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Ra Adia
Location Ancestral Crypt, The Valley of Blades
Race Skeleton Gender Female
Health 119312 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Eviscerator
Other Information
Faction(s) Sword-singers
Condition Undead
Ra Adia
Statue of Ra Adia on top of her tomb

Ra Adia is a skeleton warrior found in the crypts in the Valley of Blades. When walking by her tomb, Sai will comment "Ansei Kalam, master of polearms, and his daughter Ra Adia. They swept through these mountain passes like a tempest, driving out the bandit tribes that had harrassed [sic] our people for two decades."

She is one of several Yokudan heroes raised from the dead by Mannimarco during the quest Valley of Blades, and Abnur Tharn will yell out "The next time you hide something from the most powerful necromancer in all of Tamriel, you might reconsider hiding it in a bloody tomb!" when she is resurrected.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
A physical attack that snares the target.
Shield Bash
A spinning shield attack that deals damage and stuns. Can be block to negate the effect and set the enemy off-balance.
Dark Talons
The enemy roots all targets within range with claws that deal minor physical damage over time. Roll dodge or break free to get out of it.
Dragonknight Standard
The enemy calls down a fiery banner that plants down into the ground, with a circular AoE and causes persistent flame damage.
Blink Strike
The enemy teleports towards their target and land hard on top of them, causing physical damage. Blink Strike knocks the target down if it lands, but it can be blocked to knock the enemy off-balance. Formerly known as "Focused Charge".