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Online:Nendaer the Ironbark

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Nendaer the Ironbark
Location Nendaer's Tomb
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Vinedusk Rangers
Condition Spirit
Nendaer the Ironbark

Nendaer the Ironbark was a Wood Elf and the founder of the Vinedusk Rangers. His spirit is found in his tomb, just in front of his skeletal remains, located near the Vinedusk Village. He cannot be spoken to.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

Inside the burial chamber, you'll overhear the following:

Captain Odreth: "Well met, Founder. I hope the Colovian dogs did not disturb you?"
Nendaer the Ironbark: "Stand up, soldiers. I'm dead, not divine. I'm fine. They were afraid even to look on my old bones."
Sergeant Herdor: "We've cleared the Colovians out, Founder. Even got you a gift!"
Nendaer the Ironbark: "A gift?"
Captain Odreth: "Victory."