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Online:Perenius Caudinus

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Perenius Caudinus
Home City Bruma
Location Manor House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Perenius Caudinus, unhappy at an interruption.

Perenius Caudinus is an Imperial refugee from the Imperial City who fled to Bruma just as the Dremora and Shadowed Path attacks began. He can be found in the Manor House along with the other survivors, trying to indulge in literature despite the turmoil outside.


"Is it too much to ask, that I have a few moments of peace?"
Why aren't you fighting?
"Life can't be all fighting and death and pain. There must be some pleasure, even for a moment, or life isn't worth living. So I sit and read, in the brief leisure allotted to me."
No one else is sitting around reading.
"That's because they're all illiterate peasants in this backwater village. I raised in the Imperial City, where love of the arts throve. Around here, the "arts" consist of scrawling dirty sayings on walls. And misspelling most of the words."
So why are you here?
"With the Empire fallen, the Imperial City is a dread place. Death stalks the streets and no one is safe. I fled with the other refugees. We arrived here just as the attacks began. My companions died and I've been stuck here ever since."