Perfected Titanic Cleave is a Perfected Master's Weapons item set found in veteran Dragonstar Arena. It cannot be crafted. The greatsword is in the Redguard Style, the maul is in the Dark Elf Style, and the battleaxe is in the Orc Style, all of which are in the unobtainable tier 5 versions. The non-perfected version of this set can be looted on normal difficulty.
2 perfected items: Adds 27-1190 Offensive Penetration
2 items: Increases the direct damage Cleave deals by 36-1550 for each enemy in its cone.
The set consists of Two Handed melee weapons of all types.
- While the description states that 2 items are required, this is because 2-handed weapons count as 2 items by themselves, so only 1 item is actually needed.