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Online:Necrotic Bone Flayer

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Necrotic Bone Flayer
Location Bloodrun Cave
Race Skeleton Gender No Gender
Health 29,870
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Undead
Necrotic Bone Flayer

Necrotic Bone Flayers are skeletons that can be found in Bloodrun Cave.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Fire Fling
A basic ranged ability that deals low flame damage.
A series of four quick swipes in a cone in front of the enemy.
Forking Flames
The skeleton unleashes conjures a spell that shoots out a orb moving across the ground, which detonates and splits off into three upon contact with its target, each dealing low flame damage. This can be interrupted to set them off-balance.
Ground Fire
The skeleton conjures a flaming necromantic rune at its target's location, indicated by a red circle, dealing continuous moderate flame damage.