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Home City Skingrad
Race Redguard Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Rhadha is a Redguard who can be found with Nuzerai in Skingrad.


Rhadha and Nuzerai will discuss recent happenings in West Weald. Their conversation changes as events progress:

Prior to completing Seeds of Suspicion:

Rhadha: "The new forest worries me. Nothing natural ever grew that quickly!"
Nuzerai: "It's those Wood Elves! Valenwood is trying to annex territory that is rightfully ours!"
Rhadha: "Maybe, but the Wood Elves of Vashabar claim their intentions are peaceful."

Talking to Rhadha:

"A forest springs out of nowhere and covers a third of the Weald and no one does anything? What's the Legion waiting for? An all-out attack on the city?"

After completing Seeds of Suspicion:

Rhadha: "Did you hear? The king of Vashabar, he's the leader of the Recollection!"
Nuzerai: "I knew those Vashabar Wood Elves were to blame for all this!"
Rhadha: "That's not what I heard. There's even a Wood Elf and a legionary working with an adventurer to stop the Recollection."

Talking to Rhadha:

"Have you heard? The Vashabar ruler, King Nantharion, he's the leader of the Recollection!"

After the events of King Nantharion's Gambit the pair will have moved locations to a bench area where Rhadha will regale a silent Nuzerai:

Rhadha: "I just heard the news. King Nantharion was killed, defeated by the Legion's mercenary!"
Rhadha: "And did you hear? The Recollection worships some forgotten Daedric Prince. That's why we're seeing so many Daedra!"

Talking to Rhadha:

"News has begun spreading through the city. That mercenary the Legion hired, the one working with Tribune Alea. I heard he took down that false Wood Elf king, Nantharion.
Even his own people are cheering about his death, or so I've heard."

After completing In Memory Of, Rhadha will be having memory problems:

Rhadha: "Am I forgetting something? It feels like I'm forgetting something."
Nuzerai: "It can't be as important as my news! They threw a celebration for the hero of West Weald!"
Nuzerai: "The Recollection and those rogue Daedra are on the run, thanks to them!"

Speaking with Rhadha:

"What am I forgetting? It's right there, but just out of reach! It's so frustrating!
And I wasn't invited to the celebration! I never get to go to anything interesting."