- Tamriel's covens of witches and warlocks spent all year crafting necromantic objects of dark delight for the season of the Witches Festival. The sale of these occult oddities and twisted treats are usually restricted as contraband goods, but in honor of the Witches Festival they may be freely sold or given as gifts. (Please note that the merchants of Tamriel will not accept responsibility for curses bestowed or injuries sustained through the use of these arcane artifacts.)
This Season has a Witches Festival theme. It was available from September 28, 2017 to November 28, 2017. Up to three Reaper's Harvest crates could be earned during the promotional preview event, which were delivered one day before the Season started.
The Radiant Apexes from this Season were not originally available for purchase with Crown Gems and could only be won in crates. This was changed after the crates were brought back for the 2021 Witches Festival. They were also made available for purchase with Seals of Endeavor at this time.
The possible rewards are as follows, grouped by rarity with Apex rewards being the rarest:
Appearances: 5
- September 28, 2017 - November 28, 2017
- October 15, 2018 - October 29, 2018
- October 31, 2019 - November 4, 2019
- October 21, 2021 - November 2, 2021 (now with SealsSeals
and Gem]]Crown Gem
Radiant Apexes)
- October 19, 2023 - November 2, 2023
Radiant Apex RewardsEdit
- 016001,600
/ 012001,200
/ 025002,500
/ 1600016,000 
Apex RewardsEdit
- 00400400
/ 080008,000 
Duplicate Apex rewards grant 00132132
from extraction, *except the Resplendent Sweetroll, which grants 00400400
and cannot be bought in the Gem Store.
Legendary RewardsEdit
- 00200200
/ 036003,600 
- 00100100
/ 036003,600 
Duplicate Legendary rewards grant 0003333
from extraction.
Epic RewardsEdit
- 0004040
/ 020002,000 
Duplicate Epic rewards grant 0001313
from extraction.
Superior RewardsEdit
- 0001616
/ 010001,000 
Duplicate Superior Rewards grant 000055
from extraction.
Fine RewardsEdit
- 000055
/ 00360360 
Unwanted Fine Rewards grant 000011
from extraction.
Common RewardsEdit
- 000033
/ 00360360 
Unwanted Common Rewards grant 000011
from extraction.