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Fort Colovia
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Discoverable Yes
Completion Explore and Clear
Dungeon Yes
# of Zones 1
Skyshards 1
Dark Company Archers, Dark Company Battlemages, Dark Company Enforcers, Dark Company Nightblades, Dark Company Soldiers, Dark Company Stalkers, Hoarvors, Mudcrabs, Skeevers, Welwas, West Weald Bears
West Weald
Southeast of Valente Vineyards Wayshrine in West Weald
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Fort Colovia has defended the northern reaches of West Weald since before the rise of the Longhouse Emperors. However, due to recent shortfalls in the Imperial Legion, it currently serves as a training ground for legionary recruits.
Fort Colovia

Fort Colovia is a fort located southeast of Valente Vineyards Wayshrine, in northern West Weald.

It is a training post for Legion recruits, but was recently overrun by Dark Company deserters led by Marius Gallo. He can be found in the southwest. The remaining Legionnaires are gathered outside by the river, near a not-so-secret entrance. They need help getting back inside to ring the distress bell, which they hope will summon help to retake the fort from the Dark Company. Butterflies, Centipedes, Rabbits, Rats, Squirrels, Torchbugs are found in numbers within. Hazards include: Bear Traps

The fort has also had the misfortune of holding dozens of misprinted gala invitations deriding Count Calantius, which could cause an uproar if they are not destroyed.

Related QuestsEdit

Clearing the DungeonEdit

Explore and clear Fort Colovia.

To clear this dungeon and mark it as complete, you need to kill the following bosses:

  Deserter Marius Gallo




There is one achievement associated with this location:

Achievement Points Description
   Fort Colovia Explorer 5 Explore and clear Fort Colovia.

