Undead refers to reanimated skeletons, spirits, vampires, mummies, and zombies. Zombies, skeletons and mummies occasionally leave Desecrated Ground behind when they die, an area which deals magic damage over time to those who stand in it and heals undead inside.
For more information refer to the various pages below.
Undead NPCsEdit
Type | Description and Abilities |
Bog Blight |
Bog Blights are undead Argonians whose grave stakes have been removed from the mud, unpinning their corpse from its final resting place and allowing it to walk free. They can be found in Murkmire. |
Draugr |
Draugr are Nordic undead most often found in the ancient tombs of Skyrim. Many Dragon Priests encountered in the game are also Draugr. |
Mummy |
The Silent Sword, a Redguard mummy
Fenlord, an Ayleid mummy
Mummies are an uncommon type of undead, appearing as a person covered in rotting bandages. They also have completely white eyes. They are often resurrected Redguards or Ayleids (although a few mummies of other races exist) and most often are found in the Alik'r Desert or Shadowfen. |
Skeleton |
Skeletons are a common type of undead found in dungeons and crypts throughout Tamriel. |
Spirit |
Spirits are spectral versions of dead NPCs. They can be found throughout Tamriel. In-game, they may be referred to as "ghosts", "spirits", or "souls", but the term is used here to describe NPCs that appear as an apparition and are otherwise dead.
For other types of spectral NPCs, see Spectral NPCs. Not to be confused with the Ghost creature type (see below). |
Vampire |
Vampires are NPCs afflicted with Vampirism. The disease causes them to physically change, giving them pale skin and glowing eyes. One commonly found type of Vampire is Bloodfiends. They are feral vampires, and certain ones can infect the player with Vampirism. |
Zombie |
Edhelruin, a zombie
A Ra-Netu
Zombies are reanimated corpses found throughout Tamriel. There are a few different variations of them, including:
The zombie's combat abilities are:
Other Types |
Anka-Ra were once a warrior band of the Ra Gada, who swore an oath of eternal loyalty to their leader, Emperor Tarish-Zi. When Tarish-Zi was pulled forward in time to aid The Warrior, the Anka-Ra were resurrected to continue fulfilling that oath. Appearance-wise, most Anka-Ra have stone skin, looking almost like moving statues. A few were resurrected as Skeletons and Liches, however. Notably, Emperor Tarish-Zi and Titus Valerius, having been pulled forward through time, are living and not undead. |
Hollow are stone constructs with an Altmer appearance that have been created/resurrected by the Wilderking. They are bound to protect different parts of Valenwood, on orders of the Wilderking. |
Nhalan, a Nedic undead NPC
Nedic undead are undead versions of Nedes. They are identical in appearance to Draugr or Dragon Priests, but as those are Nordic types of undead, that term does not apply. There are only a few of these NPCs in the game, and they can only be found in Craglorn: |
Type | Description and Abilities |
Undead CreaturesEdit
Monster | Description and Abilities |
Bone Colossus |
Bone Colossi are large aggressive undead creatures made from bones. As they are considered elite enemies, Bone Colossi are immune to all forms of crowd control effects.
Draugulf |
Draugulf are wolves that can be found in Icehammer's Vault alongside Draugr. They have presumably been preserved in some fashion.
Ghost |
Ghosts are apparitions of the deceased that are often found haunting tombs and graveyards. Not to be confused with spirits (see above), they assume a simpler, more generic form. They are considered flying creatures, and thus roots and snares will not work on them. Ghosts are weak to fire, and using fire based attacks on them may stun them briefly.
Lich |
Liches are aggressive undead creatures which attack using powerful spells. As they are considered elite enemies, Liches are immune to all forms of crowd control effects.
Mournful Aegis |
Mournful Aegises are suits of armor animated by powerful Yokudan necromancy. They are similar in appearance to Air Atronachs.
Skeletal Bear |
Skeletal Bears are the reanimated remains of deceased bears.
Skeletal Guar |
Skeletal Guar are the reanimated remains of deceased guar.
Skeletal Wolf |
Skeletal Wolves are the reanimated remains of deceased wolves.
Wraith |
Wraiths are ghost-like undead monsters who attack using frost magic.
Monster | Abilities |