Roguzog | |||
Home City | Alinor | ||
Location | Northwest gate | ||
Race | Orc | Gender | Male |
Health | 15,000 39,959 (Returning with the dueling book) |
Reaction | Friendly |
Roguzog is an Orc visitor to Summerset Isle who can be found near the northwest gate into Alinor, just south of the entrance to the Alinor Outlaws Refuge.
He has embroiled himself in an altercation with the High Elf noble Lirendel who, after insulting Roguzog, refuses to duel on the basis he doesn't know the dueling customs of the Altmer. Roguzog asks for your help in resolving the situation.
Related QuestsEdit
- A Duelist's Dilemma: Help an Orc prepare for a duel according to High Elf customs.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
If you have ever done a quest for Skordo the Knife, Roguzog will act as if he knows you, even if you've never met him. This is likely an oversight.
- If you're that angry why did you let him walk away?
- "Because I'm not an idiot. Guards see an Orc thumping the ears off an Elf in the middle of the street? You know how that turns out.
Thought if I challenged him to a duel we could make it legal, but he won't fight unless I challenge him properly." - And how do you challenge him properly?
- "How in Oblivion would I know? These Elves have rules for everything—how to eat, how to sleep …. Of course they've got rules about how to beat each other up.
Say, you wouldn't be interested in helping me figure this out would you?" - Sure, I'll help you sort this out.
You can ask him a few questions before you start your search.
- "First things first—you'll need to track Lirendel down and find out how to get this nonsense started. I'd ask him myself, but the urge to punch him might be too much for me."
- What happened exactly?
- "Bah. You know how it is. Orc in a town full of stuck-up Altmer. Same old story.
I was in the tavern, washing down a lamb shank with a bottle of wine—minding my own business. Then along comes this beanpole, telling me I've got to leave." - Why did he want you to leave?
- "Bah. You know how it is. Orc in a town full of stuck-up Altmer. Same old story.
- "He laid into me with everything he had. Tongue-lashing me about my tusks, my clothes, my beard …. And that's the one that really got my dander up. I put a lot of work into this beard!
He ended the whole thing with pig-face. Pig-face!" - And that was the last straw.
- "Damn right. I've been on the receiving end of that one too many times. So now he's going to learn a lesson."
- "He laid into me with everything he had. Tongue-lashing me about my tusks, my clothes, my beard …. And that's the one that really got my dander up. I put a lot of work into this beard!
- Are you sure you can win this duel?
- "Pff! Are you kidding me? I could clobber that arse-face blindfolded!
I'm not one for boasts, but since you asked—I'm a five-time blood-brawling champion. In the Wrothgar league, mind you. Used to call me Roguzog the Face-Demolisher."
- "Pff! Are you kidding me? I could clobber that arse-face blindfolded!
- The Face-Demolisher?
- "Yeah. Because I … y'know, demolished faces. Doesn't really roll off the tongue does it? I always wanted a really sharp moniker like The Hatchet, or Fist of Malacath, or something like that. Ah well.
Anyway, yeah. That Elf's in big trouble."
- "Yeah. Because I … y'know, demolished faces. Doesn't really roll off the tongue does it? I always wanted a really sharp moniker like The Hatchet, or Fist of Malacath, or something like that. Ah well.
- What brings you to Summerset?
- "Been asking myself the same thing ever since I stepped off the boat. Thought maybe I'd have a look around, take in the sights. My Aunt Lazbesh used to tell me stories about this place, see? Tales about glass trees, and crystal towers, and magic ale."
- Magic ale?
- "Yeah. It's supposed to put you arse-over-flagon with a single sip. No self-respecting Orc would pass up a challenge like that.
Unfortunately, I haven't found any magic drinks. Just fancy wine and prissy Elves. I don't know why I listen to my Aunt." - You think she was making it up?
- "When I was a pup, she got her head stuck in a bucket. Couldn't get it off for a night and a day. So, yeah. Smart gold says she was making it up.
Then again, I'm here on her advice. So, who's the real idiot?"
After meeting with Lirendel, he'll tell you:
- "Back so soon? He blew you off, didn't he? What I wouldn't give to knock that smug grin off his face …."
- He actually gave me this book. It has a chapter on dueling customs.
- "Let me see. Hrm. Looks like I need a second, an Altmer dueling foil, and Lirendel's full name to recite before the duel.
Want to be my second? It'll be worth your time, trust me. I'm going to lay that Elf out like a cheap rug. What do you say?" - Sure, I'll be your second. What do you need me to do?
- "You can pick up an Elven dueling foil in town. As for Lirendel's name, he wouldn't shut up about it. Started with Rumilon, I think? It should be chiseled somewhere in the ruins of Tor-Hame-Khard.
Arrange the duel with Fandilol and we'll be all set." - What will you do in the meantime?
- "I'm going to find a good spot near the ruins just west of here for our duel.
It's the guards, see? Duels are acceptable between High Elves, but when an Orc's involved? Might make them grumpy enough to step-in and stop it. We can't let that happen."
If you speak to him again, he'll say:
- "I'd start with this Altmer dueling foil. Probably some flimsy toothpick of a blade. Typical.
Check around town. I'm sure you can find someone willing to part with theirs."
After gathering the items for the duel, you'll meet Roguzog at the ruins west of the city, where he'll tell you:
- "There's my favorite second. Feels like I've been warming these knuckles up for hours!
So, what's the story? That scrawny prig accept my challenge?" - Yes. Here's your dueling foil. I've got a copy of his name as well.
- "Just look at this sword. I couldn't kill a squirrel with this thing! And this is a name? Looks like somebody's grocery list! Bah—doesn't matter. I'll improvise."
- You can do it.
Once the duel begins, you'll hear:
- Lirendel: "Let's get this over with, shall we?"
- Roguzog: "Yeah, let's do that. C'mere fancy pants."
Roguzog hauls up and punches Lirendel, who goes down in a single swing. Speak to him after the duel to receive your reward for the quest.
- "Ha! By Malacath, that felt good!
You know, I've never punched a High Elf before. Felt like punching a pillowcase full of pudding. Almost feel bad for the little runt. Almost. Heh!" - That went pretty quick.
- "Yeah. Normally I'd put on a show, but this was personal. Honestly, I took it easy on him. If I'd really poured it on, he'd be breathing through his ear hole.
Anyway, thanks for all the help. You ever need somebody knocked out, you let me know, eh?"
If you talk to him after the quest, you'll find he's in a cheerful mood.
- "Think I'll stick around a while. Great view, eh?
Sore knuckles, a stiff salt breeze …. Huh. You know what? I take it all back. Summerset's not so bad after all!"