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Online:Ritual Scroll

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
Book Information
Ritual Scroll
ID 7893
Collection West Weald Writings
Found in the following locations:
Ritual Scroll
A necromantic ritual to wake the dead

Remember, that which you command today will one day be your fate. Do not waken the dead lightly, for you will join their ranks eventually.

The dead are sleeping, do not wake them
The dead are gone, they need no comfort
The dead lie peaceful, they make no war
The dead lie hungry, do not feed them

The dead are thirsty, they want for blood
The dead are restless, they will come
The dead are roving, they will rise
The dead are famished, they will eat

Around the circle, spill the blood
Around the circle, cast the spell
Flesh of the body, bones of the dead
Blood of the heart, awaken the grave

The dead are listening, they will hear
The dead are working, they will serve
The dead are angry, they want to fight
The dead are starving, they want more

The dead are bound, now they work
The dead are yoked, now they toil
The dead are walking, now they trudge
The dead are risen, they hold a grudge