Hermaeus Mora to strengthen your weaker abilities or to increase your most powerful ones."
All right. Let's track down another Tho'at Replicanum.

You can ask him some questions about using the nymic:

"So long as Tho'at Replicanum exists within the Infinite Archive, it'll never be quiet.
You could return here and collect your dues after fighting the first Replicanum, but don't let that stop you from fighting her more."
Why can't we use the nymic we found last time? / Why can't we use the same nymic we found last time?
"I tried that. Unfortunately, nothing happened.
These versions of Tho'at Replicanum are technically separate entities. I'm not sure how much they differ, but they must have unique experiences. Regardless, they don't share the exact same true name."
How do we find the pieces of the nymic?
"Last time, the larger maligraphies carried the fragments of the nymic. That's where I suggest we start. Who knows? Maybe Tho'at Replicanum will be too wrapped up in whatever it is she's looking for to hide the fragments better. We can always hope."

As you arrive to the boss chamber, his projection appears. He may say one of the following:

Master Malkhest: "I recognize this one. And if I were here for academic purposes, that'd be a good thing."
Master Malkhest: "Would you mind fighting slower? I can barely record your movements for posterity."
Master Malkhest: "I wonder how Tho'at realized she could manifest like this. It's still beyond me."
Master Malkhest: "It looks tougher than it is. Probably."
Master Malkhest: "I hope you faced this maligraphy before."
Master Malkhest: "The filers wanted me to pass along their well wishes on this fight."
Master Malkhest: "We should get another nymic fragment from this maligraphy."
Master Malkhest: "Filer Xess told me to check on you, but I think you can handle this."
Master Malkhest: "Have I told you how great it is that you do all the fighting?"
Master Malkhest: "I wonder how Tho'at realized she could manifest like this. It's still beyond me."
Master Malkhest: "Phew. Don't hesitate to return to the Index if you need to resupply."
Master Malkhest: "The maligraphies should fear you. But I doubt they can feel fear."
Master Malkhest: "These maligraphies are tough, but I've seen you defeat greater challengers."
Master Malkhest: "You've made it this far. Keep it up."

Once you have defeated Tho'at, you can return to the Index Chamber to complete the quest:

"Another Tho'at Replicanum gone. I shouldn't be impressed, but I am.
There are more versions of Tho'at roaming the Infinite Archive. I'd understand if you want to keep hunting them, but I do have your payment."
I'll take my payment.
"You did great work in setting the Infinite Archive to rights. The next time you want to travel these halls, I would be more than happy to pay you for your skills again."


After you have completed either his first quest or the repeatable quest, you will be able to speak with him afterwards and he will say one of the following:

"Ready to take on Tho'at Replicanum and all her copies?
I can get a reward together while you battle her maligraphies."
"Copies of Tho'at Replicanum keep infecting this archive with maligraphies.
I can offer you the same deal as last time. Destroy the maligraphies, find Tho'at Replicanum, and I'll reward you. How does that sound?"
"Oh good. A filer just came back with a message from the translator here in the archive. My summoning spell for the copies of Tho'at Replicanum was correctly deciphered.
Do you want to hunt down another? Same arrangement as last time."
"Blast these maligraphies! They keep getting unleashed on the filers and me. Will you please go deal with them and the copies of Tho'at Replicanum? I'd give anything for some peace and safety."
"Back and ready to clear more Maligraphies out of the Infinite Archive? Are you in it for the rewards? Or, do you just like hunting copies of Tho'at Replicanum?
Either way, your work allows me to do mine and that's what matters."
"I have enough to pay you now. And the copies of Tho'at Replicanum are plentiful enough to keep you occupied for as long as you want.
Are you ready to go back into the Infinite Archive and fight their inky ilk?"

If you lose all your threads:

Master Malkhest: "The threads of fate tying you to the Index have been severed. You'll need to give it some time before you go in again."

If you approach the entrance to the Archive after being defeated:

Master Malkhest: "You took a real beating in there. Give the Index time to reconnect you to the archive before you go back in."
Master Malkhest: "By all means, keep trying the door. It won't open until the threads tying you to the Index reform."

As you approach him if he has a daily quest available for you:

Master Malkhest: "More maligraphies? Can't Tho'at Replicanum take a break?"

If you defeat Tho'at Replicanum while not on the quests The Margins of Ire or Replication Elimination:

"Oh good. We won. Thank the Cephaliarch that's over."
"There's so much still to research. Why couldn't Hermaeus Mora be the Prince of Naps?"
"With our luck, the other Replicanum know you're looking for them. Be careful."
"We won. Well, you won. I helped."
"I need to research Tho'at Replicanum more. Her abilities elude me."
"With our luck, the other Replicanum know you're looking for them. Be careful."

System MailEdit

If you are on the Trials leaderboard for Infinite Archive at the end of the week, Malkhest will be the author of the mail that you will receive containing leaderboard rewards.

For Your Actions in the Infinite Archive
In all my time spent pouring over texts, I never considered that the pursuit of knowledge could take another form. I lived among the tomes and the Lurkers for many seasons, and it took meeting you for me to realize that not all knowledge can be gained through ink and paper. There is knowledge in action. I am, of course, referring to combat and your staunch defense of the Infinite Archive. It is not that I did not have a high opinion of you when we met, just that I expected you to be some blade-brained fool. I was wrong to judge you so harshly.

Take this, with my thanks, and know that the Infinite Archive will welcome you the next time you feel the need to defend its halls.

