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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online.
The content described here was planned to be included in the game, but removed before release.

Secure your escape from Coldharbour.
Quest Giver: Inalarr
Location(s): The Wailing Prison
Concurrent Quest: Soul Shriven in Coldharbour
A Khajiit named Inalarr was sent by Lyris to find a way into the Rectory, where a creature called the Eye of Molag Bal resides. It allows the Daedric Prince to watch over this remote part of Coldharbour, and blinding him will aid our escape.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

Molag Bal's Gaze
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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