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Online:Meridian Guardian

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Meridian Guardian
(lore page)
Location Depths of Malatar, Shrine of the Reforged
Species Meridian Guardian
Health (?)
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Warriors of Light
Meridian Guardian

Meridian Guardians are giant suits of Auroran armor serving Meridia. They are similar in appearance to Mournful Aegises. They can have one or two pairs of arms.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Symphony of Blades:

Singing Blade
A basic melee attack that deals high physical damage.
Dissonant Blow
A charged heavy attack that deals very high physical damage. Block this as the tank or dodge this if you are not.
Blade Dance
The boss spins around dealing very high physical damage around him as indicated by a red circle. The tank should stand still and absorb it if possible, while the rest of the group avoids it.
Curse Expiry
The boss stabs the ground and an AOE appears around a random target. The target will take moderate magical damage and get stunned in a few moments. This is unavoidable and should be healed through.
The boss stabs the ground and after a few seconds all players take 50% of their maximum health as Oblivion damage over 5 seconds. At the same time, all healing taken is nullified. Ensure the party is fully healed before this attack lands
Cowardice Purification
This ability will instantly kill any player that tries to exit the arena when they touch the barriers of light blocking the two exits.

Iratan the Lightbringer:

Cleansing Light
Illumination Prison
Radiant Beam
Channeled ranged attack, directly blasting a ray of light
Singing Strike
Melee attack

Known Meridian GuardianEdit


  • Meridian guardians have the internal mesh name TombGuardian_B_MornAeg