Mindileth | |||
Location | Vineshade Lodge | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly |
Mindileth is a Wood Elf alchemist found at Vineshade Lodge in Grahtwood. Jee-Lar sends you to obtain ingredients that Mindileth can brew into anti-venom potions for Cyrodilic Collections' expeditions to Murkmire.
Related QuestsEdit
- Anti-Venom Agitation: Create an anti-venom for Cyrodilic Collections' trips to Murkmire.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Before you collected all of the ingredients:
- "Great day for a walk, eh? Just watch out for snakes!"
Speaking to her when you have the ingredients:
- "You're Jee-Lar's partner, right? Said he'd send somebody with guts, and that about sizes you up. Hope he's right.
Did you bring the stuff I need?" - I brought all your ingredients.
- "Woah, that's an interesting collection of smells. This stuff is nasty. Let me mash it up a bit.'
- Mash it up a bit?
- "Yup. Helps it go down.
There you go. Just about ready. Take that over to the cauldron and get chugging. Bottoms up!" - You want me to drink this?
- "Of course. You're the last ingredient. Mix it up a minute in your bubble, then heave it into my bubbler. I'll handle the rest."
- I hope you're right about this.
If spoken to before she'll say: "Go on. Drink up! Might want to hold your nose though. Friendly tip."
If spoken to after drinking and before hurling into the cauldron, she will say: "Not this way! Not this way! Get to the cauldron, quick!"
If you successfully heave into the cauldron, she will say: "Done like a professional! Enjoy a little tipple now and again, eh? You did great. Tell Jee-Lar he'll have another batch soon."
If you fail to hurl into the cauldron and puke on the ground instead, Mindileth will say: "Oh... missed it, did you? Fine, I'll find a bucket, I guess. Tell Jee-Lar he'll have this batch as soon as I've separated the sediment."
She can be asked about the long-term effects the mixture will have on your body.
- "A bit like riding a shark through a cyclone isn't it? Little dizzy, little queasy, feeling lucky to be alive, and maybe considering another go.
Tell Jee-Lar I should have his anti-venom soon as I've strained out the chunky bits." - Am I going to be okay?
- "Sure, sure. Once you rinse your mouth out, your teeth will never feel cleaner. Your breath'll still kill an ox at ten paces, but only for a day or so."
- Why did you want me to drink that?
- "All part of the process. Adding your juices to the mix helps the reagents dissolve into a solution. Been trying to recreate the effect in a flask, but it just curdles and ruins the whole batch.
Sometimes traditional methods are best." - Couldn't you have done this yourself?
- "Oh, sure. I almost enjoy it at this point, but more than once a day would give you an ulcer. Not the best idea to be chugging venom with a hole in your gut.
Always in need of a spare stomach if you're up to it tomorrow." - I'll keep that in mind.
- Mindileth is dressed in the Treethane Ceremonial Dress costume.