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Online:West Weald Writings

< Elder Scrolls Online: Books-Collections

West Weald Writings is a collection of 125 books found in West Weald that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Generic 434.png
An Abbreviated History of Skingrad
Antonious Civello, University of Gwylim Press A short history of the city of Skingrad
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Alchemist's Report
Alchemist Surius
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
All Bow to Mirrormoor!
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Ambush Orders
ON-icon-book-Generic 322.png
The Awful Truth About the Green Pact
Enzo Morrard A harsh look at the Green Pact and what it means
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Blue Aedral Shipment Details
Ruri Details on the shipment of Blue Aedral through the West Weald
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Bogvir's Letter
Bogvir A letter between two vampires
ON-icon-book-Generic 233.png
The Book of Circles, Fredas Maxims
Frandar Hunding
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Burned Fragment
Marcan Caelum Remnants of a burned note
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Captain Abitius's Orders
Captain Abitius An Imperial Legion captain's orders to light the signal fires
ON-icon-book-Generic 113.png
Constable Ulbren's Notebook
Constable Ulbren Notes of a case Constable Ulbren was working on
  • Second floor of Constable's office, Ontus (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 321.png
Cavot Agnan's Breakthrough
Cavot Agnan
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
The Count's Boar Hunt
Albanus Caudex An unsent letter about a close call during a boar hunt
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Dabienne's Note
Dabienne Geontene A Breton alchemist's note to others about her hair dye
ON-icon-furnishing-Gravestone, Clover Engraving.png
Dalenn Forster
Tombstone for a Ranch Hand
  • Headstone in Ontus Graveyard (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 455.png
Dark Company: Deserters or Mercenaries?
Legionary Caepio A report about a mercenary company recently seen in West Weald
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Dawnwood Note
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
The Day of Remembering
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png
Dealing with the Recollection
Narsis Dren A researcher's thoughts on his recent partnership with the Recollection
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Delivery Confirmation
  • On table, second floor of Carvain Manor (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Edric's Confession
Edric A confession to a crime
ON-icon-book-Generic 353.png
The Emperor of the Villa
Valenca Arvina, Historian-in-Residence at Gwylim University A biography of Emperor Brazollus Dor
  • Behind the wagon by the grate, south of the entrance stairway in Silorn
  • Various Bookshelves in West Weald
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Endemir's Journal Entry
Endemir A late Wood Elf's account of his encounter with strange Daedra
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png
Epitaph for the Five Loyal Retainers
  • On pedestal in large northern chamber of Wendir (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-furnishing-Death Marker.png
Evanoa Harklin
Tombstone for a Quarrier
  • Headstone in Ontus Graveyard (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 225.png
The Footsteps of Shezarr
Sister Priscia Stolvo A look at mentions of Shezarr in Nedic oral traditions
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Gaea's Letter
Gaea Lauzzon A warning and vague threat
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Gala Invitation
A misworded Gala invitation
ON-icon-furnishing-Gravestone, Clover Engraving.png
Gelw Vashreef
Tombstone for a Ranch Hand
  • Headstone in Ontus Graveyard (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Gilraedal's Book of Obscure and Ancient Spirits
Gilraedal A list of some unique alcoholic beverages and their recipes
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Gleaner's Claim
Dendris Demmevani
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png
The Gold Road: A Merchant's Journey
Tacitan Vano An account of guarding a caravan from the Imperial City to Anvil
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Good Luck on the Gold Road
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
The Green Lady's Primer for Children
The Green Lady A children's guide to the Green Pact
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
Green Pact Song
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png
Haldain's Journal
Haldain A journal containing a final request from its author
ON-icon-book-Generic 212.png
House Rayn of Silvenar
Beragon of Valenwood, Imperial Scribe An overview of an old Bosmer noble family
  • On table outside Beragon's Townhouse (map)
  • Various Bookshelves around West Weald
ON-icon-book-Generic 542.png
A Hunter's Journey II: The Imperial Reserve
Viola Fulcinius, Professional Hunter A hunter's recollections of the Imperial Reserve
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
An Increasing Problem
Baron C
ON-icon-book-Generic 335.png
Jagga Drinking Song
A Bosmer song about how great Jagga is
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Journal of Legionary Jucanis
Legionary Jucanis A journal of a fresh recruit at Varen's Watch
ON-icon-book-Generic 124.png
Journal of Melus Marsicus
Melus Marsicus
ON-icon-book-Daedric Princes Lore 09.png
Journal of Shardmarshal Vargas
Shardmarshal Vargas
  • On table, second floor Beragon's Townhouse (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
King Nantharion's Orders
King Nantharion
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png
Lady Weatherleah's Journal
Lady Weatherleah
ON-icon-book-Generic 313.png
Last of the Ayleid Kings
Sonolia Vatia, scribe to the court of Emperor Brazollus Dor A recount of the fate of Nenalata's last king
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
Legionary Jadreitha's Journal Entry
Legionary Jadreitha
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Legionary Ulrath's Report
Legionary Ulrath A legionary's explanation of his recent actions
ON-icon-book-Generic 212.png
Leonaud Niscel's Journal
Leonaud Niscel An explorer's entries about Elenglynn
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Letter from Aradros
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter from Nothelas
Nothelas A letter detailing an apprentice's success at hearing the Green
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter of Warning
A letter warning Lady Weatherleah of a conspiracy
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Letter to Captain Leronus
Groundskeeper Gaius
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter to Lady Weatherleah
Pelena Weatherleah
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Letter to Pelena
Theophan Pictor Blackmail and an offer
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter to Valenia
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Letter to Vashabar
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
Lord Gallio Valente's Journal
Lord Gallio Valente A noble's journal describing his creation of a unique vintage
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Lumber Camp Journal 1
Haldain Russus
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Lumber Camp Journal 2
Haldain Russus
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Lumber Camp Journal 3
Haldain Russus
Marcien's Message
Trapper Marcien An offer from a trapper to convince someone to return a beloved pet
ON-icon-book-Generic 215.png
Mastery of Compassion
Frandar Hunding
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png
Memorial to Uriel Weatherleah
A memorial to a son lost in Cyrodiil
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Mercenaries Required
Request for aid at the Rustwall Estate
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Meridia's Radiance
Poem exalting Meridia
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Milvia Terthil's Note
Milvia Terthil
ON-icon-book-Generic 344.png
The Mirror Portal: A Gleaner Legend
Treads-the-Stars A Gleaner's tale of the discovery of a mysterious lost realm
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Mystic Tarim's Notes
Mystic Tarim
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png
Necromancer Anniar's Journal
Necromancer Anniar A necromancer's journal of their work in Nonungalo
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Neletai's Notes
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Note from Lady Weatherleah
Lady Lucilla Weatherleah The final will of Lady Weatherleah
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Note to a Scarlet
A letter addressed to Naku
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
Notes on the Five Loyal Retainers
Narsis Dren A description of the five loyal retainers of King Dynar
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Old Monk's Diary
  • On a table in the Outcast Inn Courtyard (Quest Related) (map)
On Behalf of the Mages Guild of all Tamriel
A call for an esteemed adept of the Mages Guild to assist the Order of the Lamp
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
On Rotmeth
Orius Hertano An Imperial's description of the creation and taste of Rotmeth
ON-icon-book-Generic 243.png
On the War of Righteousness
Valenca Arvina, Historian-in-Residence at Gwylim University
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Open Tabs: 2E 579
An old list of bar tabs
  • On a table within the Outcast Inn courtyard (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Orders for Immediate Retrieval
Keeper Virgoth
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png
Proclamation of Neutrality
Count Calantius of Skingrad Skingrad's official proclamation of neutrality against the three alliances
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
A Profitable Discovery
Lady R
  • On desk inside Carvain Manor (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-furnishing-Letter From Sharp.png
Report From the Wendir Dig
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Report on Feldagard Keep
ON-icon-book-Generic 124.png
Research of Salora Adlaron
Salora Adlaron A member of the Saraathu Tong's research into the origin of lucent crystals
ON-icon-book-Scroll 05.png
Rite of Propagation
A describe of an ancient Bosmer rite
ON-icon-book-Generic 133.png
Rite of Theft Song
Lyrics about the Rite of Theft
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Saga of Varen's Rebellion, Part 1
Capiton Casca, Poet to Regent Clivia Tharn A poem portraying the start of Varen Aquilarios' rebellion
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Saga of Varen's Rebellion, Part 2
Capiton Casca, Poet to Regent Clivia Tharn A poem portraying the start of Varen Aquilarios' rebellion
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Saga of Varen's Rebellion, Part 3
Capiton Casca, Poet to Regent Clivia Tharn A poem portraying the start of Varen Aquilarios' rebellion
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png
Sales Pitch for the Null Arca
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Save Skingrad!
Lepida Russus A flier about the threat of Dawnwood
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Scarlets List
  • In the Caelum manor cellars (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Seeker Manadra's Expedition
Mercator Ambustus Notes about an ill-fated expedition in the Lucent Citadel
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png
The Shield of Julianos
Father Haderus Donton How the Great Chapel became a center of Julianos worship
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Skingrad Seeks Adventurers!
The West Weald Legion's call for assistance
ON-icon-book-Generic 141.png
Skingrad Widow's Lament
A poem about a dead love
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Sopping Wet Note
Faven llerayn A Spellwright's account of their abduction by Hadolids
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Torn Note
Faven llerayn A Spellwright's account of their abduction by Hadolids
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Barnacle Encrusted Book
Faven llerayn A Spellwright's account of their abduction by Hadolids
  • In a cave northeast of Fall's Path Wayshrine (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 433.png
Taking Care of Your Bear
Pantea Maria, Imperial Animal Trainer A guide to caring for Bear pets and mounts
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
The Terror's Orders
Balandrus, Terror of the Weald
  • Next to broken cart southwest of Sutch (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Tham's Note
ON-icon-book-Generic 125.png
Things Lost, Things Forgotten
A song about forgotten memories
ON-icon-book-Generic 541.png
The Thirsty Dead
Necromancer Marilia Relarys A necromancer's warnings about the inherent risks of raising the dead
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
To Investigator Mizzik
Edric A letter to a private investigator
ON-icon-quest-Paper Stack.png
To Tribune Alea Idolus
An unfinished letter about a problem at Rustwall Estate
Trapper's Note
Trapper Marcien An offer from a trapper to convince someone to deliver an animal
Trapper's Offer
Trapper Marcien An offer from a trapper to convince someone to deliver an animal
ON-icon-book-Generic 555.png
Traveler's Guide to West Weald
Beragon, Imperial Scribe A local's travel guide to the West Weald
ON-icon-book-Generic 252.png
The Truth About the Green Pact
Scholar Sloozgub of Skingrad
Ulbren af-Ander
Tombstone of a Constable
ON-icon-book-Generic 132.png
Until We Wander Home Again
Lyrics of a traditional Wood Elf folksong
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Varen's Call to Arms
A call to join Varen Aquilarios in rebellion
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
Vashabar In Valenwood and Beyond
Melbora, Wilderhall Scholar A look at the ancestry of the families that inhabit Vashabar
ON-icon-book-Generic 132.png
The Vashabar Threat
Scout Brittia Conconius to the Honorable Tribune Alea A scout's concerns about the wood elves of a newly created settlement
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Voices on the Wind
Some notes on strange voices heard near the Mirrormoor Mosaics
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Warning Bulletin!
A warning about dangerous creatures sighted at Lake Olo
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Warning to the Weald
The Recollection An Ultimatum from the Recollection
ON-icon-book-Generic 321.png
Weathered Journal
Marcan Caelum A man's thoughts after the death of his family
  • In the Caelum manor cellars (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png
Will and Testament of Lady Weatherleah
Lady Lucilla Weatherleah Lady Weatherleah's will
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Wines of West Weald
Orius Hertano An overview of wine varieties found around the Colovian Highlands and West Weald
ON-icon-book-Generic 451.png
Wood Elf Nicknames and Bynames
Telenger the Artificer An overview of Bosmer nicknames and bynames
ON-icon-book-Generic 411.png
Y'ffre's Hymn
A hymn dedicated to Y'ffre
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Your Services Are Required
Baron C and Lady R