Perfected Defensive Position is an Perfected Asylum Weapons item set which drops in veteran Asylum Sanctorium after defeating Saint Olms the Just. It cannot be crafted. Pieces are Asylum Style. The non-perfected version of this set can be looted on normal difficulty.
2 perfected items: Adds 2-103 Stamina Recovery
2 items: When you reflect or absorb a spell projectile with Defensive Posture, you restore 51-2200 Magicka. If Defensive Posture expires without reflecting or absorbing a spell projectile, you restore 153-6600 Magicka instead.
The set consists of a one handed weapon and shield of all types.
- This set consists of a one-handed weapon and a shield, which must be equipped together. You could in theory equip two one-handed weapons, but you cannot cast Defensive Posture without a shield equipped. However, if you have a one-hand and shield weapon on one slot, and a pair of weapons on the other slot, you can benefit from the set while dual wielding. (This would require receiving this set 3 times in order to have enough weapons.)