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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home Settlement Shrouded Vale
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Mirchanas is a Wood Elf found at the entrance of the Shrouded Vale.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

While not on the quest:

"I love listening to the sounds out here. It's rather peaceful, don't you think?"

He will have a conversation with Rendorien about supplies:

Mirchanas: "What did ye get?"
Rendorien: "Time has changed our coin's worth. I couldn't buy much with our savings."
Mirchanas: "And here I'd taken to dreaming of a juicy Valenwood steak."
Rendorien: "Do not fret, my friend. I liberated some supplies they won't miss."
Mirchanas: "Ha! Ye're an artist my friend, a genuine artist."

During the quest:

"Lovely day, isn't it? Ate a bit too much at dinner, though. Haven't had any of Greenshade's snails in a long, long time.
Go on in! There's probably some left over. We always share what we have."

After speaking to Laniriel:

"Glad you aren't scared off like some other folks. You'd think they'd never seen another Bosmer before."